Prejean? She's nothing. Hilton is the one who you should be cursing; he did far more to damage the cause of same-sex marriage advocates than Prejean.
Since I did not see the "incident," perhaps I am undervaluing the tone of the statement, but, in context with her preamble, it seems like Prejean essentially said “"Yay, we get a choice! I just don't approve of both choices."
It is not an ideal stance, but Perez Hilton's response was far worse. His response was essentially "You disagree with me?! Too bad, boo on freedom of choice!"
If he just ignored her and said nothing, would it have made the news? Maybe as a sentence or two in a story covering the pageant in general, but it was his reaction that made her statement make headlines.
Through his own intolerance of opposing ideologies, he has strengthened that opposition; he has fueled their flames of passion. Anti-same-sex-marriage groups now have a martyr. They can point to Prejean as an illustration of how "hateful," "oppressive," and "evil" homosexuals and the "homosexual agenda" can be. Her time in the limelight will hopefully be short, but Hilton put her there in the first place.
What good came out of Hilton's response? His petty vindictiveness and unprofessional behavior are not traits that the homosexual community should want to be associated with. He is not a leader or a figurehead for them to rally around. It is rather harsh, but nothing can excuse Hilton’s actions. There is no mistreatment he could have gone through, no insults he could have endured, that would have justified him. Each time homosexuals respond to intolerance with intolerance, they validate that approach and in turn validate their attackers. Nothing can ever justify a person willingly devaluing themselves in that manner.
The most expedient route to social justice is to be "more human than the humans," to behave in a more morally upright manner than your opposition, to be such a shining example of humanity that others -- poor examples of humanity they may be -- cannot help but admit that you are, indeed, human and are entitled to all the rights there associated.