This project will not go unfinished, no worries. Zakyrus frequently disappears. I can tell you he is currently busy with another project, so don't lose hope!
It couldn't have been said any better. It's been a bit....
Actor CheckJust seeing if you guys are still interested/around. If you have requested and got a part, you have that part (unless you vanish for far longer than I do and don't come back, in which case I *may* have to give it away)
I've got Magus/Prophet/Janus, Robo, Queen Zeal, possibly Ozzie, I can also do a pretty good "gay voice" for Flea, the transvestite.
Schala is covered. Frog is covered. I'm pretty sure we have all 3 gurus, as well as Dalton at the moment.
If Katie is still around, we have Lucca. Who else was doing voices? Sorry, my list dissipated into the Void. (Quantum pun intended)
Guys and gals, here's how I'll probably do this:
Episode 1- "The Planet's Dream" (From M. Fair to Arris Dome Computer Room)
Episode 2- "The Ruined World" (From Arris Dome to Reforging Masamune)
Episode 3- "Lord of the Shadows" (From Forged Masamune to Tyrano Lair destruction) (reason is there are new Magus cuts during Tyrano Lair)
Episode 4- "The Eternal Kingdom" (Tyrano Lair Ruins to Fall of Mt. Woe)
Episode 5- "Malignant Transcendence" (Mt. Woe to Ocean Palace Rises) (probably THE most Epic of all the episodes, MUCH new dialog and content)
Episode 6- "Eternity's End" (Saving Crono, side quest stuff, Fiona's Forest --entire cut--)
Episode 7- "The Time-lost Sovereign" ( Black Omen cuts (new ones too), Queen Zeal speech and battle, First Lavos part defeated)
Episode 8- "End-Game" (EPIC Lavos cut, Moonlight Parade Ending)
Some scenes and parts will be cut to shorten the playing time. Many enemies such as 'lesser' bosses might be skipped entirely(Krawlie for instance, probably Guardian too --even though that's kind of important) . Boss battles themselves will just be shortened from the game (as to not take up a lot of running time) This particular project is about the new storyline dialog and how actors can voice with the chars-- not so much about the 'nitty-gritty' details of the game.
However, the core cut-scenes of CT+ (and of CT in general) will be shown. The lesser significant parts skipped will be filled in by an announcer (DBZ style!) This way, I can dramatically shorten the amount of time spent on this project, will simultaneously keeping the core elements as well as any viewer from becoming bored in the viewing process.
We're going to do Malignant Transcendence first, to see how it all goes.
Azure, if you still have the part of "Malignant Transcendence" post I sent you, you should re-send it to me. Thanks. (If not, I'm pretty sure I've got it on backup somewhere)