Not at all, LaBella, not at all.
Alright, sweet.
As long as the person doing the tattoo is actually skilled at the craft--I've heard of quite a few good ideas going to shit thanks to terrible tattoo artists...
I've known people to have that happen to them and get the tattoo anyway because they feel bad when the artist works hard on it...
I don't think I could ever do that, lol.
Your tattoo is absolutely gorgeous, La Bella!
I love those vibrant colors. I bet you'll meet a lot of Chrono fans with that tattoo, especially at the beach or pool!
I think that would be neato if it actually strike up a conversation one day... Well, ahem, other than on these forums because very obviously that is happening as we speak. XD
No, that will officially make y[ou the hottest Chrono fan that ever lived.
You just gave me an idea! I may be getting ahead of myself here, and for that I apologize, but you two are the most attractive girls on the Compendium (coincidentally you're also the only girls who show their face in their pictures). Take a picture with one hand straight up in the air, angled forward. Not like a Nazi. Like a hi five. Both a ya's. I'll photoshop it together and it will blow minds. We can send it to SE and be like, look there's ladies that like Chrono too. Booya. Then they'll be all "oh mang ya we should help them out!" and totally release Chrono Brake, which they've been working on secretly for the past fifteen years underground.
Even if none of that comes to fruition, a fan can dream.
Oh, oh my... um... well if you really think it'll work...
Just want to say your tattoo looks very cool. If it has meaning to you then you will never feel like it shouldn't be there. Even if its inspired from a game, games can find you a meaning in life, inspire you, move you or just about improve your way of seeing things sometimes.
I absolutely agree! Thank you very much. : D