It's a too many chiefs and not enough indians situation. So many people have "ideas" (or the same idea over and over) who can't really do anything to try them out. The project leaders are the only ones who will make these decisions and no matter what we suggest, what they say is set in stone as far as we are concerned. I've accepted that. The fact that I've accepted it is the only reason I'm back here. I still love Chrono Trigger, and I still like Cross, but if the two groups responsible for this situation say that's all there is to it, then that's all there is to it. At least I still have my games.
If this C&D had happened like two weeks earlier, I would NOT have bought the DS I got recently. I got it mostly for CT, (and FF6A) so I could give it a full playthrough and check out all the extra stuff and be done RIGHT BEFORE the release of CE. If I had known there would be no CE, Nintendo would not have my 120 bucks and Square would not have my 50 or 60 bucks or however much that damn game cost.
I don't know how other fans in similar situations feel, but I'd imagine most of their feelings are identical to mine on this point.
That article is a really good find, Agent12! Really good.