
What is the worst sequel idea for the Chrono series possible?

1: Crono returns to save the Earth from an alien invasion!  New weapons, new vehicles, and intense multiplayer deathmatch modes in an all out shoot 'em up bloodbath!
6 (14.6%)
2: Lavos returns yet again, taking over the world and reviving all of Crono and Serge's past enemies!
4 (9.8%)
3: Marle, Kid and Lucca exploring the world while treasure hunting and fighting an evil syndicate of rival treasure hunters!  (Complete with mandatory fanservice costume changes)
3 (7.3%)
4: Chrono Trigger 3:  Dalton's Revenge!  An free roaming action-adventure game where you play the villain, destroying all of civilization in search of hair care products!  Over 100 different endings and dozens of bonus characters to choose from!
4 (9.8%)
5: Chrono Monsters Green and Plaid.  Crono's son Dash travels the world trying to collect all 9,863 Chronomon and take on the Elite 6 in the End of Time tournament!  Become master of all Chronomon!
10 (24.4%)
6: Chrono Trigger DS Turbo!  New hidden characters, slightly enhanced graphics, new half assed bonus dungeons, and half a new ending!  Own the penultimate edition of Chrono Trigger on your DS (again) today!  $49.99 + tax, PAL release to be announced...
7 (17.1%)
7: Other (Please specify)
7 (17.1%)

Total Members Voted: 41

Author Topic: Worst Sequel Ever!  (Read 6003 times)

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Worst Sequel Ever!
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2009, 02:17:51 pm »

Coming soon...
Chrono Cuddly! Play through an all new adventure of Chrono with a brand new plot, the same cast as the original game, but now an evil being has changed them all... INTO PANDAS! Cute, fuzzy wuzzy pandas! Crono and his katana claws! Frog with the Masabamboo! Ayla with a body slam! Marle with the Crossboo! Lucca is still smart and is a koala instead! Robo has fake paws that are actually laser beams! And Magus is Black Bear but still has his awesome long flowing bluish hair! Coming out for the Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360, and the Playstation 3 September 18 2010. Hits Europe two weeks later and US shores recieve this a month later than the Japanese release date.
Now I'm determined to make art of this.


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Re: Worst Sequel Ever!
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2009, 02:54:55 pm »
And now that art is up and now I think the idea would be awesome.


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Re: Worst Sequel Ever!
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2009, 11:38:45 am »
I'd play a FPS Chrono game. I'd totally headshot everyone with lightning.


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Re: Worst Sequel Ever!
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2009, 12:27:53 pm »
Hey, In the new Port, Half an Ending?
2 halves make a Full ending!


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Re: Worst Sequel Ever!
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2009, 12:44:23 pm »
I'd play a FPS Chrono game. I'd totally headshot everyone with lightning.

Goddammit... I now have that idea stuck in my head... >_<

- In Guardia -

Game Voice: Headshot. Gained the lead.

Chrono: Woo! Suck it!

Marle: Chrono, you've been up for three days straight. Turn the damn thing off once in a while.

Lucca: Can't talk. Playing.

Marle: I give up...

- In Viper Manor -

Dario: You are not soldiers. You are not soldiers!

GV: Lost the lead.

Karshe: Dammit! Glenn, what did you do?!

Glenn: I didn't do crap!

Kid: Probably too busy staring at Riddel. *snicker*

Riddel: Hey, leave me out of this!

GV: The Porre Army has logged in.

Glenn: Hey, why did all these grunts get better?

Serge: That cheating bastard. Give him what for!

Viper: ...where did I go wrong...?

- In Porre -

Dalton: Hahahahahaha!! Die!

Norris: Sir, I think you're enjoying this a little too much. Not to mention you convinced all of our soldiers to log in. Isn't that cheating?

Dalton: What was that, soldier? >_>

Norris: Nothing, sir...

GV: TD has logged in.

Dalton: Hmph, that doesn't seem so-

GV: PurplePrincess has logged in.

Dalton: Oh shit! :shock:

- In Time's Eclipse -

Schala: :3


Schala: I'm sorry, were you talking? >_>


Schala: Good boy. :P



Lamest. Reply. Ever.


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Re: Worst Sequel Ever!
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2009, 02:35:34 pm »

I would SOOO play a halo-chrono rip off game =D

or for that matter, I would so play a Halo game with everyone Rping as Chrono chars atleast!


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Re: Worst Sequel Ever!
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2009, 10:22:46 am »
1: Crono returns to save the Earth from an alien invasion!  New weapons, new vehicles, and intense multiplayer deathmatch modes in an all out shoot 'em up bloodbath!     

2: Lavos returns yet again, taking over the world and reviving all of Crono and Serge's past enemies!    

3: Marle, Kid and Lucca exploring the world while treasure hunting and fighting an evil syndicate of rival treasure hunters!  (Complete with mandatory fanservice costume changes)    

4: Chrono Trigger 3:  Dalton's Revenge!  An free roaming action-adventure game where you play the villain, destroying all of civilization in search of hair care products!  Over 100 different endings and dozens of bonus characters to choose from!    

5: Chrono Monsters Green and Plaid.  Crono's son Dash travels the world trying to collect all 9,863 Chronomon and take on the Elite 6 in the End of Time tournament!  Become master of all Chronomon!    

6: Chrono Trigger DS Turbo!  New hidden characters, slightly enhanced graphics, new half assed bonus dungeons, and half a new ending!  Own the penultimate edition of Chrono Trigger on your DS (again) today!  $49.99 + tax, PAL release to be announced...    

1. is just the most faggiest ides for a Chrono (second title) game ever...
2. This one would be kind of fun, depending on the plot twists.
3. This one sounds more like a mini-game you would find on a flash site.
4. just.... no
5. A pokemanz spinoff with the Chrono Trigger/Cross enemies as pokemanz? it would be... interesting...
6. Last but not least.... This shit already disgraced the earth... This option is about as phail as RuneScape/WoW combine... and that's MASSIVE phail....

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Worst Sequel Ever!
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2009, 11:03:56 am »
You should put normal Chrono Trigger DS on that list.



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Re: Worst Sequel Ever!
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2009, 03:19:56 am »
Voted for the Pokemon sequel (Pokemon is a neat idea, good for kids, it's just not going to do the Chrono series any good, though at this point, it would be a new Chrono game.... I hate desperation.

Actually, a sequal where Flea is the main character, he must travel to the past to save the future....of FASHION! A wacky adventure where new friends are made, new outfits are tried on, war is declared on the miniskirts of Guardia, and only with the help of the Frozen Pumps can the future citizens of the Chronoverse walk around and not feel shamed by the oppression of fashions of yesteryear!

In my attempt to make a bad sequal idea, I inadvertantly fell in love with it... 8)


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Re: Worst Sequel Ever!
« Reply #24 on: June 29, 2009, 04:15:25 pm »
I chose "other".  It's not so much a sequel idea, but a disgrace altogether for CT entertainment overdose.  Get ready to hate me for this.

Coming soon to Broadway...

Chrono Trigger: The Musical!

Featuring Norbert Leo Butz as Crono, Megan Hilty as Marle, and Jenna Leigh Green as Lucca.

Hit numbers include:

"The Boy Without A Father"
"I am Frog"
"Is this our Future?"
"Spekkio, God of War"

and so much more.  Clocked at over four hours with no intermission, this musical plans to hold the world record for the longest Broadway musical.  Tickets go on sale this Fall.  Don't miss the time-traveling, swash-buckling musical sensation of the century!

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Worst Sequel Ever!
« Reply #25 on: June 29, 2009, 04:21:31 pm »
I chose "other".  It's not so much a sequel idea, but a disgrace altogether for CT entertainment overdose.  Get ready to hate me for this.

Coming soon to Broadway...

Chrono Trigger: The Musical!

Featuring Norbert Leo Butz as Crono, Megan Hilty as Marle, and Jenna Leigh Green as Lucca.

Hit numbers include:

"The Boy Without A Father"
"I am Frog"
"Is this our Future?"
"Spekkio, God of War"

and so much more.  Clocked at over four hours with no intermission, this musical plans to hold the world record for the longest Broadway musical.  Tickets go on sale this Fall.  Don't miss the time-traveling, swash-buckling musical sensation of the century!

Teaflower and Iamserge had that idea, and were pursuing it before the thread was deleted along with Kajar. I still think it could actually work really well! It would have to be taken with a grain of salt, and the humor would have to be steady to rival the dark overtones, but it really could work!

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Re: Worst Sequel Ever!
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2009, 08:10:46 pm »
3 words to add to that post Genesis.  Lavos, singing soprano.   :D


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Re: Worst Sequel Ever!
« Reply #27 on: July 07, 2009, 01:21:06 am »
Option 3 actually sounds like it could be pulled off pretty decently.

I chose option 7; Chrono Trigger: Advent Epoch.

Directed by Tetsuya Nomura.


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Re: Worst Sequel Ever!
« Reply #28 on: July 07, 2009, 06:07:14 pm »
3 words to add to that post Genesis.  Lavos, singing soprano.   :D

Nah, Lavos is totally a falsetto.