sorry for the double post, but i just noticed your avatars, maggiekarp. picture of magus/magil and "RAPIST" in bold letters.
I see what you are saying, addiesin, but I don't know that he really fits the serial killer profile. To me he fits more of the profile of a person capable of acting out violently as a very emotionally frustrated individual. I don't know that his upbringing actually warped him to the point where taking up acts of violence and sexual violence as a past time would be of any cathartic value.
And I don't think that stockholm syndrome is really what is at play here with regards to him and Ozzie. I'm sure he felt like a captive growing up in Zeal around his crazy mother, and I think his ability to deal with that role carried over when he got picked up by Ozzie & Co. From there it's easy to see how he could have accepted that killing/maiming/torturing and perhaps raping humans (I guess I really never considered this aspect of mystic/human interaction so it's a harder sell for me) was the norm, and the incidencies at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib are, unfortunately, a fitting model for such learned behavior. So, I guess what this whole rapist/non-rapist thing hinges on for me is the question of how far Ozzie & co pushed him, and how quickly. Were they really that f-ed up?
I think at some point he woke up and realized that this was not what he really wanted, because he did at least have a good role model in Schala as a young lad. At that point I'm thinking he formulated his own goals which culminated in his attempt at summoning Lavos. Hopefully this did occur before he really had it in him to actually rape anyone.
The vampire imagery surrounding Magus is a little confusing, because it seems like an attempt to make him into something just that much more monstrous more than anything. I definitely don't get many "Anne Rice"-type vibes from him with regards to seductive ability, considering the kinds of emotional impairments he must have. He's mysterious and dark, granted, but something tells me that his earliest relationships, whatever they were, must have been awkward as hell for him just as they are for most people, if not more so. He was probably very pushy and demanding, and coupled with his monstrous nature and power I could see him being overbearing and possibly violent with an early lover, and in this light being capable of committing something close to rape. But, I'd imagine it would probably be out of confusion more than anything.