Author Topic: Dalton and the Blackbird  (Read 4988 times)

Dark Serge

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Re: Dalton and the Blackbird
« Reply #30 on: April 15, 2009, 07:51:05 am »
I think that might be a coincedence and they couldn't come up with anything else for a yellow summon.


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Re: Dalton and the Blackbird
« Reply #31 on: April 15, 2009, 01:42:08 pm »
Golems also aren't terribly unique creatures; they get used all over video game culture. So while it could be a connection, there is also a strong possibility that it is random coincidence.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Dalton and the Blackbird
« Reply #32 on: April 22, 2009, 01:54:01 pm »
What if Dalton didn't use the Blackbird, but actually used the Epoch during CT? It is a time machine, and he could have gone and come back without Crono & co being any the wiser.



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Re: Dalton and the Blackbird
« Reply #33 on: April 22, 2009, 03:34:52 pm »
Time Error

Enigma Outlaw

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Re: Dalton and the Blackbird
« Reply #34 on: May 16, 2009, 08:29:18 am »
The funny thing is when some people try to argue gameplay rules and mechanics as being the reason why Dalton shouldn't have been able to win assuming Crono, Marle and possibly Lucca were present during the battle resulting in the Fall of Guardia. You can't just go ahead and say things like "Crono would blast them all with Luminare! END OF STORY!" That's like saying "Cloud should have used a Phonix Down on Aries when Sephiroth attacked her!" Bottom line is outside of a battle system anything goes. Even the most seasoned warrior can lose a battle if the opponent can get in a lucky hit, catch them off guard, fight them after they were seriously injured, ect.

The Fall of Guardia still has many unanswered questions such as what happened to Crono and Marle, why did Porre attack, ect. What we do know is that Kato did hint a long time ago that a source outside the normal flow of time is what resulted in the fall. Dalton's lines in CTDS seem to confirm that the mystery man in that cut scene who's shadow strangely looks like Dalton could have very well indeed been Dalton. And while I doubt a Blackbird like machine would have been possible in Zenan around 1005 AD we do know that there is other technology avalible as shown early game with the Dragon Tank, Lucca's ablilty to make guns, energy based pistols and other machines, ect. In my mind it doesn't matter if Dalton had the know how to engineer the Blackbird/build it from the original blueprints. At the end of the day Zeal was FAR more advanced than any city or nation in 1000 AD so it stand's likely that even if he wasn't great with machines he'd at least know enough to help possibly make something Porre could use in the war. As someone else said it would be like one of us going back in time 100-200 years. I'm no genius but I'm fairly decent with some handguns. If I went back in time to a period that still used flintlocks and if I had the right materials I'd bet I could teach them how to make a revolver with what I do know.

The bottom line is like it or not either directly or indirectly Dalton was the one who crushed Guardia. He was the one with the bone to pick with Crono, Marle and Lucca and at the end of the day while he can appear somewhat foolish and sure as hell isn't Belthasar he is far more dangerous than he appears and with 1000 AD tech could most likely do some damage. The only way we will know anything for sure is when Chrono Break is finally announced.


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Re: Dalton and the Blackbird
« Reply #35 on: May 17, 2009, 04:39:27 pm »
To be fair though, most of Zeal's achievements were Magically based, not technological.

I don't think there is a bottom line, or at least it's no where near as defined as all that...We know that 'someone' from outside of normal time was more than likely Dalton, but we don't know how much influence he actually had or what exactly he even did...For all we know he slipped on a banana peel meant for a Porrean officer or something and then he got locked up for disturbing of face...Like you say, we won't know until Chrono 4 (I don't hold on to dead names)...


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Re: Dalton and the Blackbird
« Reply #36 on: August 16, 2009, 04:07:47 am »
Ok so either we're all aware or have seen that Dalton said he'd turn Porre into a militaristic nation and defeat guardia, though i would have to say that judging from the weaponry used without Lucca and her father. Guardia's technological strength was pretty much zilch, plus the fact that if you play Cross. You see how the Porre Military are equipped you can see that they're well armed especially Norris who is although one of the Commanders leading them to the conclusion that if you have enough guns not even the toughest knight armor is safe. True one could also argue this is an alternate universe like 10-16 years after Trigger, but i still don't think that Crono or Marle would simply just roll over and let Porre win. Something happened though that triggered the entire conflict, that triggered the sea of eden, the same something that affected the Time Crash. What is is though is up to Square-Enix to figure out cause i sure as hell know that Cross didn't explain it well enough or in any great detail other than what we got.


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Re: Dalton and the Blackbird
« Reply #37 on: August 17, 2009, 12:18:19 am »
You know, for some reason I get the feeling we are going to get another Chrono game. And I just know it will explain this. Mainly because they had him say that. They wouldn't foreshadow it with no reason. That and Guile is Magus. Also the Leah thing. I don't know why, but I just have the feeling it would happen. At least in Cross remake. Sony might just let them do it. Or maybe it will be how the 360 plans to bone the PS3 once and for all. I just got the feeling it's going to happen. Chrono Trigger DS couldn't just be testing the market, no one is stupid enough to try to sell a game three times and expect a break out hit each time. No matter how good it is.


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Re: Dalton and the Blackbird
« Reply #38 on: August 17, 2009, 10:15:11 am »
... leading them to the conclusion that if you have enough guns not even the toughest knight armor is safe.

Doesn't work that way in RPGs. Swords exist right along side guns and the former is generally more powerful than the latter, which have a nasty habit of dealing very little damage (compared to the leathalness of guns in the real world, take a bullet to the head in an RPG and a potion will be more than enough to undo the effects).


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Re: Dalton and the Blackbird
« Reply #39 on: August 18, 2009, 01:12:59 pm »
  Chrono Trigger DS couldn't just be testing the market, no one is stupid enough to try to sell a game three times and expect a break out hit each time. No matter how good it is.

4 times for the US and Japanese markets, less for PAL.  And yes, products do that in video games quite a bit.  How many times has Super Mario Bros (the well-known NES game) been rehashed and repacked?  Enough times to be accessible on just about ever single console made by nintendo at least once.

Video games are all about money.  Outside of the strange politics that has gotten involved in the Chrono Series, its the only driving force and statistic that matters to makers.  Why hasn't there been another Chrono game to continue the story?  "At E3 2009, SE Senior Vice President Shinji Hashimoto remarked, "If people want a sequel, they should buy more!"

What is is though is up to Square-Enix to figure out cause i sure as hell know that Cross didn't explain it well enough or in any great detail other than what we got.
They probably don't know either.  That's part of why they can be scared of fan projects that try to interpret the series events for them.

Now the thing with guns and Rpg's, is just because its a 'gun' doesn't mean its as potent as the ones we use.  One of lucca's early weapons was an air gun right?  Based on how they develop their long range weapons, it's ammunition and projection force might do little to actually pierce armor, or break the skin.  Heck, we don't even see archers in the olden eras of the game.    As far as the Overthrow is concerned, they might have been using something more akin to a taser than a gun by our standards.

As far as Dalton's involvement goes, I wouldn't be surprised if he got some of the mystics to side with him. He is a potent caster, and mystics have disguised themselves before.  Combine the numbers form Porre with the mystic continents, and a large force could effectively force a surrender.