To begin this, I would like to say I actually had my computer ripped out of my room and 90% of my privilages stolen from me recently for spending too much time on this website, anticipating the release, it was literally all I looked forward to this entire month. My life is spiraling downhill once more, and I may even have the Swine Flu.
But damn, this proves that Square doesn't give a damn about their fans. I had thought it before, but now it stands firmer in my mind that Square doesn't care.
I find it somewhat amusing that a multimillion dollar company ignored us for 9 years, then essentially declares war on us.
What the hell is wrong with them? We were making a nonprofit ROM hack for entertainment!
Not for money, not for fame, for experimentation and fun!
Jesus effing christ...
I actually thought this was a joke when I first saw it, but damn.
Now then, I'm still going to buy their games, and I know if they ever release a new Chrono game we'll all buy it.
I'm just sick of it, all of it.
I'm going to take a fucking break from god damned video games for once in my life, and go read a book.
Thanks for your incredibly hard work, everyone.