A few interesting and informative links (for me at least):
The Museum of Hoaxes is a website devoted to cataloguing and researching the various hoaxes of the world, past and present:
http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/While I wouldn't classify everything on that website as a hoax, deception is certainly a central theme of the materials included. It can be quite interesting (and sometimes downright depressing) to see what people get away with.
Now hopefully someone won't discover that the entire website is a hoax
Along similar lines is the
Worth 1000 website (
www.worth1000.com). This is a website dedicated to photo-manipulation. Merely observing what individuals are capable of with photo-editing software is a sobering experience, but if it were just interesting I wouldn't have posted a link. The website also nicely enough includes a great many tutorials for various aspects of the activities the website is related to. I have found it useful for touching up my own personal photographs and restoring damaged and faded images.