Author Topic: CT+ Fury of the Ages (getting things rolling!)  (Read 20405 times)


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2009, 12:56:23 pm »
Alrighty Z, I got some recordings ready. If you could PM me your email address, I'll be able to send it to ya.

Katie Skyye

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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2009, 12:12:28 pm »
Allright, the file just finished uploading...I'll PM you a link to the download of what I recorded.


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2009, 06:17:12 pm »
Cool. Thanks for the submissions everyone, I won't be able to take a look at these until later tonight. However, when I do, I shall do so with great interest. On another note, I forgot the cast list AGAIN. Oh, well. I'll get it up sooner or later. We've got time before this gets into gear.



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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2009, 04:37:23 pm »
You may probably audition now if you like, just upload some test clips for whom you may be trying out for. Can't hurt to try. There will be ALOT of spots to fill, so if you're talented you may do more than one voice. I know I probably will.  If we get more than one person that wants to do the same character, the public will vote whom it should be.

Cast-- (Catagorized by set, then by order of appearance)

Announcer - Zakyrus

Crono (internal dialog, like thinking to himself)
Marle -
Lucca - Katie Skye
Robo (might use a synth voice overlay for this)
Magus/Prophet - Zakyrus

Important NPCs
Toma/Toma XIII
Chancellor (both)
King Guardia (both)
Queen Leene
Old Man/Gaspar
Masa, Mune and Masamune (same person will do all 3)
Queen Zeal
Algetty Elder

Yakra (must sound sinister)
--Guardian (computer synthed for sure)
--R-Series (same as Guardian)
Lavos (will probably use some "telepathic alien-synthed voice")

Misc NPCs
Nu (they must all sound the same)
Old Man at the Fair (gives SP card)
Girl sitting at fountain (at the fair)
Mystics in Medina Village (Magic Cake house)
Laruba Village Elder
Guy at Enhasa's Entrance (greets the party)
Guy at Kajar's Entrance (greets the party)
Royal Servant (tells Schala to go to the throneroom)
Earthbound Citizen (Male)
Basher (Blackbird Jailer)
Marco (Fiona's Husband)

There's probably a few others I forgot...

Thanks for the submissions so far everyone, I haven't sorted it through just yet. But I will!



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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2009, 05:12:18 pm »
Did you get my email, Z? I'll go ahead and post which characters I voiced: Frog, Knight Captain, Johnny, Robo, and Melchior...that's it for now, but seeing as how the Knight Captain isn't on the list, that'll probably get tossed out. I'm willing to voice quite a few more, but I'd like to know what you think of what I sent you.

EDIT: And if it's possible to vocode for Robo, that would be phenomenal.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 05:14:04 pm by mav »


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2009, 05:09:21 pm »
Did you get my email, Z? I'll go ahead and post which characters I voiced: Frog, Knight Captain, Johnny, Robo, and Melchior...that's it for now, but seeing as how the Knight Captain isn't on the list, that'll probably get tossed out. I'm willing to voice quite a few more, but I'd like to know what you think of what I sent you.

EDIT: And if it's possible to vocode for Robo, that would be phenomenal.

Sorry, dude I did get your email. I've been caught up in a lot of things so there's some running around involved (in the 'real' world)

I totally spaced out the Knight Captain. It's yours if you like. Also, you can probably the others too if you like.

Vocode for Robo? Oh yeah!!

If you guys are in need of a audio recording program, use Audacity.
Get it HERE

This program allows you to record and do some basic special effects. It also allows you to export/save to .ogg format which is FAR superior to .wma .wav and several others when using sounds. I use it and recommend you all do the same (unless you're using a studio program like Fruity Loops) Most importantly it is FREEWARE!

You'll have to download the LAME encoder if you want to save in .mp3 format though.
Get that here:

Also, I'll get those sample Magus clips uploaded soon. Some are just solo clips, some are Magus speaking to a specific character (which would help in 'aligning' dialog)



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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2009, 06:37:21 pm »
Cool cool, I just downloaded Audacity. I'll fiddle around with it and hopefully figure out a way to make my voice sound cleaner, so I can hold off on getting a new microphone for a while...

Katie Skyye

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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2009, 06:42:48 pm »
I have Audacity, but I was using Kristal...I guess I'll use Audacity from now on, since Kristal was free anyway, it's not like I need to feel guilty for not using something I paid for. ^^


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2009, 11:36:43 pm »
I do have adobe soundbooth. would that do? My question is, who will the characters be?


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2009, 12:21:44 am »
Which characters are you planning on recording for, Dialga?

Does anyone know if you can vocode with Audacity? I haven't figured it out, but I think we could knock out virtually all the robotic/synth voices this way. For example, if Zakyrus vocodes his voice for Robo, we could then vocode my voice for the R-Series (or use Z's again), and Katie's voice could be vocoded for the Guardian. And the fact that we all have different voices would really individualize the characters, while the vocode would simultaneously standardize 'em.

Actually this is Z's decision to make, but that's my suggestion...
« Last Edit: June 10, 2009, 12:27:29 am by mav »

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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2009, 12:33:44 am »
...and Katie's voice could be vocoded for the Guardian. And the fact that we all have different voices would really individualize the characters, while the vocode would simultaneously standardize 'em.

Hahah, I wouldn't mind a bit, either! I certainly don't mind doing random side characters if we're short on cast members...


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #26 on: June 10, 2009, 12:39:45 pm »
Cool cool, I just downloaded Audacity. I'll fiddle around with it and hopefully figure out a way to make my voice sound cleaner, so I can hold off on getting a new microphone for a while...

Mav, highlight some of the 'noise' in between your voice and use the Noise Removal Tool. It will have a button at the top of the window that comes up that says Get Noise Profile. Hit it. Go to the Effects Menu, and hit "Last Used Effect" (which will do the Noise Remove Tool again, but this time it will remove the noise).
Audacity is just a basic program. I'm sure there's a lot better programs out there. I think there might be a vocoder plugin for Audacity, just Google it.

Which characters are you planning on recording for, Dialga?

Does anyone know if you can vocode with Audacity? I haven't figured it out, but I think we could knock out virtually all the robotic/synth voices this way. For example, if Zakyrus vocodes his voice for Robo, we could then vocode my voice for the R-Series (or use Z's again), and Katie's voice could be vocoded for the Guardian. And the fact that we all have different voices would really individualize the characters, while the vocode would simultaneously standardize 'em.

Actually this is Z's decision to make, but that's my suggestion...

Works for me, I'll vocode for Robo (once I either figure out FL Studio or get a plugin for audacity).



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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #27 on: June 10, 2009, 12:47:08 pm »
The plugin for Audacity can be found on this page. It's the one close to the bottom called mda Vocoder.dll.

Yeah, once I loaded up the program the Noise Removal was pretty simple and cleaned it up fairly well.


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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #28 on: June 10, 2009, 12:49:27 pm »
The plugin for Audacity can be found on this page. It's the one close to the bottom called mda Vocoder.dll.

Yeah, once I loaded up the program the Noise Removal was pretty simple and cleaned it up fairly well.

Aw, sweet! I just spent 10 minutes looking at that page and I could've sworn it wasn't there a moment ago.  :oops:

There's also a random tutorial on youtube on how to do it with only using the basic effects:



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Re: CT+ Fury of the Ages (the series!)
« Reply #29 on: June 10, 2009, 01:00:05 pm »
Here's some of the scenes from CT+ 1.1 - be warned that I re-wrote the dialog (again) to sound a little more polished. I apparently don't know when to quit so here it is...
Here Magus converses with some of the other characters.

For those who have any of these parts, you'll probably want this sound pack.
Get it here:
CT+ FotA soundpack 1.7z

(It's compressed in 7-zip format, just Google 7-zip if you don't have it)

I hope to have the Fiona's Forest Cutscene posted in a day or so. This would give all people doing PC (Player Character) voices a chance to hammer down some stuff. Or for those slots unfilled, they can be used for auditions.

Notes with the dialog:
(brackets) above the character names indicate what emotion type should be used.
Character's Name: ( with parenthesis after it, means that character is thinking it - just record as normal.)

Code: [Select]
[u]Magus & Frog [/u]

*Confused Melody is playing*

{sinister chanting}
Magus: Neuga, ziena, zieber, zom...
Magus: Now the chosen time has come...
Magus: Harvest the lifeforce of our Mother Earth and...!

Frog: Magus! It's imperative that you stop this madness at once!

Magus: ( What impeccable timing. )

Magus:'s that damned frog!
So, how has your life been since then?!

Frog: I rather enjoy this form...and I have you to thank for that!

Magus: Hmph!
Spare me the remittable adulations.
I don't have time for this...

Frog: I have something...!
Something that has waited for YOU!

Magus: Ah...the Masamune...
...whole once more!
I know not of how you've done it, but even I am amazed.

Frog: Your ill words won't change a damn thing, Magus.

{confidently mocking}
Magus: Perhaps you're right...'ve come to destroy me, is that it?
Revenge is surely what you must ardent.

*Magus Battle theme starts playing*

Magus: Can you feel THAT?
The Black Wind begins to HOWL!

Magus: Alright...come get me...!

Magus: If you're prepared for the Void!
Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!

[u]Queen Zeal's Royal Court[/u]

(after the Party is revealed)

Notes: The Queen should have a sinister cackling voice sort of like the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz.

{shocked & annoyed}
Queen Zeal: Who are YOU?!
...and how were you able to bypass
the magical defenses that grant access to MY Royal Court?!

Prophet: Ahem, your Majesty...!
THEY are the evildoers I warned you of...
and they intend to shatter all of your dreams into nothingness!

Queen Zeal: WHAT!?
How DARE you think you could oppose me, you...foreigners!
You're worse than the Gurus!

Lucca: Queen, Lavos is going to-- (Queen cuts Lucca off)

{really annoyed & nasty}
Queen Zeal: I DO NOT want to hear it!
The Prophet's wisdom is totally indisputable...and I deject all of your consumate abberations!

Schala: But mother, their aura is gleaming of the highest purity...!
Their intent shows that they know something about all of this!

Queen Zeal: Silence, Schala!
This doesn't concern you or your histrionics!

{barking orders}
Queen Zeal: Dalton, sieze them!

{politeness, but with an element of sinister goony-ness to his voice)
Dalton: With pleasure, Your Majesty!
By your leave...

Black Omen Celestial Gate[/u]
{Queen's emotion is nasty through the entire scene}

Queen Zeal: Disgusting worms...
I am the Queen who will rule this entire Universe together with the
almighty Lavos!
How dare you wretches oppose me?!

Magus: Fool...nothing can escape
the grim and dire fate of death!
THAT is the rule of nature!

Magus: Queen Zeal...nothing more than a sad woman, enthralled by
Lavos, used as a mere puppet. How pitiful!

Magus: I, myself, will bring an end to ALL of this!

Queen Zeal: Cursed "Prophet."
...or should I say Janus?

Magus: WHAT?!

Queen Zeal: Did you think I would not recognize my own son when you
revealed yourself to the "Great All Seeing Eye" of Lavos?!
You betrayed me with your sins at the Ocean Palace, Janus!

Magus: No mother, YOU betrayed yourself, and the Kingdom!
How could you do this to everyone?
What would our ancestors say?!

Queen Zeal: You ignorant brat!
The Kingdom of Zeal will live for all time as part of the almighty Lavos!
It is a "devourer of WORLDS!"

Magus: No! Lavos just used you!
And when he's done with you, he'll just crumple you up and throw you
away like the garbage that you are!

Magus: I won't let this madness go on any further!
For Schala's sake, I will end it once and for all by
MY own hands!

Queen Zeal: Oh, you think so Janus?
No! You will atone for your sins
with your impending doom!

Queen Zeal: May you all die in
total agony and regret this folly
of rebellion for eternity!

*(Kickass battle scene here)*

Queen Zeal: Impossible...!?
How could you mere worms do THIS to the likes of me?!

Queen Zeal: No matter...your meager efforts are insignificant next to
the true and ONLY "god!"
O' almighty Lavos, I implore thee!
Awaken from your ancient slumber!


Queen Zeal: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
At last, the almighty Lavos awakens!
In his eye, you are as nothing but "stardust!"
Though my physical body crumbles, my spirit will live on for eternity
as part of the INVINCIBLE Lavos!

Queen Zeal: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

More to come!