Let's not lose sight of the fact that it was SE's decision to send the team that C&D letter. No matter how they found out about Crimson Echoes, the decision to C&D it was theirs. They undoubtedly researched the bogus e-mail that was sent to them, and determined that the development team was making no attempt to profit from the game, nor was the Compendium. If they had suspected otherwise, they would have mentioned a profit motive in their C&D letter.
There are always a few bad eggs in the community. That's life. Most of them are in it for the attention, or else for the thrill of being jerks. We're already keeping tabs on a small number of people who we know are troublemakers. Leave that to us. Let's not give them the kind of publicity they're seeking. Instead, I suggest we put a stop to this kind of rumor-ridden discussion about who did what, and why. Let's keep in mind that our real adversary is SE, a company which is blind to the merits of fan projects. We're not afraid of trolls and attention whores. We're afraid of huge corporations with bored legal departments. If you're angry about losing CE and want to spend your energy on something productive, think about spending it on Square Enix...not anonymous letter-writers.
On a separate note for those of you who are asking about the status of talks with SE, there is little to report. We've been trying to get them to issue an official statement that will hopefully bring some closure to the matter, and they've been stonewalling. Other than that, if JP is able to win any meaningful concessions from them with regard to the terms of the C&D letter, he'll let everyone know when and if it happens. Patience, people, patience.