Kitase-san is in London next week to promote Dissidia, and IGN is presenting you with an opportunity to field your questions to one of the key figures behind the Final Fantasy series. To put your query forward, simply tell us what you want asked in the comments section below and we'll pick the best questions to present to Kitase-san.
Oh, and before you ask points will be deducted for asking about a Final Fantasy VII remake.
This is kinda tricky. IGN might get a bit irritated if they see too many Chrono-related questions when they're primarily asking for Dissidia/FF13-related questions. But this is a great opportunity for us Chrono fans to hear Kitase's opinion. As has been discussed in another topic, mails to SE USA and SE Japan aren't read by any high-ranking designer and only get pre-written answers, so this interview with Kitase may well be
the only opportunity we'll have in a while to hear something new and official about the Chrono series.
So if you want to ask Kitase about a new Chrono game, post something at IGN in the relevant topic. You have to register a (free) account though. I'm not posting a direct link to their news, because I don't want IGN to see we're all coming from a Chrono fansite. Just search for this expression in Google and you'll find it immediately:
975186p1 "A chance to put your questions to Square Enix's Yoshinori Kitase."Once there, click on "Add Comment". Don't just post "When will a new Chrono game be released??" or something too simple. Try to back up your question with one or two interesting points, like "Since you've been a director on Chrono Trigger, do you...", etc. Here are few points you might want to point out in your question:
* Kitase was a director on Chrono Trigger.
* Chrono Trigger is regarded as one of the greatest games of all time.
* Square Enix recently ported Chrono Trigger to the DS.
* 2009 is the 10th anniversary of Chrono Cross' release.
Eh, I can't think of anything else. Throw in a question on Dissidia or FF13 before your Chrono question maybe, for good measure. Anyway, you know what you have to do now. Help the Chrono series!