Once in a while I'll have a lucid dream where it continues from an older dream, like a new chapter in a book. When this happens, I fly. It's weird flying though. It feels very real, but it's like I jump in the air and don't fall, as if standing on an invisible staircase or in some video game. Over the span of a couple versions of said dream, the ability evolved into actual flying, but I had to figure out how to control it, which was the fun part, I'd be in a building, get chased right toward a window, and I'd just jump out, the less fear, the easier to fly. If I felt fear, I'd start to plummet to the ground, and have to "pull up" to try and save myself before crashing hard into the streets below. Something I've always wondered about with stuff like Superman is where exactly is the push coming from? From the feet, like rocket boots, or from the hands, like he's pulling himself forward, or the chest to which everything else is attached. For me it was the head pulling the body forward, but whatever the body did indicated direction. Such an odd sensation.
Banisteriopsis caapi is better known as Ayahuasca, but it just contains the monoamine oxidase inhibitor. You have to mix it with another plant, preferably Psychotria viridis, to introduce the psychoactive dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Bekkler mentioned Salvia earlier - DMT and Salvia offer about the same level of intensity and produce incredible spiritual experiences. But DMT, unfortunately, is illegal in the United States. You can still buy Ayahuasca though, which is amusing to me.
What's amusing to me is that while it's illegal, DMT is also naturally produced in every living thing that has a conscious and an unconscious state. It is literally the stuff dreams are made of. The fact that it's used as a drug sounds like an activity straight out of a science fiction novel, but no, it's very real.
There have been reports of seeing lightning bolts coming out of peoples eyes and really intense stuff like that.
I had a few very vivid experiences with salvia divinorum, and while most of my friends were either terrified or temporarily felt what is immediately described as "permanently changed" and I will note the irony in that the feeling goes away rather quickly, just like the drug's effects. I experienced the same thing almost every time I tried it, which is why I found it annoying. I'd be in a sitting position, then suddenly, my couch or chair would spin backwards and I'd be rotated on an axis like the whole couch is a revolving door turned sideways, and every time I made it 90 degrees I was in a different dimension, where everything was there, but felt like all new actors playing the same old characters. It made me feel unsettled, but the feeling would always go away.
One time, I tried lying down, facing away from any people who may break my concentration. This was the most vivid "drug" experience of my life. It was like I closed my eyes and reopened them and just wasn't there anymore. I was in a maze, had changed to standing, but I was strapped to a bush wall in the maze, and was receiving a beating from a giant I had named "King". My friends were behind me, there was the girl, my psyche named "Queen", my best friend who I saw as the jester and my mind named "the Asshole" and the friend who had really bad anxiety and was always fidgity, who I nicknamed "the Pauper" in this little scenario. Everyone was a parody of themselves, twisted and green, the Asshole was laughing at me and the King's beatings were the force keeping my stuck to this "wall" (actually it was a carpeted floor I was laying spreadeagle on and the "force" was gravity). I came out of it when a cat walked down the hall, or as it looked to me, he walked on the wall, sideways, toward me. I just remember thinking "What's Winston doing here? He shouldn't be here. I shouldn't either." Then I was back. Take it for what you will.