Author Topic: Call for help, ideas, resources, etc. for a fan game!  (Read 5211 times)


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Re: Fan game sprites
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2009, 03:10:19 am »
poor Glenn

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Fan game sprites
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2009, 12:03:55 pm »
I like it, but I think a few details are off. Frog is Glenn at this point, and the Queen is not royalty yet. She's going to marry the prince. The point is Glenn and Leene are very close and equal. This upcoming change not only effects their feelings for each other, but also the dynamic of their relationship. I wanted more motivation for Glenn to become a knight than just having a buddy/older brother who joined. He wants to protect the woman he is forbidden to love.

You definitely got the playful childhood friend dynamic, it's just the details that are off. This should shock and almost shatter Glenn, to the point that he no longer knows what he wants to do with his life. This is the moment he decides to work as a knight.

A very nice first draft though.

Edit: also, we should probably start using our names for them. Ie. Glenn = Erroll, Leene = Kara


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Re: Fan game sprites
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2009, 03:13:10 pm »
Could you post all the different names of the characters for me so that I can save them somewhere? =3

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Fan game sprites
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2009, 03:57:38 pm »
Okie doke, This is kinda a DP, but it's my thread and I just wanted to announce I've got some concept art up on the first post now. More to come. Also, I'm working on music (which will take a while) and updated sprites. We have a new team member, and counterpart names are now in the first post as well.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 04:42:50 pm by Mr Bekkler »


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Re: Fan game sprites
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2009, 04:37:00 pm »
It's me, Insane. I'm making shiny things, such as backgrounds.

Katie Skyye

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Re: Fan game sprites
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2009, 03:38:08 pm »
It sounds good, and somewhat hilarious! Just what I would expect from Norstein Bekkler!

Just one thing bothers me...

Melchior's alter-name is Smith? SMITH?! I mean, I know he's literally a smith, what with the swords and all, but...but...Smith?!

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Fan game sprites
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2009, 04:48:12 pm »
It sounds good, and somewhat hilarious! Just what I would expect from Norstein Bekkler!

Just one thing bothers me...

Melchior's alter-name is Smith? SMITH?! I mean, I know he's literally a smith, what with the swords and all, but...but...Smith?!

Hehe, you can guess where the comic relief will come from. Gurus of course!

Got a better suggestion? I thought "Smith" would be entertaining.

Katie Skyye

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Re: Fan game sprites
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2009, 07:08:06 pm »
It sounds good, and somewhat hilarious! Just what I would expect from Norstein Bekkler!

Just one thing bothers me...

Melchior's alter-name is Smith? SMITH?! I mean, I know he's literally a smith, what with the swords and all, but...but...Smith?!

Hehe, you can guess where the comic relief will come from. Gurus of course!

Got a better suggestion? I thought "Smith" would be entertaining.

Haha...comedy gurus! And I laughed when I read the Smith you've succeeded in making it entertaining. I was just pestering you! 8D

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Fan game sprites
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2009, 07:26:34 pm »
Haha...comedy gurus! And I laughed when I read the Smith you've succeeded in making it entertaining. I was just pestering you! 8D

I always thought they could be like the three stooges. Except funny.  :)

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Call for help, ideas, resources, etc. for a fan game!
« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2009, 08:27:47 pm »
Trying to breath some life into the idea. We have a lot of new faces around the Compendium, and some may be dependable hard-working people who want results. If this sounds like you, let me know. Even if you just want to write or help flesh out plot details, that'd be greatly appreciated in and of itself!


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Re: Call for help, ideas, resources, etc. for a fan game!
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2009, 12:59:40 am »
Sure, why not? To be honest I've had my own time traveling story, feeling much like Chrono. Already 100% written, characters made, etc. Since I don't know how to make games they'd be better off being contributed into here! So whatever you need character design, story stuff, or if you can mention other things (I'm good at like short 8 second jingles!), I can do whatever I can to assist.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Call for help, ideas, resources, etc. for a fan game!
« Reply #26 on: October 12, 2009, 02:33:24 am »
Sweet, I guess first we should get the plot nailed solid, then figure out character specifics.

I really want to expand on the humanity of the characters, particularly those whose lives have been permanently affected by in-game events. But we'll come to those specifics when the time comes.


For the sake of understanding, instead of using the counterpart names, I'm just gonna use the CT names.

Basically what I've got is that Dalton has access to the Exoverse, similar to the DBT, but where parts of the timeline are "preserved" in chunks of space-time. It is also where the "Golems" are from.

He starts ripping the timeline apart in effort to create his own (allegedly perfect) kingdom, and goes to Truce 600AD. He pulls the castle and the royals with it. Frog meanwhile is being distracted by Ozzie, Flea, and Slash, who claim to have the spell to return him to human form.

We see some cutscenes explaining the transformation and see him try the one selfish act of trying to fix himself instead of guarding the castle, only to lose his queen, who we find out in later flashbacks, used to be a peasant and a love interest before she was "chosen".

So he visits what was once Castle Guardia and his Hero's medal reopens the tear in the temporal quilt, projecting him to a waystation like the End of Time, but basically it's a C shaped room with a bunch of doors leading from it (like the epoch time meter but a big room instead of a dial) to different places/times from different timestreams.

You defeat whatever beast Dalton left to hold it there so it can be restored to it's proper place. Before it can be restored, however, the gurus have to be saved, Dalton has to be defeated, and you have to get the Chrono Clutch, which gives you the ability to restore the temporal quilt.

From these patches in the Exoverse, you can have backstory and plot advancement, since time doesn't matter, we can explain origins and backstory for the Nu, the Mystics, what adult Janus would be like if he weren't Magus, and many more things.

Any thoughts? Additions? Subtractions? or we can throw it out and start fresh. I'm very open to suggestion on this.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 02:37:03 am by Mr Bekkler »


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Re: Call for help, ideas, resources, etc. for a fan game!
« Reply #27 on: October 12, 2009, 11:03:42 am »
I think I have an idea for Roboto(that was his name, right? Sorry I'm having trouble remembering the names, but I JUST discovered this thread last night, just need time). So Kato(nice reference)and party are headed through a futuristic factory. Somewhere close to the entrance they'll see a hologram turn on with a floating ball droid telling them that unless they are the master's(sounds more ominous and leaves room for more features) guests, they should leave or they will be terminated. But for some reason(dunno yet, easy to workout)they have no choice but to they get inside the factory, they get to the basement floor which appears to be just a giant empty room. Roboto sits all the way on the other side. Suddenly Roboto starts messing with buttons and things and the walls form a giant maze. filled with booby traps. After the team gets through the maze, Roboto battles them at the end. They beat Roboto and and reprogram him.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Call for help, ideas, resources, etc. for a fan game!
« Reply #28 on: October 12, 2009, 02:27:52 pm »
beautiful scenario! i wouldnt change it at all! i especially like having to fight him first. he should be VICIOUS!

i've been considering some possibilities, having re-read other suggestions (particularly C99's and V's)

we can merge marle and lucca into a tomboyish, nerdy, embarrassingly intelligent princess.

we can merge lynx and dalton into one character.

and i want to get more cross references, unfortunately i never finished it. i only know what's on the compendium [after the point where lynx steals your body and everybody who liked you hates you now].


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Re: Call for help, ideas, resources, etc. for a fan game!
« Reply #29 on: October 12, 2009, 08:21:39 pm »
Alright then. If you need to know anything, just ask since I've played every aspect of Cross. So have many others I bet, just saying since I'm helping.

For Frag(Frog) I suppose since so many have brought up the whole him and Leene scene being in this, I got an idea for that. Perhaps Drag's life is one filled with regret for many of his past actions, mistakes, the way he's lived his life. Maybe rather than have Cyrus be killed, just as some characters have been combined, merge Frog and Cyrus. He got transformed and lived to regret his form and the fact he failed to slay(forgot his name)Magus. This would mean the scene of Leene's wedding would have Drag human at the time. He left the knights out of this shame. Eventually when Drag returns to the castle with the party, the knight whom has taken his place will arrive. Enraged, said knight will charge him. Just outside the castle doors the 2 will have themeselves a one on one battle. Drag convinced that his life is stayed this way, there was nothing else he could do and that there is nothing else he can do to help the future in the present. After you win, the other knight hears him saying this, becomes more angry and defeats him(not kill though). He informs Drag "You can't let your past mistakes live your life for you. You've got to move past them and make the best of what you've got." something along those lines.nnnnnnnn These events are led up to by the need to make it past an obstacle. Drag's the only one who can move it with the power of his sword, but for some reason it wouldn't work and it's suggested they go to the castle and speak with the King about it. Then previous events occur. Now Drag requests to try again. Back at the location, flashbacks of all his past mistakes, summon up the strength to get past them and bam! Obstacle eliminated. The quest continues. Yes, I got inspiration from Frog's big CT scene, but it's not 100% the same thign! More like 30-40% the same. I tried to change it up a bit.