EDIT: Damn, that was some nice dialog, Z. Should I record Frog's stuff for ya? Also, in regards to Dalton, what kinda voice are you looking for? I might go buy a mic today and try my hand at filling some other character voices (even if it's temporary).
Thanks and YES record Frog's Stuff, I'll make the demo scene between Frog and Magus!
For Dalton? How, do I put it? I was thinking of something that sounded kind-of goony with a little bit of sinisterness to it. Those are the only parameters, other than that, you have total rein of it.
Well, technically, the C&D was not aimed at us(Chrono Trigger +). But we're still better off stepping back a bit and letting the dust settle.
Yeah, If we ever get to finish it, it would've added atleast 20 extra hours of playability.
Anywho, I forgot the my USB drive when I went to the lib, so I'll have to post that Fiona's Forest scene later ...
EDIT: as well as the script for Episode 1, which will be all the way up to and including the telepod scene.
I have started sorting the list of episodes. I had 60 and have to condense it down. It's not like we're showing the whole game here. Just the major core. Each of the MAIN SIDEQUESTS (including Ayla's new one "Valley of Giants/the Searing Chasm) will be an episode. Lavos would total to be three. The Moonlight Parade Ending would be an episode unto itself. (which concludes the normal CT+ world)
Chrono's Hidden Sidequest dubbed "The Cleft of Dimensions" will be a "mini-movie".
THIS quest was actually going to be hidden in an ending, one of the variations of Moonlight Parade where Gina chases the Cat into the Gate and they have to find her. (you would have had to complete all Main Sidequests, Defeated as few Bashers as possible in the Blackbird and get rank A for the Treasure Hunter Rank Guy in the Millennial Fair --which pretty much involves getting all the tabs and Zeal Boxes)
Here's the premise of it:
They (Crono, Marle, Lucca at this point) end up searching the whole world and end up at Denadoro Mts. 600. The get to the cave where the Masamune was and they find Gina, the Cat, and Frog clinging to the wall for dear life. (a strange black tear in dimensional space is where the Masamune was, it is sucking stuff in)
Gina: Oh, thank goodness! I saw that poor Mr. Frog was trapped here and tried to help him! I've been here for TWO hours!
Cat: Meow!
Frog: Well, I've come to return the Masamune to it's rightful place. There was this anomaly here trying to pull me in, and I've been here for TWENTY hours!
(Cat lets go and gets pulled in)
Gina: You naughty thing! Get back here!
(Gina lets go and is pulled inside)
(Crono just leaps in after here)
Marle: Hey! Wait for us!
Lucca: Oh man, entering a gargantuan colorless vortex that leads to some parallel world without much chance of returning was NOT on my list of ideas.
(They follow)
Frog: Well, for my friends...I will follow to whatever end!
(Frog just let's go and falls in)
*warp to a black screen*
( Gina and the Cat go one way)
( Lucca, Marle and Frog go another)
( Crono ends up by himself )
...that's just the beggining folks, bwa ha ha...
