Truth be told, I haven't used pointers as anything except references since finishing up my MSc ten years ago, so the information was buried at the end of a couple of rather rusty synapses

(especially since I dropped out of the programming field almost completely four years ago, when my last job went kaput).
I guess I've gotten a little cynical lately, or maybe a little nervous--I've been watching another venue that I used to frequent disintegrate under the weight of trolls, arguments, and a kind of conversational-style-culture-shock among the remaining regulars, and so I subconsciously expect
any dispute to erupt into a flamewar. Mea culpa.
I've also come to the conclusion that programming language snobbism is only very rarely curable. This is possibly because almost every major language is superior to the others in some way (and inferior in at least one other), and people who are in love with a given language tend to paper over its faults. These days, I'm not even sure that genuine ignorance is curable. End result is, I do care, but I no longer have the energy left to seriously try to educate people, so the best I can manage is a few half-joking remarks.
Toy, that resurrects some very old memories. Interestingly, Brainfuck, although it may be a joke, is not technically a toy language--some poor fool with too much time on his hands actually wrote a Brainfuck compiler in Brainfuck. I expect that he must currently reside in a padded room somewhere, after having done that.

By the way, thank you for reminding me--even if by accident--that I've been meaning to look into the current generation of profilers for Java.