Author Topic: Open Casting Call For King Guardia XXXIII in CTU  (Read 547 times)


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Open Casting Call For King Guardia XXXIII in CTU
« on: May 07, 2009, 02:48:43 am »
There is currently an open casting call for King Guardia XXXIII for Episode 19 of CTU. I know many of you have asked if you could voice for CTU, so this is your chance. However, I will only be accepting applications on the Official CTU Forum. Sorry, but I have to do this for the protection of the project. I can't allow myself to work with someone whom isn't easily a repeatable source. For that to happen, I need form them to be reliably contactable without first traipsing about the internet. For those still interested, I look forward to hearing from you on the CTU Forums.