Author Topic: Chrono Chastity  (Read 7286 times)


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Chrono Chastity
« on: March 18, 2009, 07:27:53 pm »
Figured this would be the best place for such a topic. I've seen it come up as plot points in many a fanfic (even the clean ones!), so it's got me curious. Of the Chrono characters, Trigger especially, which ones do you believe to be virgins... or otherwise?


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Re: Chrono Chastity
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2009, 07:32:43 pm »
Frog, of course, Magus, unless he's into mystics, and finally, ROBO, which need not be explained.

I don't know, Lucca doesn't seem like she's out and about. Maybe Lucca.


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Re: Chrono Chastity
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2009, 08:46:57 pm »
I was gonna say Marle and Schala are virgins, but then I remembered that it's Japan. Aren't princesses the first ones do be de-flowered in anime, or am I just making a gross generalization? :oops:

In all seriousness, Marle and Schala (although iffy) could have had consorts. The eras are psuedo-olden times/antiquity, and life expectancy in those times may have been rather low.

Personally though, I think they're both virgins. Marle may be innocently flirty at best, but Schala seems like the type that would find somebody to love first before getting her jollies.

(Especially Schala. It would make a few scenes in my fic have much more meaning, that's for sure. Reminds me, I need to continue that...)

Kid, on the other hand...



Yeah. I don't think I'm gonna go there. *cough* :P

(BTW maggiekarp, which mangas are some of those Magus/Marle scans in your display from?)


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Re: Chrono Chastity
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2009, 10:17:18 pm »
They aren't from manga that I know of, just Japanese fanart sites. PM me if you have any specific "what's the source on this" questions after looking through them, if you want.

Ayla seems the least likely to be a virgin. Magus is difficult to say for certain, but I'm thinking at least by the time of either of the sequels he may have got some. Same goes for Glenn. Marle's probably a virgin until the end of the game too, but not for lack of desire- I think even she'd realize what would happen to a dude that got with her before marriage. Depending on how old you think Lucca is, she could go either way too, but I'm leaning virgin on her. Crono and Robo have also never known the touch of a lover.

Radical Dreamers Kid is most likely a virgin, but whenever I think of her Cross persona and the sort of life she had... it gets murky. Serge on the other hand I can see being a complete virgin in Cross but with a few ex-girlfriends in RD, spoony bard that he is.

...Even though she's a sweet and somewhat outgoing girl in the game, every time I imagine Schala in a sexual sense, she's usually a victim. That's what creeps me out about Magus/Schala fiction, it's not that they're related so much as it's almost always portrayed as a creepy old predator obsessing and going after a helpless rape-magnet. Noooo thanks. I hope she's a virgin.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 10:28:39 pm by maggiekarp »

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Re: Chrono Chastity
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2009, 11:41:26 pm »

'Splains a lot.

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Re: Chrono Chastity
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2009, 12:03:02 am »
Actually, it's an interesting question. Dalton, probably not so much a virgin. I would imagine that the Kingdom of Zeal is a sexually liberalized place that doesn't get caught up on that kind of thing. Schala, for her part, definitely seems like the type who would not rush into a sexual relationship, so I'd guess that she's waiting for the right guy or gal. Janus is too young. Alfador is very discrete, so we have no idea.

Of Crono & Co.: Robo and Frog are question marks because of their personal circumstances, although I would bet that both are sexually experienced (whatever that might mean in Robo's case). Ayla and Magus are definitely not virgins. Lucca and Crono probably are not. Marle very likely is.

In Radical Dreamers, Serge and in some scenarios Riddel are probably the only virgins in the entire cast.

Chrono Cross has way too many characters for me to bother. Serge once again seems like a virgin, as does Lena. Karsh might be. Harle definitely isn't; in fact I think there is a very strong undertone that Lynx uses her sexually. ZOAH strikes me as a strong virginal possibility, but that's more of a guess than any of the above. Draggy is obviously too young. (Whatever do you suppose happens to Draggy, after the game?)

I base these judgments off of my own reading of their personalities, so of course I could be wrong, wrong, wrong.

Generally speaking: Virginity is one of those archaic patriarchal concepts by which males consolidated their control over female behavior, depriving females of their right to exercise their sexuality independently, boosting male status and power by laying sexual claims, and ensuring (or attempting to ensure) that their children were actually their own. The fact that virginity is much more commonly and emphatically applied to females than males is the telltale sign by which you can recognize that virginity is just another sexist institution waiting to be kicked into the dustbin of history by a modern, enlightened society. A much more relevant measure of sexuality is not whether a person has sexual experience, but whether they have good sexual judgment.


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Re: Chrono Chastity
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2009, 01:01:57 am »
I'd have to say Lucca and Marle are virgins. Crono, maybe not. He doesn't have enough story or personality to make a good guess. Though I'm thinking he and Marle most likely lost it as soon as the game ended.

Ayla, definitely not. It's possible that Frog isn't, depending on how old he was before he was cursed.

Magus could go either way. My opinion is virign, seeing as how he was raised by monsters. However, there are three really popular themes floating around where he isn't a virgin. First, he could have been 'abused' by the Mystics before he became Fiendlord. Second, he's the Fiendlord. He could have kidnapped women or even traveled into towns in disguise when he hit puberty. And third, Flea. Don't think that one needs any explanation.

The Serge in RD seems like a flirt to me. I think he's been around the block a few times. The RD Kid is too focused on her mission against Lynx, so she probably hasn't had any romantic flings. Magil is in his thirties in RD, so I'm hoping he's not a virgin. Sucks for him if he is.
CC Serge already has a girlfriend. I don't remember just how close the game said they were, but it's possible that he's no longer virgin. I'd have to agree with Skylark on CC Kid.
Guile is pretty hard to tell. He acts like a real gentleman and the Fortune Teller gets real excited when he takes his mask off. He doesn't seem like the person to womanize, but he probably has a hard time keeping women away. And you find him in a bar. Drunken charming magician, not a virgin.


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Re: Chrono Chastity
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2009, 01:25:03 am »
Agreed with Guile. But what about Pierre? :shock:

I imagine he'd have sought something out just to satisfy his ego pre-CC.

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Re: Chrono Chastity
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2009, 01:28:48 am »
Alfador is very discrete, so we have no idea.

At the risk of being prejudiced to felines, I would say probably not. Indeed, his name itself might point to his rather... prolific nature.

Just to add about the virginity thing... as you say, in regards to patriarchy, if you go back to, say, antiquity, the chief cause for this was, of course, the desire to safeguard one's possessions and property. That is, if a patriarch was uncertain about the sexual liasons of his wife, the paternity of his children might be in doubt, and as such the passing on of one's possessions/property to an heir of his blood. In contrast, if a man had multiple relations, there would be no such doubt. As you say, it was an element of the patriarchal society of the old world.

All the same, there are other reasons for it, at least when applied on a personal basis. For example, it can be exemplary of self control (of course, I do understand that there are those that do not favour self control so much as acting in accord with instinct. All the same, it can be a viable stance to hold on a personal basis.) Also, it also can be a desire to keep oneself reserved until a serious and mature emotional bond is formed with someone (after all, sex and love are two seperate things, but each might be said to be better in accord with the other.) That would be my personal stance on that matter.

As for the Crono characters... they're young. It's really difficult to say. Magus, almost certainly, by nature of his character is. He's very tense and self-controlled, and would likely not express himself in that manner. Schala, I think so. Marle, almost certainly, but it's possible she's not - her character is very outgoing and gregarious, after all. Crono is impossible to tell. Frog, by the nature of his character of a knight errant would probably be one. Robo... considering that he has to be taught even such a rudimentary personal thing such as a name, it's very likely, but considering Atropos, it's uncertain. Ayla certainly, most certainly, is not. Lucca... difficult to say. Serge, certainly. Considering how he talks to Leena, I would wager they both are. Kid... I wouldn't think so. Glenn... he is. And so on.

Pierre... he is. He's probably had lots of attempts, and lots of failures. I think a lack of real confidence would hold him back.


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Re: Chrono Chastity
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2009, 01:49:27 am »
Radius? :shock:


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Re: Chrono Chastity
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2009, 01:51:41 am »
Hasn't Radius ever been married? He seems a bit too old to be a virgin.

What about Razzly?


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Re: Chrono Chastity
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2009, 01:53:46 am »
I've no idea, he never metioned his families.
However, he looks like a monk, sort of. :lol:

What about Razzly?
Then we need to know the nature of fairies.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2009, 02:00:00 am by utunnels »

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Re: Chrono Chastity
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2009, 02:05:17 am »
What about Razzly?
Then we need to know the nature of fairies.

Does this helps?

Quote from: Fairy
We fairies are born from the morning
   dewdrops of an aged tree.


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Re: Chrono Chastity
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2009, 02:08:57 am »
So perhaps they are asexual.


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Re: Chrono Chastity
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2009, 02:13:30 am »
Razzly is considering the majority, if not all, of the fairies are female.

Robo and Atropos.... insert your external piece into the opening located in the lower portion of my build. Let our circuits become one. Together we'll blissfully malfunction.