First time was actually SNES (with some ROM-esque disk attachment thing... Don't ask -- Chinese people are able to build the craziest things... basically, you were able to download ROMs, load it into the hardward of SNES, and play -- but save feature is utter fail on that).
But never got really far (lack of save)-- feel in love when I bumped into Marle. Seriously. Game is still amazing.
Got a PSOne (handed down from uncle -- same guy who got the ROM-attachment thing for my SNES)-- went to Chinatown, saw Final Fantasy Chronicles, bought.
Home, played, stuck with it, hated loading times, stuck with it, never advanced through 65 000 000 000 BC (home consoles need commitment and time...)
FINALLY: DS version port!! YES!! now at the final chapter... Training, sidequesting, etc. etc.
So basically, DS is first complete playthrough, but SNES (well, ROM thing) was my first introduction