Author Topic: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?  (Read 26709 times)


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #105 on: January 16, 2010, 05:44:19 am »

Nicki Clyne as Lucca Ashtear?  Hmm...

Cut her hair, dye it a magenta color, slap the clothes and helmet on her and whaddya get?

Well, it was the best picture I could find of someone dressing up as her.  It was that or this:

Which do you prefer?  Me?  I like to second one better.

Anyways, take the above cosplay costume and make it look more authentic and world-weary for dear Miss Clyne, and I do believe she can pull it off.

As a side note, I would like to make one thing clear:

Your casting list is a wish list that you shouldn't set your hopes too high on.  I've been reading "Save the Cat: The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need" by Blake Snyder (the best spec screenplay seller to date), and he says that down in Hollywood, rare is the occasion where dream script meets dream cast.  If you cast your movie in your head beforehand, you'll always walk away with disappointment when the casting director finishes his work on your movie.

Actors and actresses claim that they wish to find the acting role that they want and would know how to fill it, but don't fall for it.  They have no idea what they're looking for, and it's a pretty good guess that the actors and actresses that you just listed have that same lack of idea as well.

I'm not trying to shoot you down or anything; I'm just being realistic.  It's a great list (don't get me wrong), but I wouldn't expect even half of these people to make the cast should a CT trilogy ever became a reality due to either previous commitments or creative differences (I say trilogy because some of the best film franchises came in trilogies; best to follow a formula that has proven successful over time)

Up next: the failure knight known as Frog/Glenn!  Hooray! :D
« Last Edit: January 16, 2010, 05:45:54 am by GenesisOne »


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #106 on: January 16, 2010, 06:54:43 am »
Wait just a second... "Failure??" "FAILURE?"

How DARE you!! Nobody takes a shot at Frog!  :x

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #107 on: January 16, 2010, 05:29:49 pm »
Wait just a second... "Failure??" "FAILURE?"

How DARE you!! Nobody takes a shot at Frog!  :x

YEAH! :shock:




...'Cept Magus. But we let that one SLIDE!


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #108 on: January 17, 2010, 04:51:25 pm »

Wait just a second... "Failure??" "FAILURE?"

How DARE you!! Nobody takes a shot at Frog!  :x

Tell that to the trope which I summoned the name of.

Look.  It's even got Frog/Glenn as its poster child.  What a coinky-dink!


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #109 on: January 17, 2010, 09:25:02 pm »

I was joking... I thought that was obvious...  :(


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #110 on: January 18, 2010, 06:11:53 pm »

Yeah, I knew it was a joke.  Sorry if I came off as serious.  Anyways...

Frog/Glenn starring either Patrick Stewart or Liam Neeson?  Hmm...

Patrick Stewart has had his early career in stage (Wow!  The Royal Shakespeare Company and the Royal National Theatre), so being a classically trained actor would work to his advantage being the voice of frog.  Seeing how he had his roots in English stage work, he sounds like the most likely candidate.

Liam Neeson, on the other hand, has had some perennial roles starring in various movies (Qui-Gon Jinn and Aslan; sci-fi and fantasy, respectively), so his hybrid knowledge of both genres seems to play a significant role in his potential for the part of Frog.

Gee... These two actors have so much potential between them, it's hard to choose.  Personally, I'd place my money on Patrick Stewart due to his prestige in the theater, something Frog seems to portray quite well through his dialect (in some sense, Frog is sort of like Prince Hamlet).

As for the execution of the character Frog, I was thinking of taking a hybrid approach.  A person shorter than the lead cast would wear the costume with a mocap head piece for Frog's head.  Frog's head would then be a CG rendition in post-production, with either Stewart or Neeson doing the voice acting concurrently.  If anyone had a better idea, let it be known.

What says you, Lennis?
« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 02:25:25 pm by GenesisOne »


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #111 on: January 19, 2010, 05:43:25 am »

Yeah, I knew it was a joke.  Sorry if I came off as serious.  Anyways...

Frog/Glenn starring either Patrick Stewart or Liam Neeson?  Hmm...

Patrick Stewart has had his early in stage (Wow!  The Royal Shakespeare Company and the Royal National Theatre), so being a classically trained actor would work to his advantage being the voice of frog.  Seeing how he had his roots in English stage work, he sounds like the most likely candidate.

Liam Neeson, on the other hand, has had some perennial roles starring in various movies (Qui-Gon Jinn and Aslan; sci-fi and fantasy, respectively), so his hybrid knowledge of both genres seems to play a significant role in his potential for the part of Frog.

Gee... These two actors have so much potential between them, it's hard to choose.  Personally, I'd place my money on Patrick Stewart due to his prestige in the theater, something Frog seems to portray quite well through his dialect (in some sense, Frog is sort of like Prince Hamlet).

As for the execution of the character Frog, I was thinking of taking a hybrid approach.  A person shorter than the lead cast would wear the costume with a mocap head piece for Frog's head.  Frog's head would then be a CG rendition in post-production, with either Stewart or Neeson doing the voice acting concurrently.  If anyone had a better idea, let it be known.

What says you, Lennis?

The kind of acrobatics I envision for Frog would not lend itself well to a hybrid approach.  Think Yoda.  Glenn's amphibian form grants him abilities well beyond even a skilled human.  A human stuntman/actor could not convey this.

Patrick Stewart would be my first choice.  Liam Neeson my second.  Both are capable.

Now what about Robo?


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #112 on: January 21, 2010, 07:48:21 pm »
The kind of acrobatics I envision for Frog would not lend itself well to a hybrid approach.  Think Yoda.  Glenn's amphibian form grants him abilities well beyond even a skilled human.  A human stuntman/actor could not convey this.

You would be surprised at what some human stuntmen are capable of in terms of acrobatics.  Picture Parkour artists and Urban ninja.  YouTube is your friend in this case.

Now for the part of...

Robo/Prometheus starring Hugo Weaving?

This would be an agreeable role to take.  If one synthesizes his voice to make it sound more robotic, it would fit him very well.  Unfortunately, he has commitment issues for production of The Hobbit coming out in either 2011/2012, so him gracing us with his stardom will have to wait.

A costume would be an easy fit for Mr. Weaving since Robo's got lots of bulk on his body.  What says you?


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #113 on: January 27, 2010, 02:20:54 pm »

Let's see, who's next on the list?  Ah, yes.

Ayla starring Uma Thurman.  *Cue Ayla's theme*

Well, well.  Quite the accomplisher, isn't she?  Pulp Fiction and both Kill Bills.

I'd say yes at first, but casting the role of Ayla comes as a another side note to casting:

Sometimes, casting directors are forced to go beyond their normal boundaries in order to find the optimal role.  Consider, for example, the roles of tall characters in films (e.g. Jaws from the 007 films or Chewbacca of Star Wars fame), or small characters (like the Munchkins from The Wizard of Oz).  

Don't get me wrong; CGI has made great strides in the last decade, but why spend hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, of dollars and hundreds of man hours to pull off such visual effects when it can easily be resolved with the right casting decision?

Have you considered looking into, say, competitors of the annual Ms. Olympia competition? They already have the muscle to pull off the look (and in some cases, the hair to boot), so you should at least give that a possibility.  Other than that, this casting decision is still open to discussion.

What says you?


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #114 on: February 20, 2010, 12:46:59 am »
To respond to an earlier post, Efron is actually built pretty well and in excellent physical shape and would be a believable warrior. He also does posses the boyish charm for the part, and I don't think Efron would consider doing swordfights and magic "typecasting" him in the same type of role he's played before.


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #115 on: April 21, 2010, 04:33:03 pm »
Sorry I've been away for awhile.

For Robo, I figured Weaving would be a good choice in part because it would be VO.  He could do all his work in an audio studio and not necessarily have to be on set with everyone else.  I've heard they do "Shrek" in this way.  I don't see a costume approach at all doable unless they completely redesign the character. (cringe)  From a production standpoint it would be much easier just to make a CGI Robo.

I never considered looking at lady bodybuilders.  For one thing, Ayla has to be able to emote.  Just because her dialogue is primitive doesn't mean her character can be played by someone with little to no acting experience.  Secondly, modern bodybuilders have fake physiques - meaning that they use artificial means to attain them.  I don't think there are many GMC stores in 65,000,000 B.C.

Updating my Marle casting, it looks like Hayden Panettiere has dyed her hair red and that really throws a wrench in things. :(  I really don't know who else to cast.  Maybe there's another young starlet on the way up?


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #116 on: April 21, 2010, 06:27:06 pm »

Hey, Lennis.  Nice to have you back.

Well, if they can put Anthony Daniels in a convincing C-3PO costume (back in 1976, no less) , I'm sure they can put Hugo Weaving in a bulky, yet sophisticated Robo/Prometheus costume without a problem.  If they could do it then, they are more than capable of doing it now.

As for the female bodybuilders, not every woman uses steroids (anabolic or otherwise) to gain their amazing physiques.  Even if they didn't have GMCs back in the Prehistoric Era, it's still a casting that I wouldn't just skip lightly over.  Who knows?  You might even find some good acting talent in one those women.

Up next: Zachary Quinto as Janus/Magus.  This oughta be good...


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #117 on: April 23, 2010, 05:20:50 pm »
Ok I know this might make everyone upset but seriously with makeup I think Taylor Lautner might be good for Magus. He knows how to use a bo staff so fighting is already experienced. Also his face kinda gives me a Magus feel. I could see him do it well with some makeup.


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #118 on: April 23, 2010, 06:56:28 pm »

Taylor Lautner, you say?  Hmm...

Well, Magus doesn't have a bow staff.  He has a scythe, and the weapon dynamics involved with a scythe are different... but probably nothing Lautner can't learn with instructor's guidance.

Slap on the costume and make-up, and maybe (just maybe), you have a working Magus character.  What says you, Lennis?

Up next: the minor characters with a MAJOR presence in the story.


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #119 on: April 28, 2010, 07:17:32 pm »
How about a Chrono Cross movie? I know there are 43 characters to fill, but we could focus on the more important/popular characters.