Author Topic: CT+ Fury of the Ages (getting things rolling!)  (Read 21334 times)

Mr Bekkler

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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #30 on: June 10, 2009, 01:25:01 pm »
This looks like fun. I have a bunch of recording equipment.

My mic was like 300 dollars though. An Audio Technica AT3035 I think...

Would inconsistent quality between voices be a problem? I mean, could my microphone be too good? Are other people using computer mics or what? If there's no problem with it, I'll do a couple.

(I have an old Nady mic that cost like 10 bucks if you'd prefer I use that one.)

Either way, I'll submit some so you can hear for yourself.

I have lots of ideas to share with you, mostly on badguy voices and creative effects. Masa and mune, robots, Heckran, etc.


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #31 on: June 10, 2009, 01:43:49 pm »
Heh..  If I really wanted to I could go into my job and record stuff..  (Work at a radio station, so we have like, top notch recording stuff.)

Mr Bekkler

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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #32 on: June 10, 2009, 01:46:28 pm »
Heh..  If I really wanted to I could go into my job and record stuff..  (Work at a radio station, so we have like, top notch recording stuff.)

Well do you want to?


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2009, 02:36:51 pm »
Since it's the summer I don't have access to my school's radio/sound equipment, but I doubt it'd be okay to just take random equipment and shit, right?

Oh and Bekkler, I say record--high quality is kinda what we want. I'm using an extremely shitty mic, but with some audio equipment I think we can all sound decent. You, however, will sound decent from the start. To be honest though, I'm really interested in your creativity aspect--see, I'm still getting used to Audacity (which can't do too much shit), but if we had multiple people that could do some decent sound editing, this project would really shine.

EDIT: Damn, that was some nice dialog, Z. Should I record Frog's stuff for ya? Also, in regards to Dalton, what kinda voice are you looking for? I might go buy a mic today and try my hand at filling some other character voices (even if it's temporary).
« Last Edit: June 10, 2009, 02:39:55 pm by mav »

Mr Bekkler

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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #34 on: June 10, 2009, 02:56:10 pm »
I'll also be down for sound editing, ie. piecing clips together.

I did sound engineering on my movie back in 2005/6 and have recorded commentary for lots of student films. I've been quietly working on an animation project of my own that has nothing to do with Chrono stuff, and I've gotten quite good at "the flow".

As far as creatively using effects, I don't know what Audacity has to offer. Basic effects are easy to apply, and complicated effects are just combinations of basic effects. You just have to find the right combination.

For example, something basic would be like a Flange or a Reverb.

Flange makes the pitch alternate lower to higher to lower, etc. Graphically it would look like a sine curve.
Phonetically, it's kind of a "waaaaarrrryeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrwaaaaaarrrrrrrryeeeeeeeaaaaaarrrr".Frankly, flange is overused.

Reverb recreates minimal echoey sounds from a room, and you can make it sound like somebody's in a steel cage, a big cave, a little tiny room, etc. This is not the same thing as a delay, which is basically a full echo.

For something more complicated, I have a technique I think would work really well on Masa and Mune's voices. I call it Poltergeist, cause it sounds like the little girl from Poltergeist, how there's like a whoosh of wind leading into each word. It was hard to figure out, but it's remarkably easy to recreate.

First, record your voice clip, with some quiet space before the first word. Then reverse the whole clip. Add a heavy reverb effect, and reverse the clip back. This creates the opposite of an echo, like the sound of the word comes out before the word is even spoken. It sounds ghastly, dreamlike, and at times really creepy.

There's plenty more where that came from, so try it out if you can and start combining effects to make your own crazy sounds.

Always write them down, though. You never know when you're going to need to use an effect you already made but don't remember. For example, I made a great robot voice effect, but it was like three different effects with really specific settings, and I don't even remember where to start.It would have been great rather than what I'm about to do: pick and choose and come up with something from scratch.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2009, 02:59:27 pm by Mr Bekkler »

Katie Skyye

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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #35 on: June 10, 2009, 06:05:33 pm »
Excuse me for asking a dumb question, but what exactly IS Chrono Trigger +/Fury of the Ages?

I mean, I browsed the CT+ thread a while back, but I didn't learn anything from it. I never got what was going on, so I just didn't pay any attention to it after that. Is it just CT with new text, or is something else going on there?

I'm still on board either way, I was just wondering...


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #36 on: June 10, 2009, 07:38:38 pm »
Which characters are you planning on recording for, Dialga?

Does anyone know if you can vocode with Audacity? I haven't figured it out, but I think we could knock out virtually all the robotic/synth voices this way. For example, if Zakyrus vocodes his voice for Robo, we could then vocode my voice for the R-Series (or use Z's again), and Katie's voice could be vocoded for the Guardian. And the fact that we all have different voices would really individualize the characters, while the vocode would simultaneously standardize 'em.

Actually this is Z's decision to make, but that's my suggestion...

I'm not really sure. should i download audicity on my inspiron laptop? i do have the enabled microphone thing. heck, i used photobooth the other day and it was awesome hearing that one chrono trigger tune. anyways...I've always like Masa and Mune....and since I don't want to have a boring summer, I will look into this. Heck, I'm not sure how I will be able to change my voice or speak when some folk are at home.


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #37 on: June 10, 2009, 07:44:39 pm »
Excuse me for asking a dumb question, but what exactly IS Chrono Trigger +/Fury of the Ages?

I mean, I browsed the CT+ thread a while back, but I didn't learn anything from it. I never got what was going on, so I just didn't pay any attention to it after that. Is it just CT with new text, or is something else going on there?

I'm still on board either way, I was just wondering...

Well, CT+ is pretty much just that.  It was Chrono Trigger, plus!  We added new maps, new dungeons, new puzzles new items, new bosses, new stories! Everything!  Expaned existing maps, for example, Guardia Castle had a smithy in it, as well as larger rooms in general.  There were lots of little things we added just to give it a little more spice!

Does that answer your question? =)

Katie Skyye

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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #38 on: June 10, 2009, 08:56:28 pm »

Does that answer your question? =)

Sure does! Sounds pretty cool...too bad it got shut down, so to speak...


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #39 on: June 10, 2009, 09:29:07 pm »
It's like Zakyrus said, it's not shut down.  Its more like... on the back burner.  He's burnt out from bug after bug, and really, with him burnt out we're just sheep in a field with no where to go.  I'm not ready to let this burn out, and hopefully this project will make him want to finish the game!  =)


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #40 on: June 10, 2009, 10:08:20 pm »
Heh..  If I really wanted to I could go into my job and record stuff..  (Work at a radio station, so we have like, top notch recording stuff.)

Well do you want to?

Sorry for the double post..

I'd rather not use it to record stuff, mainly because I'm unsure of how it all works...  I'm a tech there, but I deal with broadcasting equipment, not recording.

Katie Skyye

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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #41 on: June 10, 2009, 10:10:59 pm »
A noble cause! :) I just meant that the C&D would "shut down" the project...for a while. I don't mean that the game bit is dead--just on hiatus.


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #42 on: June 10, 2009, 10:39:48 pm »
Well, technically, the C&D was not aimed at us(Chrono Trigger +).  But we're still better off stepping back a bit and letting the dust settle.


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #43 on: June 15, 2009, 03:18:01 pm »
EDIT: Damn, that was some nice dialog, Z. Should I record Frog's stuff for ya? Also, in regards to Dalton, what kinda voice are you looking for? I might go buy a mic today and try my hand at filling some other character voices (even if it's temporary).

Thanks and YES record Frog's Stuff, I'll make the demo scene between Frog and Magus!

For Dalton? How, do I put it? I was thinking of something that sounded kind-of goony with a little bit of sinisterness to it. Those are the only parameters, other than that, you have total rein of it.

Well, technically, the C&D was not aimed at us(Chrono Trigger +).  But we're still better off stepping back a bit and letting the dust settle.

Yeah, If we ever get to finish it, it would've added atleast 20 extra hours of playability.

Anywho, I forgot the my USB drive when I went to the lib, so I'll have to post that Fiona's Forest scene later ...EDIT: as well as the script for Episode 1, which will be all the way up to and including the telepod scene.

I have started sorting the list of episodes. I had 60 and have to condense it down. It's not like we're showing the whole game here. Just the major core. Each of the MAIN SIDEQUESTS (including Ayla's new one "Valley of Giants/the Searing Chasm) will be an episode. Lavos would total to be three. The Moonlight Parade Ending would be an episode unto itself. (which concludes the normal CT+ world)

Chrono's Hidden Sidequest dubbed "The Cleft of Dimensions" will be a "mini-movie".
THIS quest was actually going to be hidden in an ending, one of the variations of Moonlight Parade where Gina chases the Cat into the Gate and they have to find her. (you would have had to complete all Main Sidequests, Defeated as few Bashers as possible in the Blackbird and get rank A for the Treasure Hunter Rank Guy in the Millennial Fair --which pretty much involves getting all the tabs and Zeal Boxes)

Here's the premise of it:
They (Crono, Marle, Lucca at this point) end up searching the whole world and end up at Denadoro Mts. 600. The get to the cave where the Masamune was and they find Gina, the Cat, and Frog clinging to the wall for dear life. (a strange black tear in dimensional space is where the Masamune was, it is sucking stuff in)

Gina: Oh, thank goodness! I saw that poor Mr. Frog was trapped here and tried to help him! I've been here for TWO hours!

Cat: Meow!

Frog: Well, I've come to return the Masamune to it's rightful place. There was this anomaly here trying to pull me in, and I've been here for TWENTY hours!

(Cat lets go and gets pulled in)

Gina: You naughty thing! Get back here!

(Gina lets go and is pulled inside)
(Crono just leaps in after here)

Marle: Hey! Wait for us!
Lucca: Oh man, entering a gargantuan colorless vortex that leads to some parallel world without much chance of returning was NOT on my list of ideas.

(They follow)

Frog: Well, for my friends...I will follow to whatever end!

(Frog just let's go and falls in)

*warp to a black screen*

( Gina and the Cat go one way)
( Lucca, Marle and Frog go another)
( Crono ends up by himself )

...that's just the beggining folks, bwa ha ha...  :)


« Last Edit: June 15, 2009, 03:46:53 pm by Zakyrus »


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #44 on: June 16, 2009, 07:36:23 pm »
Thanks and YES record Frog's Stuff, I'll make the demo scene between Frog and Magus!
Cool cool, check your email, man.