Author Topic: Chrono sequel - Let's cross the dimensions for a sec  (Read 6462 times)

Dark Serge

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Re: Chrono sequel - Let's cross the dimensions for a sec
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2009, 05:28:19 am »
Loving all the replies, very good guys. Keep it coming  :D


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Re: Chrono sequel - Let's cross the dimensions for a sec
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2009, 05:29:52 am »
I find this and every other "enthusiasm" thread hilarious. Dark Serge, you can continue to dream, but when will you wake up?

By any means, don't let me ruin any false hopes any of you may have. I mean, come on. Let's be real. The C&D isn't going anywhere so all you can do is sit tight.

Enigma Outlaw

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Re: Chrono sequel - Let's cross the dimensions for a sec
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2009, 05:53:59 am »
Ok seriously Belaith.....why even post in this topic if your just going to be a downer? Even without the C&D I've seen these kinds of topics pop up before for this series and various others (Zelda, FF, DBZ fighters, ect). If your going to be like this then here's two options for you: either don't post in this topic or you can leave the Compendium. Granted I may be new here but in light of all that's happened recently I feel I'm not the only one with those thoughts. It's one thing to say your tired of the C&D talk and not post in those kinds of topics. It's another to go around and tell people to "wake up" in a simple topic that has almost nothing to do with the C&D aside from maybe one or two mentions in passing as opposed to every single post being related to it.

In any case quick addition. How about in parts of the game taking place in the present and not involving time travel we boost the party size up from 3 to 4? In turn this could also introduce Quadra Techs ^_~


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Re: Chrono sequel - Let's cross the dimensions for a sec
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2009, 06:00:50 am »
Still being hilarious as ever, Laith. I know and even I sure V agreed with you. But the point of this topic may come to any sort of help for any creative fan-made games. *lightbulb* Maybe we could create a topic named (Need Ideas?) where anyone throw random idea of any sort that can help someone in need of it.

Other than that, I apologise if my post seem 'hilarious' to you.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 06:07:12 am by kid123 »

Dark Serge

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Re: Chrono sequel - Let's cross the dimensions for a sec
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2009, 08:58:50 am »
This isn't meant to be hilarious, nor is it meant to be depressing.

Just remember, our planet's dream is not over yet  :D

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Chrono sequel - Let's cross the dimensions for a sec
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2009, 09:35:54 am »
I find this and every other "enthusiasm" thread hilarious. Dark Serge, you can continue to dream, but when will you wake up?

By any means, don't let me ruin any false hopes any of you may have. I mean, come on. Let's be real. The C&D isn't going anywhere so all you can do is sit tight.

You can't C&D our minds!

Besides, this is really useful for somebody making a fangame. See what people want and, more importantly, what they REALLY don't want.


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Re: Chrono sequel - Let's cross the dimensions for a sec
« Reply #21 on: May 26, 2009, 10:16:57 am »
A (Not-Really)-Inspirational quote don't effect the mighty Belaith Mwahahaa
And i don't act like pyscho Zeal  was.

To Dark Serge, that world map could be extremely useful to mapper  8)
Unfortunately, there is little room for El-Nido or any other new setting for the games. :picardno

Back to the topic.Remember the dimension where Dinopolis come from ?
There, i want to see if there any human survive. If we see human in Crono world survive the Ice Age by building Zeal, maybe we can see Atlantis on the non-Lavos world  :o
I doubt that Dinopolis is the only civilization available there, maybe a civilization where human and Reptite live together peacefully do exist.


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Re: Chrono sequel - Let's cross the dimensions for a sec
« Reply #22 on: May 26, 2009, 05:32:51 pm »
- New location? If yes, what kind of setting would it have to be?
DEFINITELY! More of a city appeal. the first was a universal thing, then they had the summer vacation thing, now it's time for the series to get back to work.

- New cast of characters?  If yes, what kind of characters would you like to see?
You bet! Original ones. Something we've never seen before This is what I feel the Chrono Series does best. It is like a Final Fantasy with original characters.

- New Lavos creature or a new version of Lavos? Or an entirely new enemy? Who should be the antagonist in this game?
I would love to see another Lavos, but I don't want some weird way of him coming back that's just a little ridiculous.

- Time travel and / or dimension crossing? Yes or no? Or something completely new? If yes, what?
I want something new. We've done time travel. Dimension travel was cool too. But what made Dimension travel cool was it's originality. Maybe space travel? Not really outer space just like hopping through space almost like teleporting to the underworld and outer space or things like that.

- New gameplay or not? New battle system? New magic? Also let's hear any good gameplay ideas you have.
Lets do sorta a mix. A time thing where if you wait till 1 you get you command list up. Like stamina but with time. It can be more action time battle like, but you can combo with everyone on the team. MP is still a factor too. Also elements are gone. Instead we have techs and magic that evolve and level up to different sides either power or skill. Each one of those costs 1 time bar and can be combined for double and triple techs.

Lv.1  Lv.2
         Cure All
          Cure Plus

- Who would have to draw the characters? Do you want Mr. Toriyama back, or Nobuteru? Or someone else?
New person. I don't know who, just someone new.

- Name the characters who would definitely, no matter what, have to make a cameo appearance. Can be anything, from playable characters to NPC's to Nu's.
Nu's and maybe Gaspar. Perhaps a couple Cross characters and Lucca.

- Which time period has to be in it no matter what?
After the present, maybe 1030?

Lord J Esq

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Re: Chrono sequel - Let's cross the dimensions for a sec
« Reply #23 on: May 26, 2009, 06:12:32 pm »
New location? If yes, what kind of setting would it have to be?

I'd approach this from the director's viewpoint rather than the fan's. “Special” locations, like the Kingdom of Zeal and the Dead Sea, which are “special” because they are tied to key plot events, cannot be called upon again. Their magic is closely tied to the revelation of these plot events, and, once those surprises are spent, the specialness passes into memory. I consider it a breach of artistic principle to try and live off the reputation of past story glory, so I would develop new special locations. However, many ordinary locations featured or mentioned in the first three games would definitely reappear in any game of mine, as would new locations. I'd expand upon the 1999 time period, and explore the possibility of new eras and dimensions.

From a thematic standpoint, I think I would conform more closely to Chrono Cross or Radical Dreamers than to Chrono Trigger. The latter depicted a very wide variety of settings—a true adventure across history—whereas the others focused more intently on a much narrower setting. More than anything else, I think this is what changed the tenor of the series, and it is a change I would probably uphold...although I might hybridize a wee bit. (See the question about time travel and dimension crossing.)

New cast of characters?  If yes, what kind of characters would you like to see?

I firmly hold that each main sequence game in the series ought to have its own, new main character. Neither Crono nor Serge would be playable characters, let alone main characters, in my game. I would also be respectful of plot constraints from earlier stories, rather than trying to work around them. For instance, as much as I feel that her death was a waste, I would probably accept Lucca's implied death at face value and leave it unchanged.

I would simply ignore most of the Chrono Cross playable cast outright. Any returning characters from any of the three games would be significant, memorable characters. I would very likely not promote previously minor characters like Toma or Cyrus into playable roles.

Most of my playable characters would be new. Any returners would depend upon the requirements of the plotline. However, it would be nice to have at least one or two playable characters from both CT and CC. (Radical Dreamers has unfortunately been retconned out of the main sequence, so that's out, which is quite unfortunate indeed.)

I would depart from both the CT and CC cast styles in that I would have a larger playable cast, but with many of these roles being minor and/or event-specific. I'd also increase the maximum party size from three to four (or even five!), and feature more scenarios with parties smaller than the maximum.

New Lavos creature or a new version of Lavos? Or an entirely new enemy? Who should be the antagonist in this game?

No Lavos, in any form. Lavos was the ultimate Chrono series villain. Lavos cannot be topped with another even badder, meaner villain. I would take a page from RD and go in a different direction, by putting a human face on the antagonist. I'd like to have an RPG where the division between good and evil is not so clear cut. Taking a page from Hayao Miyazaki, I would render legitimatizing depictions of all “sides” of whatever conflict, and let the players decide for themselves who to root for.

Time travel and / or dimension crossing? Yes or no? Or something completely new? If yes, what?

I think the next main sequence Chrono game ought to make use of both time travel and dimension crossing. These are very different mechanisms; the existence of parallel dimensions in CC implied that more than one timeline can run simultaneously. That opens up the entire scope of travel into two dimensions: the T axis and the D axis. I see no reason not to incorporate both of these possibilities into the next game.

New gameplay or not? New battle system? New magic? Also let's hear any good gameplay ideas you have.

I'd de-emphasize the importance of combat, just as a matter of personal taste. I don't like it that game progress is designed to be achieved primarily and almost exclusively through the mechanic of killing. To me, this is a failure of the RPG genre in general. I'd undoubtedly keep a combat element to the game, because that would be in keeping with the Chrono series, but I'd also develop other mechanics.

I'm not gonna talk about battle and magic systems.

Who would have to draw the characters? Do you want Mr. Toriyama back, or Nobuteru? Or someone else?

This is a less interesting question to me; I really don't have a strong opinion.

Name the characters who would definitely, no matter what, have to make a cameo appearance. Can be anything, from playable characters to NPC's to Nu's.

Schala needs to be there. She has inadvertently became the main character of the series, so her presence is almost a necessity. I doubt I would make her playable, though. Gato, of course, goes without saying. So too do Serge, Kid, Crono, and Marle. I'd also revive plenty of minor characters for any time periods which get revisited. This would help to build continuity through the series.

Which time period has to be in it no matter what?

That's a deliciously open-ended question. It depends entirely on the plot. Based on the kind of story I'd want to tell, I think 1999 is the time period that has to be present. I'd also be open to 10XX.


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Re: Chrono sequel - Let's cross the dimensions for a sec
« Reply #24 on: May 26, 2009, 09:05:46 pm »
I'd de-emphasize the importance of combat, just as a matter of personal taste. I don't like it that game progress is designed to be achieved primarily and almost exclusively through the mechanic of killing. To me, this is a failure of the RPG genre in general. I'd undoubtedly keep a combat element to the game, because that would be in keeping with the Chrono series, but I'd also develop other mechanics.

Like... Like... Like a really long movie? I would be so mad if that happened.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Chrono sequel - Let's cross the dimensions for a sec
« Reply #25 on: May 26, 2009, 09:08:13 pm »
Well, you can make your own fangame. =P


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Re: Chrono sequel - Let's cross the dimensions for a sec
« Reply #26 on: May 26, 2009, 11:27:26 pm »
I'd de-emphasize the importance of combat, just as a matter of personal taste. I don't like it that game progress is designed to be achieved primarily and almost exclusively through the mechanic of killing. To me, this is a failure of the RPG genre in general. I'd undoubtedly keep a combat element to the game, because that would be in keeping with the Chrono series, but I'd also develop other mechanics.

Like... Like... Like a really long movie? I would be so mad if that happened.
Like a really long book, probably. Interactive fiction has always been my favorite!

Katie Skyye

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Re: Chrono sequel - Let's cross the dimensions for a sec
« Reply #27 on: May 26, 2009, 11:48:37 pm »
I'd de-emphasize the importance of combat, just as a matter of personal taste. I don't like it that game progress is designed to be achieved primarily and almost exclusively through the mechanic of killing. To me, this is a failure of the RPG genre in general. I'd undoubtedly keep a combat element to the game, because that would be in keeping with the Chrono series, but I'd also develop other mechanics.

Like... Like... Like a really long movie? I would be so mad if that happened.
Like a really long book, probably. Interactive fiction has always been my favorite!
Quote pyramid time!

I actually agree about the combat system, even though I sometimes enjoy the fighting, for the reason that it's rather improbable. I mean, a lot of times in RPGs, there will be monsters on well-traveled roads (though the player is always the only one on the road at any given time O_o). How do normal people without magical powers or mahoosive weapons get from place to place? And why are all those 'monsters' there, anyway? In the real world, they're called 'animals,' and they generally don't bother people. In games like the Legend of Zelda, where most of the baddies are Ganondorf's henchmen or otherwise just voracious creatures, it makes sense...but surely those little prehistoric frogs have better things to do than bother adventurers who are not only armed, but twice as tall as those little guys.

Vicious frogs? Really...?

Moving on. Interactive fiction is pretty darn awesome, and if I were to make a suggestion regarding CE, it would be to set it up in the stile of MS Paint Adventures, where there's a little message board underneath and players choose the next move. It could even be a Flash-type setup...

This, in my opinion, would be darn awesome, but I understand that this would also take time. Time which the developers of CE might not want to spend on this project any more.

And there you have it.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Chrono sequel - Let's cross the dimensions for a sec
« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2009, 03:06:26 am »

The reference and the reaction were pretty funny though. You guys brighten my day. How bout some sequel talk?

I agree combination time/space/dimension travel would be sweet. I also agree bigger towns would be important. Hell, let's shoot for cities, especially 1999AD. And yeah, Schala's gotta be there.

These particular suggestions seem to be close to majority opinion. At least until we have more opinions to compare with.

Dark Serge

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Re: Chrono sequel - Let's cross the dimensions for a sec
« Reply #29 on: May 27, 2009, 05:17:04 am »
What about combination between world map and locations? Would you guys want it like Chrono Trigger, with towns on the world map, and you enter houses from there? Or like Chrono Cross, the entire location as a whole on the world map and you navigate a town rather than just the world map.