My brother Alex has always been telling me about the fun times he had on the older systems before he suddenly had two younger brothers to contend with. His favorite times were with the SNES, playing Mario with Dad and what have you. On a whim about a year or two ago, I rooted around in the closet and found the legendary system, as well as a carton of games and such. I played some Super Mario World and some MORTAL KOMBAAAAAAAAAAT, but wasn't terribly impressed. Alex told me that we had some games wayyyy back in the day, and he thought I should look online.
So I did. I downloaded a series of ROMs, including FF3/6/TheonewiththegirlandthesongandtheCLOWWWWN, Tetris Attack, and something called Chrono Trigger. I fell in love with all of them (well, not so much Tetris Attack), and Chrono Trigger left me thirsting for more. So I did some research and, using some of my allowance, ordered Chrono Cross off the interwebs. I loved it, and I wanted more. So I got Radical Dreamers.
I loooove Radical Dreamers.
Now, I'm a fullfledged maniac, and I'm on the road to getting Sam hooked. He just finished up the last sidequest and is getting ready to SAVE DA WORLD. I'm planning on hooking him up with Chrono Cross next.