Author Topic: Chrono Cross DS: Is it Possible?  (Read 13779 times)


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Chrono Cross DS: Is it Possible?
« on: March 24, 2009, 11:49:16 pm »
I haven't been around in quite some time, but got back into the Chrono world when I purchased CT DS and started playing a few hours ago. Anyway, recognizing the limits of the Nintendo DS as a platform, can Chrono Cross be ported to the DS? Is it capable of displaying the graphics, video, and sound? What do you think?


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Re: Chrono Cross DS: Is it Possible?
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2009, 12:03:32 am »
I don't think so(they can if they want, but it is quite unlikely).

Cross uses a lot of high resolution graphics( it uses 640x448 resolution in menu), but one of the DS screen is only capable of 256x192.
Well, if they want to make a quality-reduced port,  it is still possible.


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Re: Chrono Cross DS: Is it Possible?
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2009, 12:39:11 pm »
Lots of people have a CC port on the mind--I wasn't aware of the graphical limitations of the DS, but most people point to the PSP as being the likelier system to house a CC port. And I think the PSP can better handle/match the quality of the Playstation, so it'd be more likely to see it there. That all depends if we even get a port...don't get me wrong, I believe a CC port isn't too far off, and I'd love to see it. I just don't picture it as being on the DS...


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Re: Chrono Cross DS: Is it Possible?
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2009, 03:42:33 pm »
A DS card couldn't possibly hold all of Cross's maps and FMVs. Look at FFIVDS, they struggled to make everything fit and it's not particularly huge, plus there weren't a lot of voiced scenes and they still had problems.

Yeah, though, I'd imagine the PSP would get the remake, if only because they wouldn't have much worries about fitting the game onto the disc, plus there's plenty of room for extras that way. Also, consider that Valkyrie Profile, Star Ocean 1 & 2, and other RPGs got successfull PSP remakes, SE would likely stick with the same option.

[Chrono Cross on a homebrew'd PSP is fucking gorgeous, I might add]

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Re: Chrono Cross DS: Is it Possible?
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2009, 03:23:31 pm »
I could see it using a variation on the FFIII-FFIV engine... *Shudder... SD Kid!*

But if they did, I wouldn't put it past Square to make it based on the Chrono Trigger DS engine. Not just for the cheapness of it, but for the recocgnizablitliy of the first game's relese. I mean, who, outside of those who have played it back when it came out, would connect or remember that Chrono Cross is connected to this "new" DS game that they love? I mean, half of my freind who never heard of Chrono Trigger have played Cross as a game on its own, without any idea it was a sequel. And it'd be kinda cool to have a 16-bit Cross remake, wouldn't it? ...Anyone?

Dark Serge

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Re: Chrono Cross DS: Is it Possible?
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2009, 03:25:47 pm »
No, I wouldn't be able to bare with a toned down quality Cross. So no, definitely not on the DS. PSP seems plausible, but then I will have to get one first. xD


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Re: Chrono Cross DS: Is it Possible?
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2009, 07:51:08 pm »
Although it'd be neat for some of us old school fans, it's not the kinda thing Square would/should do. A 16-bit 2-D version of Cross would be a great fan-made project, but it's kind of a disservice if the creators of the game do it: fans played it on the Playstation; if they get a port, they're going to want it to match the quality of the original or surpass it. It's kinda why you see a bunch of FFs being remade over and over again: first you get a port that matches/enhances the quality of the original, then you get a completely revamped version, suitable for a new system. We didn't get a full makeover for CT, so I doubt we'll see a complete "toned down" version of Cross. Now, if some fan makes a 16-bit version of Cross, I'll be so damn happy--I'd play the hell out of it. Hint, hint.

But if CC is ported to the DS they'd have to tone it down though, right? I wonder how big the change would have to be...

Dark Serge

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Re: Chrono Cross DS: Is it Possible?
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2009, 02:34:12 am »
A 16-bit version of CC would practically be impossible I think, because of all the angles in the level designs.


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Re: Chrono Cross DS: Is it Possible?
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2009, 08:15:11 am »
Actually it might be able to manage chrono cross - each ds cart has different memory final fantasy 4 has very low amount of space whereas the new suikoden game is double the size of memory but same size cartridge . If the ds carts memory keeps getting bigger , chrono cross will be able to be ported


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Re: Chrono Cross DS: Is it Possible?
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2009, 02:15:14 pm »
I have no technical know-how when it comes to things like this, but is the supposed impossibility of CCDS a space issue or a hardware-limitation issue? The latter seems a mighty bit more problematic...I mean if the hardware can't handle the game, that's it.

Dark Serge

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Re: Chrono Cross DS: Is it Possible?
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2009, 02:42:04 pm »
Quote from: JinTypeNoir
No, it can. The DS has stronger hardware than the PSX or the N64. Plus, the type of memory storage its cartridges uses and the resolution needed to display PSX games' FMV and prerendered elements is smaller. Archaic Sealed Heat is a good example of a new game that can fit in a lot more than the PSX ever could, whereas Avalon Code and RIZ-ZOAWD show engines that are comparable to Chrono Cross's 3D work. Square's own Sigma Harmonics has battle graphics very similar in quality to Chrono Cross or Final Fantasy IX, and also their own Nanashi no Game has first person graphics that are quite a bit more smooth than any that came out on the PS. There are several intensive PS games that have had good ports to the DS already -- a lot of times with room for extra voice, content, etc. Hell, it can't obviously match a PS2 but Disgaea DS and Flower, Sun and Rain do a pretty good job even in that case.

Since Square Enix is quite a capable developer and they already have teams that have pushed the DS far both in terms of usage of space and 3D graphics, it would be easy.

I can agree that it didn't seem at first that the DS could do something like this when it first came out, but as time has gone on, it's getting more and more impressive to the same extents as the original PS and N64 did. You need to see some of the games released this last year that are really pushing the system. They're incredible. The DS's screen resolution and the screen resolution that the original game ran in are almost identical.


I dunno, this dude seems to know what's he's talking about. And quite honestly I could see the DS running CC pretty smoothly. I mean come on, it came out after the PS2. Surely it should be able to handle PSX level graphics, even if CC was an exceptional PSX game.

Also, I think Square would want to bring out CC on the DS rather then the PSP, because they clearly want to see just how far they can go with the DS, and touch screen functionality for CC is very tempting.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2009, 02:48:05 pm by Dark Serge »


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Re: Chrono Cross DS: Is it Possible?
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2009, 02:08:07 pm »
Touch-screen functionality in CC would be beautiful. What JinTypeNoir said seems reasonable--I suppose my misconception stemmed from the fact that Playstation emulation on the DS isn't as feasible. And if the DS's hardware and everything could [eventually] handle CC, then I suppose the only possible problem would be Sony bitching about it, right? Have we seen any Playstation games ported to the DS? Aside from the many re-releases of the earlier FFs (and by extension Chrono Trigger on Final Fantasy Chronicles), I can't think of any games that have crossed from Playstation to Nintendo hand-helds...And even the ones I mentioned are ports of older SNES games...

Dark Serge

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Re: Chrono Cross DS: Is it Possible?
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2009, 02:23:02 pm »
Well, after playing Avalon Code, which was released only in the U.S. and Japan, I'm conviced that the DS can handle Chrono Cross easily. Avalon has voice acting and more detailed models then Chrono Cross. Besides that, I put the Chrono Cross FMV's on my DS flash card, and they play just fine.


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Re: Chrono Cross DS: Is it Possible?
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2009, 08:19:42 pm »
Yeah, touch screen functionality for CC doesn't really interest me (I don't see where using a button is less convenient than touching the screen that happens to act as a button)...It seems like CC would fit more easily on PSP (it started on a Sony, why not continue?)...Though I guess if it's possible to port it to DS as well...Square's been fairly open-minded about multi-platforming lately...Though idk how much they are into transferring one of their games that started out on a Sony and porting it onto a Ninny...have they done that yet? I remember Sony owns a bit of Square, so there may be some snafu shenanigans going on in that direction that would make a DS port of CC less plausible...

Dark Serge

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Re: Chrono Cross DS: Is it Possible?
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2009, 06:10:08 am »
I don't think Sony would make a fuss about Chrono Cross, especially since it's probably not as popular as the mainstream fancandy Final Fantasy.