Ahaha! I suddenly understood what you meant!
The drawing is a microchip...and you're not supposed to make it teeny-tiny...it's more of a title font. You know...in those ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS, how they liked to have that HUGE letter on the side of the page, the letter that was the first letter of the first word in the book? Like that.
Called a Drop Cap.
Also, a tiny bit of research showed Windows comes with a free font editor, if you have 2000, XP, or Vista.
Here's the link.
If you don't want to read about it, click run, and type in eudcedit.exe and hit enter. Voila!
If that's not what you're looking for, try looking at download.com or majorgeeks.com, they usually have good stuff and tell you whether it's free or just a trial version or what have you.