I still don't see all the hubbub is over the C&Ds...Square only did that for two projects that were REMAKES with (vastly) ENHANCED GRAPHICS...Nothing about any other of the many fan mods of their games have gotten C&D'd as far as I know (& I still believe that the main reason for those C&Ds was because there were rumors about one or both somehow charging money for them...just the rumor along with the blabbing did them in...not to mention basically one-upping Square)...But like I said, I'm not going to allow any talk of CE on the board before it's actually released anyways, so let's dry those eyes, shall we?
Just treat it like a quasi-official Chrono fansite if you're that worried. I want to be able to release all of the regular Compendium news (fan art, fanfics, w/e) over there, really...Maybe I'll mention Prophet's Guile & the Coliseum SINCE THOSE ARE FINISHED...*sigh*
Thanks for joining up, Teaflower & MisterDarius!