Since in every previous poll, the winner had a majority, we'll just be using those for the finals. (If the winner here doesn't have a majority, we may do a run-off round, just so there's no doubt.)
My thoughts on this one:
Serge is out, as I really hate silent protagonists.
Fargo's out, as his stealing ability is all he had going for him, and Kid can steal as well, beating him out.
Kid also beats out Harle in the end, based on storyline considerations. They both had decent stories, but Kid's is more extensive.
Norris, while still good, just isn't all that outstanding in the end.
Which leaves Kid vs. Glenn.
In storyline terms:
While Glenn has more backstory than most characters, it just doesn't compare to Kid. Kid wins here.
In battle terms:
Kid's only saving grace is her ability to steal. Glenn, on the other hand, is one of the two most powerful characters in the game (along with Serge; it's hard to say which is better). His Green-innate also allows him to use healing elements well. Glenn wins here.
Kid looks like a british harlot. Glenn is a noble knight who wields two legendary swords. Glenn by a long-shot.
In the end, my vote goes to Glenn.