Author Topic: Serge = Janus Theory  (Read 31833 times)

Daniel Krispin

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Serge = Janus Theory
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2005, 02:49:13 pm »
Quote from: Zaperking
WTF? Don't you mean Kid searching for Serge

Just a typo. Don't mind it too greatly.

Quote from: Zaperking
And another thing. Isn't Janus the Roman God of like past and future? And had two heads? Like when one door closes, another one opens. This colour resemble Janus' life. If he was reincarnated, thats like another door opening once the other one had closed.

One closes, another opens, exactly. Not a god of past and future but, as I said, one of change, of doorways, etc. The gods of past and future would have been whatever equivalent the Romans had for the Fates - I cannot now remember what that might be, though. The Hellenes had Clotho, Lachiseis, and Atropos, but I cannot remember what the Romans did. Perhaps they just borrowed them. They did that often enough, after all.

Crystal Zeal

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Serge = Janus Theory
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2005, 03:20:33 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
Serge cannot be Janus reincaranted because of their innate color.  Serge is white.  Janus would be Black.

How can you assume that?  A reincarnation isn't a direct link of the previous character -- Janus was more of a black-innate type.  Serge's personality, however, was more "white."  If Serge was Janus, then of course, he's have to be a black innate.  However, since we're talking about a reincarnated form, that doesn't even apply.


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Serge = Janus Theory
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2005, 04:10:36 pm »
Magus was Shadow element.  Shadow element would be black color.  elements (colors) dont change based on personality.  When Serge is Lynx, Lynx is still black color, even though Serge is not evil.

a reincarantion would have the same soul, thus, the same innate color.  It shows what sort of magic they would be most able with.


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Serge = Janus Theory
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2005, 09:09:21 pm »
Although I don't believe Serge is Magus for many reasons...I have to say that just because your CT Magic is one thing (Fire, Water, Lightning, Shadow), that doesn't mean that it will take on a corresponding CC Element Innate...Mainly because the two systems are different and based on different principles.

For one, it's clearly stated that Serge is from Arni. It's in his bio thingy bopper. Magus is from Zeal. End of story to me. Anything else just seems too rediculously far-stretched (not to mention has no concrete basis) to even want to believe...


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Serge = Janus Theory
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2005, 03:44:40 am »
Just if anyone acctually bothered to read my post, they'd realise what I was on about the Serge/Janus innate thing >.>


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Serge = Janus Theory
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2005, 02:53:58 pm »
your post referenced DBZ, and the situation was different with the Buu-Uub situation.  Uub wasn't a simple reincarnation, he was Buu born good and human.  I think thats what Goku's wish was, more or less.  And the power and such in DBZ isn't based on one's mental state.  Everyone uses the same type of energy, they just use it differently, in different amounts.


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Serge = Janus Theory
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2005, 12:59:18 am »
i would like to point out what the bottom of Serge's gravestone says in Another World:
"What came from the sea
Has returned from the sea"

Is it ever stated as a fact that Serge is Marge and Wazuki's real child? The gravestone does seem to point to Serge's being found washed up on the shore. I don't think this necessarily makes Serge's being Janus any more possible, since Janus' somehow showing up as a baby (or at least under the age of 5, since i think Serge gets bitten 2 years before Wazuki tries to drown him, and he dies at the age of 7) in El Nido is also just as farfetched.

Maybe serge was found around the time of Porre's conquering Gaurdia, and that for some reason a resident of Gaurdia sent his/her child to the sea for protection (Moses?), which also makes a good metaphor (Moses' splitting the water, Serge's splitting time..?)


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Serge = Janus Theory
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2005, 03:41:40 am »
Shadow_Dragon where it says

"what came from the sea has returned to the sea"
it is talking about life one of the villagers in Anri makes this clear i is also mentioned in fort dragonia when your returning Serge to his original form it is said by the pictures on the wall thing there that all life cam from the sea so really what the grave stone is saying is that the life that came from the sea has returned to the sea. its not implying that serge was found on the beach plus its stated numerous times that Wazuki is Serge's father.


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Serge = Janus Theory
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2005, 01:57:35 pm »
can you find exactly what the villager says?
Fisherman: Zzz…Zzzzz…Hwaah!!!  The tranquil sound of the waves does it to me every time.  It makes me so sleepy.  I bet the lullaby we heard in our mothers’ wombs was kinda like this. One day, we will all return to the Mother Sea…Embraced by her lullaby…
Fisherman: In due course, your time will also come to return to the sea, young man…

is that what you're referring to?

i think that the fisherman is referring to a normal life (and a normal, natural, death), not being drowned. However, Serge didn't simply die of a natural cause, he was physically returned to the sea, so I think something needs to balance it out, Serge's actually coming from the sea..

But the pictures and stuff refer to evolution, and unless the entire race reverts back to fish, i don't think the analogy holds

And although Wazuki and Marge are said to be Serge's parents constantly, is there any evidence that would go against their finding Serge as a baby and raising him as if he were their child? And, of course, no one in the village (if they knew), including Marge, would want to tell Serge since it would devasate him

I really wanna see a pic of Wazuki, to see if he really does resemble Serge; does anyone know where I can find one?

edit: I was trying to say this before, but I couldn't find words for it:
The language of the gravestone, to me, definitely makes it seem like he was found; "What came from the sea", 'what' makes it seem like, literally or in w/e analogy it's using, not everyone comes from the sea and that Serge was special. It had to make a big deal that Serge came from the sea, when, if it's the analogy of which the fisherman speaks or which the thing at Fort Dragonia tells, then everyone would've come from the sea, and saying 'what came from the sea' would be unneeded, meaning that it can only be there to specifically mean something else.


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Serge = Janus Theory
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2005, 08:12:01 pm »

why do you keep putting forth crazy theories with little to no backing?  his grave stone means nothing.  life in Arni village was tied to the sea.  CC says that life came from the sea.  you read too much into it.  if Marge wasnt his real mother, then why would she die from grief after Serge dies in Another?  Not to say adoptive parents dont love their kids, but I can garantee you that its not the same as flesh and blood kids.


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Serge = Janus Theory
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2005, 12:43:24 am »
The grave stone DOES mean something, and although I don't fully believe that Serge was found instead of born by Marge/Wazuki, I don't think that they would've put those two lines into the gravestone if they didn't want the player to think of it at the back of their mind, but without sufficient evidence pointing to one direction I'm not going to choose a side


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Serge = Janus Theory
« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2005, 12:46:58 am »
ah so thats what you meant shadow dragon

i was just trying to disclaim the serge coming from the sea thing the whole life thing i probally took too far but since that is what the villagers talk about and such they meant that on the grave stone not that serge came from the sea

and wazuki does look like serge


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Serge = Janus Theory
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2005, 01:22:06 am »
I agree that the sea thing is merely a product of Arni's being tied in with the sea, but isn't there a better way to phrase it without making Serge seem special?
Maybe, although I don't remember it, I thought that Serge was adopted when I first saw the gravestone, so I can't get the idea out of my head and am thinking illogically because of it

Besides the scene where Miguel talks about his and Wazuki's coming to Chronopolis, are there any other scenes that show Wazuki? I've already passed that scene (and I didn't care to notice) in my replay, and I don't wanna have to go through the game again to see him

Daniel Krispin

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Serge = Janus Theory
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2005, 01:38:21 am »

Very much alike, indeed. That thing upon the stone is a simple epitaph; they are written in that style, sometimes. I think everyone that has said that it is because of Arni's close connection with the sea is right on. These are a sea-people. They probably worship a sea-god. They probably see their children as coming, in some manner, from the sea. The Greeks, I think, thought that all children came of Gaia, and touched the children to the earth when they were born in respect. It is no different here, and I don't think there was any alterior motive at all.
I really think that arguing that Serge is in ANY way Janus is absurd, really. The game-maker himself has said that this was meant to be Guile, but it was cut. There is, in fact, nothing at all connecting Serge to Janus. Kid's affection to him is certainly not brotherly, as it would be for Janus; it is meant to be a love story (though, personally, I don't think Serge should betray Leena so lightly, but that's another matter entirely...) Serge and Janus probably both have black hair, but that's just speculation; for the time being we can say that one has dark blue, and the other pale blue hair. They act in absolutely different manners, have different ways of dealing with things, and are of different body types. Really, if Serge is Janus he has been changed in character so much he has ceased to actually BE Janus, and thus no matter which way one looks at it, he is Serge and distinct from that child of Zeal.


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Serge = Janus Theory
« Reply #29 on: May 01, 2005, 02:30:29 am »
Wow, Wazuki in the pic looks like Janus  :D