Author Topic: Minor project: Magus sprite recoloring  (Read 3326 times)


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Minor project: Magus sprite recoloring
« on: May 02, 2009, 02:30:51 pm »
(A lot of this post is going to be me rambling about palette analysis and sprite colour reduction. If Sprite Recolouring for the Terminally Bewildered doesn't interest you, skip to the end, where the sample altered sprites are.)

I was skimming through a completely unrelated thread over in Polling when V_Translanka mentioned that he thought Magus spritesheets matching the alternative colour schemes shown in some of the official artwork--that is, Magus with a red cape and the infamous Magus-Goldpants--might be nice things to have. I've been wanting to contribute something actually useful here for a while now, but I'm also a lazy bugger and I thought this would be an easy task, so I took it on.

I should have known that things that look easy generally aren't.  :lol:

The problem, as one might expect, lies in the colour limitations imposed on the spritesheets and the way the official spriters reduced the number of colours used in each sprite down to 12 + transparency (+ 2 for the weapon). An analysis of Magus' sprites (I like analyzing things--guess I'm a bit warped ) shows that the "real" number of colours used is a great deal larger than twelve. That number has been reduced by creating incestuous and sometimes rather odd relationships between what should be separate colours.

Magus' sprites use:
-4 colours for the hair
-5(!) fleshtone colours (including 2 shadow colours where only 1 is needed)
-4 colours for the armour and other leather bits
-4 colours for the cape (of which 2 are rarely seen)
-2 for the pants
-3(!) general shadow colours

That's twenty-two actual colours, folks.  Now, some of the extras are easy to get rid of (the highlights on the leather, hair, and fleshtone are all the same shade of near-white in the actual sprites, and that's fine), but some of the other relationships are really weird. For instance, one of the colours used in the pants doubles as a cape highlight and as shadow in the hair, and the other is used as a shadow in the hair, leather and fleshtone. And the shadow colour in the cape doubles as a general shadow colour elsewhere, making it a...real change.

That selection of sprites contains almost all of the twenty-two "initial" colours--I think the only one missing is the bright cape highlight, which only appears in a couple of the combat frames anyway.

Breaking the oddest of the internal colour relationships give us this (with much purpler pants, since the pants colours are no longer used elsewhere):

That version of the sprites has sixteen colours in it: 2 hair, 3 fleshtone, 3 leather, 3 cape, 2 pants, 1 general highlight as described above, and 2 (still) general shadow. And it's actually workable for straightforward colour swaps. Now to analyze the colours from the official art. shows that the red cape is quite a bright red--#bc2337, to be exact. Swapping this into the sprites with an appropriate shadow colour (somewhere in between the two shadow colours used in the original image) gives:

Getting a good colour reading on Magus-Goldpants is a little more difficult, because I'm not sure just how good the existing images on the Compendium are in terms of colour--the ones I found both look a bit iffy to me. I used , since the flesh tones in that one at least look right, indicating it's probably a bit closer to the artist's original intent. However, sampling it gives a pale green(!) and a gold very similar to the sprite's primary leatherwork colour for the pants, and a very unsaturated (that is, greyish) purple for Magus' hair. None of those colours looked right when swapped into the sprite, so I had to fall back on guesswork, which produced:

That's maybe a little more yellow than gold, but with the armour dulled down it doesn't look too bad.

Just one problem: these are still 16-colour + transparency sprites. Combining the two general shadow colours for both images gets them down to 15--three more to go. For the red-caped sprites, I merged the leather shadow with the darker fleshtone shadow, the hair-shadow with the pants-shadow, and the cape highlight with the main colour of the leather (not ideal, but the cape highlight colours are rarely used, so some liberties can safely be taken). For Magus-Goldpants, I merged both fleshtone shadows into the leather colours, and the cape highlight back into the hair shadow, making these the final sprites:

Looks like the reason they went with a blue cape for the sprites was that red didn't look ominous enough.

Three down and only 215 to go. Oh, well, it'll give me something to do for the next little while...


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Re: Minor project: Magus sprite recoloring
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2009, 02:46:26 pm »
It's about time someone gave him gold pants! These do look close to the official art, and I really like the hair on Goldie.
Fore Red, I'd suggest making the main (lighter) cape colour a bit darker. Even if it's taken straight from the concept art, it still seems too bright to match the cape shadow and the rest of the sprite.
And congratulations on remembering the palette limit. That needs to be taped up somewhere for everyone to remember.

Just curious, but did you use photoshop or MSPaint to do this?


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Re: Minor project: Magus sprite recoloring
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2009, 03:32:43 pm »
That red cape is stylish.


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Re: Minor project: Magus sprite recoloring
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2009, 04:04:38 pm »
It's about time someone gave him gold pants! These do look close to the official art, and I really like the hair on Goldie.
Fore Red, I'd suggest making the main (lighter) cape colour a bit darker. Even if it's taken straight from the concept art, it still seems too bright to match the cape shadow and the rest of the sprite.
And congratulations on remembering the palette limit. That needs to be taped up somewhere for everyone to remember.

Just curious, but did you use photoshop or MSPaint to do this?

Tentative attempt at darkening the red cape (I ended up darkening the shadow as well):

Since I'm hoping to make these (as much as I can, anyway) drop-in replacements for anyone who wants to use them in a hack, I figured that keeping to the palette limit was important, so I made a mental note of it while reading other threads here.

These were done in the GIMP, since that's...not the only, I suppose, but the most useful raster image editor for my platform (Linux). When I was still using Windows, I favoured Paint Shop Pro (99% of the power of Photoshop for 10% of the price, and a better interface to boot), but that was years ago, before Corel bought it up.


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Re: Minor project: Magus sprite recoloring
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2009, 04:37:49 pm »
Oh man, Paint Shop Pro is the best, isn't it? I've never stopped using my old 2001 edition. I'd totally update it if Corel hadn't turned it into some kind of photo editor. Is it even a photo editor? I'm not really sure what the program became under Corel.

alfadorredux, are you interested in taking your spriting career further? I'm sure there are fan projects in the works that could use your help if you're interested.


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Re: Minor project: Magus sprite recoloring
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2009, 05:06:35 pm »
I have version 6 of PSP, and if I could get it to run under WINE, I'd still be using it, even though that version has some foibles with transparencies. Everyone I've ever met who's used PSP agrees that it's the best comprehensive image-editing software out there. What Corel may have done to it, I have no idea--I don't have a version of Windows recent enough to support their current demo version--but I doubt they've improved significantly on what JASC had. (The GIMP is a turkey by comparison: powerful enough, but the development team's insistence on not using MDI makes the interface suck ten times more than it really needs to.)

As for aiding someone else's hack... First of all, this is making me look like a better spriter than I really am, because it only involves rearranging colours, not limbs--essentially, not much more than mindless work. I've flirted with the art before, when I was pretty heavily into Battle for Wesnoth because I couldn't afford any new console RPGs, but I never got any further than the frankenstein level, and cutting apart other people's sprites and rearranging them doth not an expert spriter make.

Secondly, the amount of free time I'm going to have over the next year or so is...highly unpredictable, to say the least, and I'm not in the best of health. I'm not sure that it would be fair to a team to work with a spriter who can't commit to due dates.

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Re: Minor project: Magus sprite recoloring
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2009, 06:30:16 pm »
Couldn't you use the lighter colors from his codpiece, boots, and gloves for the gold colors? Then a color from his face for the shine/glimmer? Just a thought, but you have some great stuff here already.


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Re: Minor project: Magus sprite recoloring
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2009, 08:22:02 pm »
I experimented with something like that initially, but it left his pants blending into his armour too much, which was why I ended up making the armour for the Goldpants sprites more brown.

(Am I the only one who wonders who persuaded him that wearing that codpiece would be a good idea in the first place?)


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Re: Minor project: Magus sprite recoloring
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2009, 08:31:26 pm »

Shadow comparison time! The darker blue on the original cape was also a general shadow used throughout the sprite. This was useful for areas like the crooks of his arms and between his legs. Not only did it look like the limbs were in shadow, but you could see past them to the dark of his cape. On Red, parts of his arms, between his legs, and his waist still have that general shadow colour, but you can't see the dark part of the cape anymore. The red you're using now is too light to be used as a general shadow, so you can't put it on the arms and legs to give that same effect.
It isn't that big of a detail, but it does make the cape seem somewhat detached from the rest of the sprite. Maybe try going even darker with the red shadow.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 08:35:24 pm by Zephira »


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Re: Minor project: Magus sprite recoloring
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2009, 08:34:29 pm »
So is it not possible to make his hair purple with the red cape...? The alt colors are purple hair (instead of that more cerulean blue), red cape (instead of the dark blue) & gold pants (instead of purple).

Also, I officially do not know what the real difference is between the Kajar & Submissions forums.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Minor project: Magus sprite recoloring
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2009, 08:35:00 pm »
I experimented with something like that initially, but it left his pants blending into his armour too much, which was why I ended up making the armour for the Goldpants sprites more brown.
What about blue/silverish armor? Just existing color stuff rearranged, with the red cape and the gold pants? How would that look?

(Am I the only one who wonders who persuaded him that wearing that codpiece would be a good idea in the first place?)
Flea. Not from the game. From Red Hot Chili Peppers.


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Re: Minor project: Magus sprite recoloring
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2009, 08:35:30 pm »
Hey, cool stuff you got here, but in my opinion the gold pants are comin' off too yellow. The one with the red cape looks superb, though.

Now let's see his gray-blue skin. :P


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Re: Minor project: Magus sprite recoloring
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2009, 08:37:55 pm »
Also, I officially do not know what the real difference is between the Kajar & Submissions forums.
I've also been wondering about this at times. My recommendation would be for completed fanfics, modifications, fan art, and pixel art like spritesheets to go into "Submissions" but be developed within their corresponding forums until submitted once complete. Let's collect opinions on it though.


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Re: Minor project: Magus sprite recoloring
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2009, 08:41:26 pm »
I guess that makes sense, FW.

These two arts are the real basis for the alt colors...

Red Cape...

Purple Hair & Gold Pants...

I figured they should probably be in this thread just to show people.


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Re: Minor project: Magus sprite recoloring
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2009, 08:43:10 pm »
I've also been wondering about this at times. My recommendation would be for completed fanfics, modifications, fan art, and pixel art like spritesheets to go into "Submissions" but be developed within their corresponding forums until submitted once complete. Let's collect opinions on it though.
Seconded. Submissions should be for submitting completed works to the site's fanfiction and fanart sections, and WIPS and hacks should go in Kajar. In light of that, would it be beneficial to make subforums in Kajar for art, fiction, spriting and hacks?