Author Topic: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement  (Read 30698 times)


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #75 on: May 28, 2009, 04:08:53 am »
Eh, FaustWolf, the fact that Anne McCaffrey has explicit guidelines for writing fan fiction proves that she does NOT beautifully acknowledge it and certainly does not embrace it. To me, beautifully acknowledging and embracing fan fiction would mean tolerating everything, even the filthy hentai porno fics written about your characters.

Anne Rice is an absolute bitch, by the way.

and after a few people have gotten it, quickly delete the topic before Square sees it and then pretend the topic never happened. I already know some issues this would cause though, and as I said, I'm probably leaving out something obvious and important, but man, that would make my day.

The fact that it got out would prove that it DID happen, though. If it started showing up on torrents, Square would sue. They made their stand clear, and the CE staff did a thorough and diligent job getting all the beta testers to delete their copies (though again, we can never be entirely sure that someone doesn't have it tucked away somewhere, I doubt they'd ever leak it for fear of putting themselves or one of their friends in the firing line).


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #76 on: May 28, 2009, 04:34:49 am »
"The issue, Glenn, is that SE explicitly told them to destroy ALL copies, and inform those who had it to do the same. If a Beta tester leaked it, they wouldn't get in trouble, it be these guys. And you cannot say "I'd do it anyways" if it was you having 150k lawsuit staring down at you. Its easy to talk smack when the ball ain't in your hands, but if you're the one with it, and the defense is all around you, well then what?

SE has the edge in every way. Financially, the court costs would be covered by the sale of their worst-selling game alone. Time? They got a whole section just for this, so oodles and ooooodles of it. And, the creators did say if asked, they'd stop work on the game.

Plain and simple Glenn, you are all talk. You wouldn't do it. You can talk all you want, but until you have the beast staring down at you, with flames licking around your boots, and jaws ready to snap shut around you, it means zip, zero, nada, nothing."

I would do it- I would still find a way.

Again, SE is just threatening as much as possible to scare people into submission- it doesn't mean that they can legally steal 150 g's from the creators and lock them up for 5 years if a beta tester anonymously released the game somehow.  Sure, SE's lawyers CLAIM that, but lawyers lie and speak weasel-talk a lot.

Why?  Well, look at the fear and paranoia running rampant here.  Obviously, such tactics are quite effective.  They can't say something like, "we will kill you with our ninja army and their pet tigers if you don't submit", cause they know people would accept that as bullshit.  Their high-priced, fancy lawyers doing legalese weasel talk to trick people into thinking they have more power and rights and authority then they actually possess is believable enough that a lot of you here are slurping up their bullshit milkshake and asking for seconds without even realizing what's really inside of it.

Also, opening a topic briefly with a torrent would be a terrible idea.  There are more intelligent ways of releasing something anonymously.

And SE's NOT going to send a couple of people off to jail for years and give them 150 K fines automatically if it did automatically get released.

Sure, SE are douchebags, but there's a limit to how much negative press they'd be willing to generate in the gaming community.  Tossing someone in jail or trying to for a free product would be very extreme- assuming they actually could which they probably can't. (see other legal arguments made on the board about this)  Some of you are so frightened by SE's lawyer weasel-talk that you can't see the forest for the trees.

"Gasp, if a lawyer says something it must be true," isn't the way to look at what lawyers say.

"If a lawyer says something then it's what they want people to believe," is what people SHOULD think instead.

Look at all this infighting and talk of concentration camp-like suffering that will befall all the creators and beta testers automatically if there's a single release being made by people here.

SE may be assholes, and their lawyers are especially fucking assholes, but they are very clever to word stuff the way they have.  The reactions here are exactly what they desire- creating civil war and fear and strife here and calls for submission.

People here are already calling on everybody to just bow down and submit while SE just rapes the dead corpse of this game and refuses to even acknowledge what it's doing.  That's how terrified and gullible everybody is.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 04:45:26 am by Glenn27 »


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #77 on: May 28, 2009, 04:40:21 am »
Although I'll be forever disappointed with Square Penix for this it's great that we are seeing CE in video form. When the whole thing have been uploaded I'll put in on a dvd and watch it all the way through.


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #78 on: May 28, 2009, 05:07:18 am »
"Besides, if (by any chance) I could release it, I would endanger the lifes of the CE team, which is the last thing I want."

How many times do I have to say this....

releasing it's NOT going to endanger anyone!  If you automatically believe what the cuththroat lawyers for a soulless massive corporation say to crush people into submission and accept it as gospel truth....

then I have a nice law degree from Harvard I'd like to sell you- only $10,000!  What a great deal, worth more than the cost of the degree, you all should jump on board!

Geez- does everyone here think that lawyers are all pure as fresh snow and they're never full of bullshit?

Can anyone get it through your skulls that maybe, maybe, laywers are sometimes full of it and maybe they simply say whatever is in their best interest to their goals to say?  Terrifying anyone into thinking this game will automatically get the creators and beta testers sent to San Quentin is just PERFECT for the interests of SE!

Bravo to the asshole lawyers of SE, you guys are great at fooling the gullible!  For your next act you should tell us that you're building a time machine and will automatically know exactly when and who plans on releasing something so that person shouldn't even bother because I'm sure 99% of everyone on this board would believe you! 

Maybe not me, but nearly everyone else here would!

Btw everyone- I JUST WON THE LOTTERY A FEW MONTHS AGO!  Got over 100 million and I now live in a mansion!  HEY- it must be true because I said it's true and by golly, nobody ever says something that's false anywhere ever!
« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 05:10:47 am by Glenn27 »


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #79 on: May 28, 2009, 05:09:21 am »
glenn 27

Asshole lawyer- "Since this fan for releasing a free mod of one of our games made over ten years ago!"

Creators lawyer- "There is no evidence they actually released it themselves, it's unknown who did."

Judge- "Is this true?"

Asshole lawyer- "Ummmm....."

Judge- "Gtfo."

Creators- "YES!"

Asshole lawyer- "At least SE will still pay us for this."

court battles aren't that short in fact they are very long and time consuming most of the CE staff probably doesn't have the time and probably definitely not the resource's to go through with such a task and some times court battles can drag on for weeks even years consuming alot of hours and money and brain cells  :lee:

but how ever even deleted things can be (insert word yourself) and (insertword)and a few years down the track you may find a copy who knows in a few years maybe when DS is dead lol

i respect what decision the CE team made because it wasn't easy to come to

tyvv much for doing a video play thru
« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 05:12:17 am by Corpse69 »


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #80 on: May 28, 2009, 05:10:22 am »
and after a few people have gotten it, quickly delete the topic before Square sees it and then pretend the topic never happened. I already know some issues this would cause though, and as I said, I'm probably leaving out something obvious and important, but man, that would make my day.
The fact that it got out would prove that it DID happen, though.
Although that method would not be a good idea, as the server logs could be subpoenaed, the best way I can conceive of for a leak to occur is if someone hacked into the computer of one of the beta testers, installed a file recovery tool, undeleted and grabbed the file, and released it on Freenet. The only person responsible is an anonymous hacker. However, I suspect a lawsuit could and would still be leveled at someone. Really, anyone who gets a cease and desist letter should only communicate via lawyer. Unfortunately, it sounds like everything is over except for the whining, which I think is a pity.


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #81 on: May 28, 2009, 05:27:44 am »
It was Square's decision, yes, but it was DS' decision to contact Square and remind them that the hack existed. I can't help but think that none of this would have ever happened were it not for DS.


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #82 on: May 28, 2009, 05:29:19 am »
I'm just wondering here guys, has anyone else had a barbecue or bonfire with their Square games?

I've been slowly burning my shit over the past couple of weeks, if you plan to do this, make sure to do so as well, that shit stinks baaaaaad.

So far, I've destroyed FFVII (the first FF I beat and the first to burn), FFVIII (always hated you), Final Fantasy Chronicles (with Chrono Trigger, nothing shall be spared from my hate) and Chrono Cross (should have done that years ago, stupid file corrupting piece of shit). I'll be doing Final Fantasy Anthology this week.

But yeah, I'm done with Square Enix for good.


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #83 on: May 28, 2009, 05:36:10 am »
I'm just wondering here guys, has anyone else had a barbecue or bonfire with their Square games?

I've been slowly burning my shit over the past couple of weeks, if you plan to do this, make sure to do so as well, that shit stinks baaaaaad.

So far, I've destroyed FFVII (the first FF I beat and the first to burn), FFVIII (always hated you), Final Fantasy Chronicles (with Chrono Trigger, nothing shall be spared from my hate) and Chrono Cross (should have done that years ago, stupid file corrupting piece of shit). I'll be doing Final Fantasy Anthology this week.

But yeah, I'm done with Square Enix for good.

The sad and sorrow i could seek on your soul, but certainly you hate on the wrong games, that is Squaresoft games dammit!!

Lord J Esq

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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #84 on: May 28, 2009, 05:38:05 am »
Glenn27, you are right that under no plausible scenario would anyone have lost $150,000 or gone to jail. But even a fraction of that, and a criminal record, combined with months of legal uncertainty, is no trivial sacrifice.

Your rhetoric is commendable, because with it you are making yourself look virtuous even as you are trying to pressure other people into martyring themselves all for a video game. In this you are being manipulative, for which I cannot fault you, but you are also being unreasonable, for which I can. The people who created Crimson Echoes have decided how to respond to Square Enix's demands. That decision was made weeks ago, and your consent was not required. You did not make the game. It was never your game, nor was its fate yours to choose. Your willingness to make decisions for other people without regard for their welfare is unimpressive and typical. Your deluded conviction in your own flawed reasoning as to Square Enix's legal posture is laughable and frustrating. Your unwillingness to accept the situation is neither a show of bravery nor conviction, but merely an exercise in selfishness.

You are not required, of course, to accept the course of action that the development team chose to take. Thus far you have been free to make your feelings known here in the forums. But now you are repeating yourself, with increasing hostility, and you are antagonizing other forum members, and you are abusing the language of civil rights to inflate your case, unwarrantedly. If your cause was a noble one I would stand behind you, but as it is you are just making noise. I suggest you retreat a few paces and choose a more reasonable limit for yourself, because you won't last long on this site otherwise.


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #85 on: May 28, 2009, 05:39:33 am »
The sad and sorrow i could seek on your soul, but certainly you hate on the wrong games, that is Squaresoft games dammit!!

They'll still part of the problem damnit! It's not like Enix went "Oh, someone is making a fan-game based off of Squaresoft's license, let's go and shit on their dreams!" It was both, and I want nothing to do with either of them.



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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #86 on: May 28, 2009, 06:04:43 am »
Glenn27, you are right that under no plausible scenario would anyone have lost $150,000 or gone to jail. But even a fraction of that, and a criminal record, combined with months of legal uncertainty, is no trivial sacrifice.

Your rhetoric is commendable, because with it you are making yourself look virtuous even as you are trying to pressure other people into martyring themselves all for a video game. In this you are being manipulative, for which I cannot fault you, but you are also being unreasonable, for which I can. The people who created Crimson Echoes have decided how to respond to Square Enix's demands. That decision was made weeks ago, and your consent was not required. You did not make the game. It was never your game, nor was its fate yours to choose. Your willingness to make decisions for other people without regard for their welfare is unimpressive and typical. Your deluded conviction in your own flawed reasoning as to Square Enix's legal posture is laughable and frustrating. Your unwillingness to accept the situation is neither a show of bravery nor conviction, but merely an exercise in selfishness.

You are not required, of course, to accept the course of action that the development team chose to take. Thus far you have been free to make your feelings known here in the forums. But now you are repeating yourself, with increasing hostility, and you are antagonizing other forum members, and you are abusing the language of civil rights to inflate your case, unwarrantedly. If your cause was a noble one I would stand behind you, but as it is you are just making noise. I suggest you retreat a few paces and choose a more reasonable limit for yourself, because you won't last long on this site otherwise.

Trying to manipulate other people into martrying people for the game?  Hell, give me a copy of the beta and I'd do it myself.  I'll back up my words myself.

And I'm not trying to "manipulate" anyone.  I believe exactly what I say.  And I do believe that some of the decisions made by the game staff were based off of flawed beliefs like the belief in the excessive amount of authority and corporal punishment SE could diss.

It is true what I said about lawyers lying- read "Game over press start to continue" and read the story of Donkey Kong.  Lawyers working for movie executives LIED TO NINTENDO DELIBERATELY to try and trick them into giving up the license.  Did they get punished?  Nope.  If someone tried to they could just say, "we were mistaken."  What do you think SE's lawyers would say if it was proven their statement was false?

Lawyers DO lie to fulfill their goals!  Someone should research to see exactly how much of what SE claims actually is true- accepting everything they say at complete face value is the wrong way to go about this.  They'll claim whatever they can to get what they want and if you accept it as fact then they're sure as hell not going to try to correct you or make you any wiser about it.

As for money, sure, SE can shit out an infinite amount of cash but I think the gaming community would work to raise funds for the creators- I'd certainly help out.  C'mon, there are people who would chip in- maybe Jimmy Fallon would have the guy on his show.  The dude's a gaming maniac, oldschool-style, he might be happy to help out.

And someone talked about the amount of time court stuff would waste for the game staff- well guess what?  SE already just wasted a full 5 years of their life that they'll never get back.  Maybe it's their game and it is their decision but I still believe firmly that it is the wrong decision and that it's something they will regret down the line.  They're looking at it the wrong way as imagining that SE's wrath and legal claims would instantly and automatically be 100% realized.  They're thinking only of worst-case scenarios, not imagining that any other outcome could be possible- as if the future is just doomed no matter what they could try.

If someone chose to kill themself or make another bad decision should I just sit back and not do anything because it's none of my business?  No, I do not think I should.  This is not as extreme an example but my point still remains.

Anyway, I think I've pretty much said my piece now this will be my last post on this subject.  Creators, I really hope you think about what I've said.  Those 5 years you're -never- going to get back.... are you going to let those years be for nothing- or are you going to fight to make them mean something?

The choice is up to you.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 06:08:07 am by Glenn27 »


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #87 on: May 28, 2009, 06:12:32 am »
The sad and sorrow i could seek on your soul, but certainly you hate on the wrong games, that is Squaresoft games dammit!!

They'll still part of the problem damnit! It's not like Enix went "Oh, someone is making a fan-game based off of Squaresoft's license, let's go and shit on their dreams!" It was both, and I want nothing to do with either of them.


You are going to regret burning your games later. You know it and so do I.


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #88 on: May 28, 2009, 06:14:42 am »
Yeah, but during these past five years they could work on the game whenever they wanted, whenever they had a free moment. If they were sued, they'd have to report to court at a certain time, at a certain place. They couldn't pick the time. They have jobs, they'd have to take time off those jobs. They have schoolwork, they'd have to push that aside.


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Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« Reply #89 on: May 28, 2009, 06:15:18 am »
This threads pissing me off, I know I can just avoid it but it was a news thread. So far its been one post by Agent and the rest has be useless trash.

Your Burning games nightmare!?! Your just wasting your invested money! That doesn't do anything. Disgusting.

Glenn27, as passionate as you are your a flat our dumb ass.

I will still buy SE game, if their good. I will enjoy the videos that Agent is sharing. I will help the fan base thrive by contributing to any projects, art, etc. that I can. I think that the way to show support to the CE team who have done a lot only to hear people tear them down.