Author Topic: Why are you here?  (Read 11707 times)


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Re: Why are you here?
« Reply #45 on: November 15, 2009, 08:14:45 pm »
"No, now my unread post list is going to be HUGE!"

Ain't it the truth!

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Why are you here?
« Reply #46 on: November 15, 2009, 10:36:03 pm »
I was gone for a week and my unread thread box was only three pages long.  I was quote disappointed.

Then again, there was a time about a year and a half ago or so in which that box would've been ten pages (that was when we had old friends like Shadow Darkman, amongst several others no longer with us -- ones who rarely had much useful input and seemed more to speak for speaking's sake).



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Re: Why are you here?
« Reply #47 on: November 15, 2009, 11:23:50 pm »
Better 3 pages of actual content than 10 pages of blabber, right?

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Re: Why are you here?
« Reply #48 on: November 16, 2009, 12:17:43 am »
Absolutely.  Absolutely.  Absolutely.  I can't stress that enough.


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Re: Why are you here?
« Reply #49 on: November 16, 2009, 03:34:44 pm »

I had been here looking at the material in the Encyclopedia for quite some time (since two years ago). 

After a while, I got accustomed to the idea of regularly posting in the forums.

So I made a user name, filled in the blanks, started contributing whatever I could think of, and here I am today. Umm...

Ta Dah?


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Re: Why are you here?
« Reply #50 on: November 16, 2009, 04:14:38 pm »
Joke Answer #1: A wizard did it.
Joke Answer #2: You see, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, or get extremely drunk...
Joke Answer #3: Because I got no place else to gooooooooooo!

Real Answer:
It might be a bit overdue, but I suppose I might as well formally introduce myself.

I'm Truthordeal. I originally found this site a while back, around the beginning of the year. I ended up getting CT:DS for Christmas, which rekindled my love for the Crono series. Listening to Mitsuda's music(especially Singing Mountain, which I'd never heard before) was really awe-inspiring after all this time.

Well, I started looking around on Google and found the site that held the Crimson Echoes demo as well as a link to Chrono Testament, which is now hosted on this site. I played and read, and I liked both, so I started following the development of CE almost religiously. I started reading the encyclopedia here and got lost for hours on end reading it.

After the C&D, I followed the CEMemorial Playthrough every day. When the end started coming around, I decided to join the Compendium officially.

I'm not much of a ROM hacker(the most I've ever done was simple text changes), I can't draw, and I can't compose music. But I still plan on contributing something while I'm here.
I actually joined and started posting about a month or two before that(I joined shortly before the C&D if I remember right). And the rest, as they say, is history.
Sorry V, I'm officially stealing Locke from you.
EDIT: And now I'm a stoner!
Uh, a Sun Stoner.


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Re: Why are you here?
« Reply #51 on: November 16, 2009, 08:32:49 pm »
I lurked here since about 2004, just because Chrono games were awesome and there were not a lot of dedicated Chrono websites (not as comprehensive as the Compendium, anyway). I finally joined in 2006, and here I am today. I'm always around, though I still mostly lurk unless I feel like I have something important or meaningful to say.

But I stick around for the awesome people here... Zeality, Lord J Esq, Faustwolf, Daniel Krispin, Thought...and too many others to name, some that are still here and some long gone. There is an amazing blend of people here, and I've never felt anything but welcome here, even though I don't contribute to the Compendium on the level that the other 'greats' have in the past. I've been in some very unwelcoming fan communities before, and this one is the amazing, lovely exception from the norm. I love this place. I love the people here. Even though we don't talk a lot I feel like I know so many of you, just by reading your posts.

In other words, I love this place to pieces. That's why I'm still here. :)


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Re: Why are you here?
« Reply #52 on: November 17, 2009, 10:00:02 am »
I like Time Travel! Do I need a better reason?

Okay, Chrono Trigger is my all time favourite game, that's probably actually why I'm interested in Time Travel, which in turn explains why I like Chrono Trigger... was that oxymoronic in any way?


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Re: Why are you here?
« Reply #53 on: November 29, 2009, 05:18:48 pm »
I've been into Chrono Trigger eversince I saw my best friend playing it. I played the game a lot but I never owed it.
Then in 2008 I heard that it was coming out for the DS(which got me excited, since I would finally get the chance to play the game from beginning to end).
After I got the game for the DS I started looking for Chrono sites. I found this site and I would visit it a lot. After awhile I decided to join it, and I've been hooked ever since.


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Re: Why are you here?
« Reply #54 on: November 30, 2009, 03:48:13 am »
I was attracted to cross cause it was a game.  trigger because it was related to cross.

Why am I here at these forums?  I was attracted because of the series.  Why am I still here? not really sure anymore >.> =D


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Re: Why are you here?
« Reply #55 on: November 30, 2009, 04:49:29 am »
I'll bite.

How I fell in love with Chrono Trigger is quite simple.  I read the review in Game Player's magazine, and given that it was awarded a whopping 95%, I realized I had to get it  I can't remember if I rented it or not, but my parents gave to it me after I said I wanted it (please note that I did not ask or beg them for many games) and they got it for me.  I still have the cartridge, but I haven't put it in my SNES for years.

I fell in love with Chrono Cross as it was a sequel to Chrono Trigger, but I was amazed at how musically it was a flawless game, and how well the music was weaved into the gameplay.  The graphics were astounding, and while the battle system confused me at first, I ended up liking it even better than Chrono Trigger.  If only they had made the Chrono Cross more apparent to access in the game itself (The first time I beat the game, I actually thought it didn't have an ending!)

That being said, as much as I loved the games, they didn't become my absolute all time favorites despite the various playthroughs, and to an extent, both are still on the lower tier of the "games I can't live without" level.  That's not because of any flaws -- I just liked Final Fantasy III and Ogre Battle more (and still do).  What got me to the Compendium, then, isn't my direct love for Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross, but my love for CVRPG and spriting.

Quite a few years ago, I met the creator of CVRPG before he actually created it.  He showed me the comic, which at the time was only 20 issues long.  If you look at the sprites used, many of them seem like edits (although upon closer inspection, there are some subtle differences between the styles of CVRPG sprites and CT sprites) and it showed me the power of this particular sprite style.  Up until then, I had only considered Street Fighter Alpha and Darkstalkers style sprites.

Some time later, I got it into my foolish head that if Akira Toriyama designed both, surely there must be a treasure trove of fan CT-style DBZ sprites.  After all there are tons of Final Fantasy fan sprites of everything, but even the most well done of those sprites seemed to lack the distinctiveness necessary to capture the essence of the characters.  To my chagrin, aside from an animated Goku that I forgot to save, there was nothing.  So, since I failed to convincingly edit Street Fighter sprites, I tried to edit CT sprites into DBZ characters.  When I had done a few, I posted them on the forums.  However, given the less than enthusiastic response, I left here after a post or two -- after all the people here were die-hard fans who knew the game inside and out, and I really didn't feel like I fit in.  Furthermore, I later realized how terrible the sprites were and I eventually decided to give up the idea of arranging pixels as I was not getting better at it, unlike most people who put an effort into it.

Then came the whole "situation" we all know about.  The sad thing is that since I'm not into that scene, I would have never learned about the project if it weren't cancelled and the backlash were felt across the Internet.  Of course, when I heard about it, I was pretty mad upon realizing the enormity of what was forever denied.  I'm more miffed at the double standard Square Enix showed.  The Compendium and any projects stemming from it, at least on the occasions I visited, did not promote a single person's agenda but was always about the games that make up the Chrono series, never asking for a dime in return.  Such fan devotion is rare and should be applauded.  Meanwhile, there are those who openly profit from Square Enix's copyright, laugh off criticism about their fan work, and are not served with cease and desist notices but still go on in their arrogance unchecked and build professional careers from it.

So in a sense, I pop in from time to time to remind myself that there are people out there who don't let their egos get to the best of them, and to secretly steal sprites so I can make better CT-style edits...oh wait, I typed that last part out.  Well, as long as I delete it and don't hit Alt + S I should be fanta--


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Re: Why are you here?
« Reply #56 on: November 30, 2009, 12:55:15 pm »
Last year, my friend(HyperNerd for those of you who remember him) had shown me the game on his emulater. They had just started advertising the DS version on TV, so he persuaded me to get it. I got for christmas and finished it in about a week. Then he showed me this sight and got me to join. What mainly got my attention was the RP section(which I need to revisit), but SoY and the encyclopedia data base have also be very helpful.

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Re: Why are you here?
« Reply #57 on: December 10, 2009, 12:18:12 pm »
I lurked here since about 2004, just because Chrono games were awesome and there were not a lot of dedicated Chrono websites (not as comprehensive as the Compendium, anyway). I finally joined in 2006, and here I am today. I'm always around, though I still mostly lurk unless I feel like I have something important or meaningful to say.

But I stick around for the awesome people here... Zeality, Lord J Esq, Faustwolf, Daniel Krispin, Thought...and too many others to name, some that are still here and some long gone. There is an amazing blend of people here, and I've never felt anything but welcome here, even though I don't contribute to the Compendium on the level that the other 'greats' have in the past. I've been in some very unwelcoming fan communities before, and this one is the amazing, lovely exception from the norm. I love this place. I love the people here. Even though we don't talk a lot I feel like I know so many of you, just by reading your posts.

In other words, I love this place to pieces. That's why I'm still here. :)

This is an awesome post, and very flattering too. Thank you! I agree with you that we have some exceptional people here, and a good atmosphere for conversation. (Although sometimes I feel that my long-winded and assertive posts discourage some people from conversing; it's good to see an example of someone who actually enjoys reading them even if you don't participate.)

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Why are you here?
« Reply #58 on: December 10, 2009, 01:41:06 pm »
long-winded and assertive posts discourage some people from conversing

This is true, hahaha, simply because I don't have a lot of time to put that much energy into posts... even if they are highly relevant.


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Re: Why are you here?
« Reply #59 on: December 10, 2009, 04:13:19 pm »
long-winded and assertive posts discourage some people from conversing

This is true, hahaha, simply because I don't have a lot of time to put that much energy into posts... even if they are highly relevant.

I could never write essay-length posts like Lord J or FaustWolf.  I find hot-button issues easier to discuss when they are condensed to a summary (four paragraphs at most) that everyone can understand.