Right, right. Now, I don't mean for this topic to become an expose on the motivations and life of Magus, but I do think we should go ahead an examine Magus as a character.
I believe that there was some growth and torment within Magus and Ozzie's relationship: obviously when Magus was a little kid, Ozzie may not have respected him or hold to such high esteem, but in time the two probably became "equals" and had mutual respect for one another. Eventually Magus came to surpass Ozzie in many ways and Cyrus's death probably sealed the deal: Ozzie couldn't or wouldn't kill the man, but Magus did. And that is what made Magus the sort of spiritual leader of the Mystics, while Ozzie took on the rank of a military leader.
Now, what was the castle like? I have no idea. I too can see Ozzie reflecting Jabba, but I have no idea how Magus would hold his castle. I suppose it'd be a derelict shrine of sorts...
And as far as Porre is concerned, I don't know what to think. I guess we would need to examine the manner in which they overtook Guardia--whether it was a Viking-like ransacking, or if it was more of a war tied in with other militaristic, political, and social upheavals--and knowing the manner of their overtaking could then be paralleled to how sex and rape played a part in real-world wars.