Author Topic: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement  (Read 34270 times)


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #30 on: May 27, 2009, 10:50:16 pm »
It works fine with me. I asked because I thought you were worrying that you will not be able to watch the videos as soon as they were uploaded.
*crying* kicking mikey well he's down....meanie... (Kidding)

Anyway I'm hopeing youtube starts working right for me. I wonder why its just me.


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #31 on: May 27, 2009, 10:55:22 pm »
To ease the tension, watch the videos? That only makes it worse! It makes me want to rage even more. RAAAAAAAAGE!!!  :lee:

>_> Nonetheless, what exactly did Dark Serge do? Was he spreading false info about Crimson Echoes or something? I read the first post but I feel like I'm missing something.

Acacia Sgt

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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #32 on: May 27, 2009, 11:03:09 pm »
*crying* kicking mikey well he's down....meanie... (Kidding)

And ironically, your avatar showed a sad face when I entered the thread.

>_> Nonetheless, what exactly did Dark Serge do? Was he spreading false info about Crimson Echoes or something? I read the first post but I feel like I'm missing something.

What I know is, that under the name of Alienat0r in another website, he posted an e-mail in which it was telling SE of CE, but lying by stating that the team were going to distribute Roms or something, can't remember. Whatever it was though, it was definitely something illegal.

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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #33 on: May 27, 2009, 11:03:31 pm »
To ease the tension, watch the videos? That only makes it worse! It makes me want to rage even more. RAAAAAAAAGE!!!  :lee:

>_> Nonetheless, what exactly did Dark Serge do? Was he spreading false info about Crimson Echoes or something? I read the first post but I feel like I'm missing something.

He claimed to have sent an e-mail to Square Enix telling them about Crimson Echoes and asserting that the dev team was claiming copyrights to the game and intended to commercialize it (i.e., sell it for money). He also seemed to have a big grudge against Crimson Echoes, Chrono Crisis, and other fan projects.


  • Iokan (+1)
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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #34 on: May 27, 2009, 11:08:58 pm »
Excuse me everyone, good evening.

My name is Brett Wooley, I am the host of a live radio program in North East Louisiana called Meteor Radio.

I wanted to dedicate my next show to the fallacy of console RPG's where games like Final Fantasy were called RPG's because of turn-based combat, EXP, and other elements; when in truth they are nothing more than Adventure games.

I wanted to use Chrono Trigger as an example of a JRPG that did the genre justice at the time, so I wanted to have an interview with a staff member or a "CT Scholar" if you will.

I have been a tremendous fan of this site, and the projects your teams worked on, but didn't think to join the community.

Merely 15 minutes ago, I visited this site for the first time in a few months. And I read about the C&D.

My friends, the rage I began to feel as I watched the videos, to see that this masterpiece of fan appreciation has been destroyed by the machine is incomprehensible. But I am not here to take up arms, I am here to offer my assistance.

If there is one thing I know, it's that the gaming community has a heart and soul. Our love for gaming and how we express it are the lungs of this entity.

I want an interview from someone involved with the project to speak about this. I don't care about how it needs to be approached. Whether it's to summon support, or to mourn the loss of a great project, I want the people to know about this.

Is there someone that can help me with this? Please let me know as soon as you can. Thank you for your time. And thank you for the dedication the team put into that project.

Sincerely yours,

Brett Wooley (Axtuse)


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #35 on: May 27, 2009, 11:14:09 pm »

SE, cmon man, cmon...
backing down from a public statement that you (supposedly) said you'd make?
I don't know if its some "we need more time" or a "we gonna be assholes" situation, so I'm just not going to assume either way.


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #36 on: May 27, 2009, 11:15:22 pm »
Ah, that clears it up. Thanks guys.

Also, Axtuse, where in Louisiana do you live? I live in Prairieville.


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #37 on: May 27, 2009, 11:16:18 pm »
As soon as the C&D was announced, everbody should have known that CE was gonna be cancelled for good. Whining about it now isn't gonna change SE's mind. But I guess it can't be helped.


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #38 on: May 27, 2009, 11:17:51 pm »
hoo-boy....  Well, that sucks.  But, life goes on.  Why do you suppose Square is so defensive of the Chrono series?  I mean, I have not heard of square shutting down any other fan games, and you know there have been a lot of them.  So why Chrono Trigger?  Why Ressurestion?  Why Crimson Echoes?  Honestly, there has to be a reason.  You'd think they'd get the picture that with all these hacks, and re-creations, that CT and CC are more than just a game.  Yeah they have their Final Fantasy, but there are people showing hacks of FF6 on youtube, there are also people making walkthroughs of how to hack it, yet they do nothing.  Chrono Trigger though...  

So why?  Are they just being Douche bags?  Do they not realise that the Chrono series has the size of following that it does?  Do they have something planned?  There are so many questions that are racing through my mind writing this post.  Not to mention "Yesterday" from the beatles making me depressed.  You gotta think that there is a reason for this.  Also, why would they make a promise like that?  The open response thing.  Furthermore, why wouldn't they keep it?  Are they trying to Kill the Chrono series?  Has it gotten too big for them?  Do they wish to kill Final Fantasy, more than give the people what they want?

 They don't care about the original staff working on the game clearly.  I mean look at Cross.  I loved Cross, but they made it without 75% of the "Dream Team".  Did they just throw Cross out there to the world, as a cash cow?  Did they PLAN to try and kill of the Chrono Series with Cross?  I mean, they changed everything!  Trigger was such a huge success, and they changed absolutely EVERYTHING!!!  They didn't even keep the same characters, and they made a BS way to put Lavos in the game.  Like I said, I loved Cross, I'm not hating on it for the sake of hating it.  But I can't shake the feeling that Square doesn't like that CT is as big as it is, and the more I think about it, the clearer it seems to become.

I keep thinking there MUST be a reason, but I dont know what that reason could be...  Everyone keeps saying chances of them having a Chrono Sequel planned are slim to none.  But can you really think that?  Thinking that just makes you seem like you think the Chrono series is dead.  If it were dead, would they have ever released CT:DS?  Would they have C&Ded a fan game for a game they planned on killing?  But if that's true, then what other reason could there be?  I mean, They DO care about the fans if you think about it.  Fans loved FFVII.  They loved it.  So they expanded on it!  In the span of 10 or 12 years, they came out with 2 sequels and a movie.  Sure they ruined the game for alot of people.  But they gave us what we wanted.  Kingdom Hearts!!!  Everyone loved that game.  Yeah people thinks it's a childrens game, maybe even meant for babies.  But when you grab that controller, and you play, you get enthralled by the story.  The fans loved that.  They got a sequel.  They loved that!  They got more!!  Square TRIES to please the fans.  But they can only please so many.

Clearly Square cares SOMEWHAT about it's fans.  I mean, can you seriously boycott a Company for doing something that is in their full right?  Can you say you will never buy another SE game again, even when they have come out with gems like FFVII, Chrono Trigger, Kingdom Hearts, FF6, FFX, and probably many more that I haven't played.  This is turning into a ramble, and my thoughts are pretty much all on the table.  This is disappointing, but if you think about it, it could possibly be a ray of light.  Other Snes games like FF6, 5, and so on all the way back to the original.  THOSE are dead.  That would explain why they don't care about Rom hacks for it.  But CT and CC.  These games have clearly shown life.  CT was the start of one of the best series of all time, CC was a very fitting Sequel that cleared the bar CT had made.  They still C&D all fan projects related to CT, and in my mind that shows only one thing...



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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #39 on: May 27, 2009, 11:19:56 pm »
Dude. Awesome. Getting it out there, other than through the internet, is brilliant.

Axtuse, I don't know how many of us are in Louisiana, but you should get into contact with Agent 12 and ZeaLitY, though the latter is off on a trip to Europe at the moment. I'd be happy to do an interview, but I'm not at the core of the project. I didn't really help at all.

Thanks for your interest!

As a side note, I can't wait for this to blow over. I want the forums to go back to the way they were before the C&D.


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #40 on: May 27, 2009, 11:28:05 pm »
Agent 12 lives in Louisiana as well?  :shock:

That's the impression I got from your post.


  • Iokan (+1)
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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #41 on: May 27, 2009, 11:30:03 pm »
damn this sucks.   :x

but at least we will get to see the game, ha I agree with what the person posted on the digg, bet SE hadent thought of that happening.

either way +100 phail points to Dark Serge if he really did send the email to SE, sure SE did not act on the email per say, but if the email had never been sent the CD might have been delayed enough for CE to be released for a short time, though then SE might have actually forced the fines >.<. 

wtfh, there's always one prick that has to go and ruin something special for everyone else just because someone pissed in their coffee....

« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 02:56:23 am by Geowil »


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #42 on: May 27, 2009, 11:30:12 pm »
Monroe, LA. I like to call it The Rotting Tree, because the north-side is green and beautiful, while the south-side is worn and wasted.

I'm not here to be some sort of Divine Light, or Saving Grace, I'm here because I want people to know about this. I want them to know that we have been betrayed again by The Machine. The hardcore fans that would do anything to see more of their favorite games apparently have no voice. Even though my voice is small, I know there are greater voices out there. Voices that would speak out in support of this.

I just don't want this to be washed away, I want EVERYONE to remember this.

Acacia Sgt

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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #43 on: May 27, 2009, 11:33:23 pm »
Mikisho, I find ironic your opinion about Cross. If anything, Cross was made in order to make a better Radical Dreamers, who the creators themselves weren't that satisfied with it, a reason why it wasn't present in the PSX Trigger port, which was going to have it at one point.

Still, you're right. Cross was taken way more than the trip to Viper Manor. Serge and Schala's stories were changed, and Magus removed when they decided to go for 40+ playable characters. And then all of the added things, El Nido, Reptite Dimension, Time Devourer, etc.

And right again, SE must have something in mind if they are bothering in doing what they did.


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #44 on: May 28, 2009, 12:22:56 am »
well im glad you guys decided to put it on youtube i guess its the next best thing to playing it  thanks alot ^^

and if anyone finds DarkSerge BURN him alive but b4 that torture the hell out of him and make him wish he was dead

sort of happy yet still sad but fight on fight on