Author Topic: Straight Talk Express with the Compendium...Next Stop: Truth  (Read 43874 times)


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Re: Straight Talk Express with the Compendium...Next Stop: Truth
« Reply #90 on: May 16, 2009, 08:06:00 pm »
Perhaps SE should take a page from Bethesda Studios and Lion head by providing or at least  allow modding of their games by fans who aren't looking for profit.

Dark Serge

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Re: Straight Talk Express with the Compendium...Next Stop: Truth
« Reply #91 on: May 16, 2009, 08:09:47 pm »
You know, I think what Square Enix cares most about is other people getting credit off their franchises and copyrights. They don't want the fans to kiss the asses of some amateurs who've made a mod, especially not if it's better then what they come up with. They don't want people to go "Oh wow, look at that awesome group of fans who made Crimson Echoes! They are way better then Square!".

About the drawing thing, talent has nothing to do with it really. I never could draw back in the past, but now I can draw decent characters in Photoshop. I never could program in the past, but I'm getting pretty good in two different programming languages about now.

Just study, learn, and experiment.


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Re: Straight Talk Express with the Compendium...Next Stop: Truth
« Reply #92 on: May 16, 2009, 08:24:24 pm »
Yeah, i know that. It's just a habit. The more you exercise, the better you'll be. But what I'm saying is that there's no use to use all that, drawing and programing, because all that IS against the law. What I'm saying is that you can't show your passion and love doing this. For them, showing your passion and love is buying the game and tell others people to do the same.  :(


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Re: Straight Talk Express with the Compendium...Next Stop: Truth
« Reply #93 on: May 16, 2009, 08:53:45 pm »
People please! will you stop your god forsaken bitching! None of it helping in the slightest,  Fan art, fan fiction, tribute videos are all still perfectly A-OK by SquareEnix. You don't get to play CE at the moment, still if you must vent WRITE A GOD DAMN LETTER. It is an amazing way to pour out the hostility, regaurdless of how crappy a writer you are. If the fan could do anything to grab SE attention other then a full boycott its thousands of letters from all around.

Dark Serge

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Re: Straight Talk Express with the Compendium...Next Stop: Truth
« Reply #94 on: May 16, 2009, 09:14:52 pm »
Letters like that probably go straight to the recycle bin


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Re: Straight Talk Express with the Compendium...Next Stop: Truth
« Reply #95 on: May 16, 2009, 09:43:28 pm »
Unlike ranting online, it effect SE though. The great thing about a letter is that they are all looked at, if only by some letter sorter, a sudden influx of letter does have an impact on a company no matter how large. Just ask Marvel.


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Re: Straight Talk Express with the Compendium...Next Stop: Truth
« Reply #96 on: May 16, 2009, 10:42:56 pm »
odekam, I understand where you are coming from...  and KebreI was slightly outta line swearing like that (Only slightly though...  I will still allow it lol xD) But honestly, people have been coming in here since saturday, wave after wave of people, to say basically the same thing you have said.  So in the politest way I can, I am going to say, please contribute to a possible solution (honestly anything plausible could potentially help us in the long run) or just say nothing at all.  We know people wanted to play this game, and we know what the thoughts of the majority are.  We don't 10+ people a day coming in a stating the exact same thing.


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Re: Straight Talk Express with the Compendium...Next Stop: Truth
« Reply #97 on: May 16, 2009, 10:46:03 pm »
Could a possible solution perhaps be a settlement allowing CE to be released WITH a bunch of Square Enix ads? Perhaps on chronocompedium, maybe in-game (inserted randomly in dialogue)? It's a corporate sell-out solution but if it allows the game to be completed and released, I'm all for it. I wouldn't mind a bunch of banner/pop-up ads for Dragon Quest IX on here for the next few months.

Of course, whether or not that would be agreeable to the actual owners of this site is another question entirely.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Straight Talk Express with the Compendium...Next Stop: Truth
« Reply #98 on: May 16, 2009, 11:40:42 pm »
I am ready to make a game. I don't care about popularity, just fun. If anybody is serious about helping with that PM me and we'll see what we can do. I'd need a writer, cause I tried and failed. I can write, but apparently not video games. I would need a mapper, maybe a spriter (I'm gonna try out what I got tonight) and an editor for both the written script and the event scripts. Again, if you're serious, PM me. I'm not going to say anything else here, as this is not Kajar at all.


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Re: Straight Talk Express with the Compendium...Next Stop: Truth
« Reply #99 on: May 17, 2009, 12:04:32 am »
Thank you, Mikisho. I really understand what you said, and I think you're right... I just needed to say it, because there was no other place. About the solution, I am still working on it, like everyone else, I think. If I found something, I'll tell to you guys.


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Re: Straight Talk Express with the Compendium...Next Stop: Truth
« Reply #100 on: May 17, 2009, 12:06:41 am »
Perhaps SE should take a page from Bethesda Studios and Lion head by providing or at least  allow modding of their games by fans who aren't looking for profit.

Y'know, I think that's probably what doesn't sit right with me about this. I haven't really been able to put a finger on it, but SE's reaction, while within their rights, just seems kind of old-school. Like a grumpy old grandpa shooing kids off his lawn. Maybe because I upgraded my computer setup and have been getting more into the PC gaming scene, or because I've been semi-active in communities like Left 4 Dead and Fallout 3, but getting huffy over a fan mod or unnofficial "story" content is just weird to me. There's a restoration patch to bring in content that didn't make the final cut in Knights of the Old Republic 2, and similar patches for Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Starcraft sees custom maps (with event and story triggers possible) shared freely over Blizzard's own servers. And those are just a handful of examples.

That's kind of why I hope that this is simply a misconception, and SE thought that hacked copies of the ROM (or worse, CT DS) were being distributed. Otherwise, it seems very short-sighted. In fact, if there's a serious letter-writing campaign, maybe I'll use my above paragraph as an outline of talking points. A number of the games and companies one could site that treats their fan-community well are putting out best-selling content.


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Re: Straight Talk Express with the Compendium...Next Stop: Truth
« Reply #101 on: May 17, 2009, 01:39:12 am »
So in the politest way I can, I am going to say, please contribute to a possible solution (honestly anything plausible could potentially help us in the long run) or just say nothing at all.

I am pretty sure the solution - for now - is that we just chill and wait,  Much like Faust as well as other "higher ups" have said.  As much as we all want to be the one that finds that loophole that allows them to release CE, or be the person that sparks a toppling of the mighty and evil superpower that is square-enix, there is no real solution if square never gives a follow-up explanation of the C&D.  As it stands, NOTHING is going to be, or even can be done.  That can all change, sure, but it is in their hands now.  We can vent, sure, we can try to come up with all kinds of grand schemes, sure, but in the end, its in square-enix' and to a smaller extent the project leaders hands.   

WARNING - SLIGHT VENTING - Unless they have a change of heart, which I find VERY unlikely, we might not get much other then a video recap of the game (I should add, I would love to see that).  I am sure everyone else thats ever received a C&D from square-enix has tried to get a better explanation or they have tried to fight it, but has anyone heard a success story?  I am in not way doubting the compendiums people.  As far as I am concerned we're all here because we love the chrono series, so we all want the same thing... we're on the same team.  What I doubt is square's remorse.  even if all of us here threatened to stop buying their products, they stand to lose, what, a couple thousand dollars?  That, to square, is about the same as me dropping a penny on the floor.  Shit, I never even bother to pick them up... Just like I don't feel like square will bother to do the smart thing and pick up their penny.  That's enough negativity though... I really do hope something gets resolved.  Even if they return our messages and further explain why they distributed the C&D, and refuse to lift it.

I just want some closure, as a lot of us do, and in time, I am sure we will get just that - so, the waiting game ensues.


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Re: Straight Talk Express with the Compendium...Next Stop: Truth
« Reply #102 on: May 17, 2009, 10:59:00 am »
Here's a solution to hit SE where it hurts:  Boycott all their games from now on and let them know you're boycotting their games, especially FFXIII and FFvsXIII.  Get enough people writing in to SE that they aren't going to buy any SE games anymore, especially FF, and SE will listen.


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Re: Straight Talk Express with the Compendium...Next Stop: Truth
« Reply #103 on: May 17, 2009, 12:42:14 pm »
Boycott! If only someone had thought of it sooner! If people just regularly didn't buy games that sucked, there would be less games that suck. Saying you and a handful of people who are upset that they didn't get to play a ROM hack aren't going to be buying SE product is inane and stupid and won't do anything. Buy & play good games. Don't for bad ones. That's our responsibility as gamers.


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Re: Straight Talk Express with the Compendium...Next Stop: Truth
« Reply #104 on: May 17, 2009, 12:43:25 pm »
Here's a solution to hit SE where it hurts:  Boycott all their games from now on and let them know you're boycotting their games, especially FFXIII and FFvsXIII.  Get enough people writing in to SE that they aren't going to buy any SE games anymore, especially FF, and SE will listen.

even if all the passionate Chrono-fans (which aren't that many) boycotted FF, a ton of other people would still buy it... SE may just not like the idea of being pushed around by fans and will probably ignore it...