ST:TOS has always been very campy, so it wasn't JJ Abrams exactly, although he did a great job implementing it in to a still serious movie. I am not a huge trekkie but I am a fan. I would especially say the casting was spot on for every one, save Kirk. I do really mean spot on, every one didn't just mimic there predecessors, they took the characters and made them there own. At the same time they knew the precedents the gimmicks of the series and used them ("Damn it Jim I'm a Doctor! Not a ______."). Chris Pine, who played James Tiberius Kirk, didn't do a bad job at all but I felt that he created an all new Kirk. The old Kirk would bend the rules, he would put others before himself at all times, he was also a real ladies man, and he knew what to do for the greater good. Pine fit all these perfectly but he did something to lose that charm that charisma, which I can only pin on him being young. 10/10