Author Topic: Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 7; Alpha Leakers Banned  (Read 29485 times)


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Re: Alpha Leakers Banned
« Reply #45 on: June 06, 2009, 10:35:01 am »
Was I really a suspect at all? I know I can be a bit... wacky sometimes, and all of my comics of CE so far have been somewhat derisive (though I can't deny I love it), but I know when to be "SERIOUS BUSINESS" about these things.

Besides, I would have done it much sooner and have had the sense not to name the file CRIMSON ECHOES.

...That they would show such foolishness has me suspicious, but oh well.

There's still plenty of mediums to do fan projects in and even the parts of the Chrono series that have been analyzed to death can stay fresh if you try to see them in a different light. It's unfortunate what happened to this group, we should remember them fondly despite what they did, but as long as we stay active and get more creative, this won't hurt the community in the long run.


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Re: Alpha Leakers Banned
« Reply #46 on: June 06, 2009, 11:24:52 am »
ok everyone... Throughout this entire fiasco I've managed to keep my calm.  I kept my calm when I got a C&D, I kept my calm when I SE totally snubbed me, I kept my calm against an entire forum of people talking about how I faked the whole thing for some sort of fucking internet popularity contest.  I rarely rant on the internet because honestly I dont really care about people on the internet (no offense).  My "real" life is actually pretty awesome ( very few people here know about my real life but they can atest to it). But after reading this and reading the actual logs of what happened (I dont think they are public) this  has hit a chord with me. People showing sympathy to these people are just plain wrong.  I'm going to go on what may be my one and only rant ever on the internet:

These people willingly (and trust me it's willingly) went out of their way to potentially ruin 2 peoples lives over a video game.  Trust me everyone in here loves chrono trigger.....and I can pretty confidently say I  may love it more than anyone here (cept maybe Z).  If you want proof then go check out a few youtube videos that I've uploaded cause guess what I made an entire fucking new game over the course of 5 years, can anyone else say that?  But even worse than that these people felt like they had the right to take all the hard work that I did and hand it out for me?  And not even that, they are fucking dumb enough to not even get the latest version and still rename it....and I quote Chrono Trigger - Crimson Echoes - Most Up To Date (2009).zip.  

(10:06 AM) TeaFlower:   How will they find us? Sure, they can track our IPs, but... if we do it through something like a proxy... we should be cool. Can't track a proxy, if they don't know about it they can't find us.
(10:06 AM)   Transfer of "Chrono Trigger - Crimson Echoes - Most Up To Date (2009).zip" is complete.

Awesome now everyone got to see a project that I worked on for years in a horrible incomplete form. And as an added bonus SE can potentially follow up on their legal thread to sue me if it gets distributed.  Oh yea....I forgot to mention they uploaded the entire damn ROM which is one of our few legal arguments against square enix. Oh wait......the idiocy goes even further.  They willingly did that with not one, but 2 people on the compendium who have what.....I'm pretty sure it's less than 10 posts...I've never heard of them has anyone else?  

[deleted another rant that might not be taken so well by other people]

I'm so pissed right now....I may delete this post later so everyone enjoy seeing me go off the handle while they still can.

fucking idiots.......]


Very Well Said JP!  I stumbled across this site from the Gamefaqs Chrono Trigger board 2 days before it was supposed to be finished and first thing i saw was about the C&D. at first i was kinda meh about it, but then i watched the previews you guys put up and my jaw hit the floor.  Sorry that this had to happen and as for the people who leaked the alpha, shame on them and they got what they deserved that is something you just don't do.


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Re: Alpha Leakers Banned
« Reply #47 on: June 06, 2009, 12:30:59 pm »
tea.... justin.... but :( ... justin3009 was my spriting idol and teaflower was gonna make a song with me.
Your spriting idols should be Darkken and Alcyone. I've yet to see a better spriter than they on this site.

I think I'll miss Tea the most. She's young and impressionable. I have no idea why the hell she was taking advice from those other two people. When it comes to matters like this, it's best to speak with only those you utterly trust.
Thus, I don't know what evidence there is to ban Justin out of all people, unless you can open my eyes a bit.
Justin is the one who gave Teaflower a patched alpha ROM.

Also, I like the (begin Agent12)(end Agent12) bit. What are you, a spy or some supercomputer? :lol:


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Re: Alpha Leakers Banned
« Reply #48 on: June 06, 2009, 12:50:43 pm »
odber, we'll make the source videos available. It's going to take awhile because you just reminded me that I might have to reprocess the audio on most chapters; Windows Media Player at least can't play the sound correctly on them.

justin's banning proves that ZeaLitY is carrying out the "Leak = Banned" policy to the letter, without regard for the past history of the person leaking. This is just. The Internet is not so separate from the real world as we like to think sometimes; it's possible to ruin an otherwise sterling reputation in an instant.

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Re: Alpha Leakers Banned
« Reply #49 on: June 06, 2009, 12:54:56 pm »
I just want to say anyone who believed my guilt based on a simple rumor is FUCKING RETARDED.\

I'm anticipating an apology from Zeality soon.

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Re: Alpha Leakers Banned
« Reply #50 on: June 06, 2009, 12:56:25 pm »
Bad news indeed. What's baffling concerning Justin and PSZ is that they had their own fanprojects going or planned, and yet they didn't respect our own project. I would have thought they could have put themselves in JP's or Zeality's place for a sec and see what their actions entailed, but they didn't.

Again, bloody retarded for believing my guilt based on a freaking rumor. If I could, I'd spit on you

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Re: Alpha Leakers Banned
« Reply #51 on: June 06, 2009, 12:58:03 pm »
I saw this topic before when it only mentioned the leaker as Justin and it wouldn't let me post, but Oh my God.

Basically I've been surprised several times here. I could not predict or expect any of this shit. First, that CE was actually coming out, then the CnD, then the Youtube videos, then Dark Serge being Alienator or whatever, then a leak of the alpha, then you FIND the leaker(holy f-ing crap that's like some tv detective shit) and it turns out to be JUSTIN? and TEA? WTF. WTF indeed.

And really, as much as I want to feel sympathy for them, I can't because they knew full well what they were doing. They didn't even speak in coded messages like "spilling the cookie jar" or some BS like that. They knew. God Damn.

As far as the development team, you're doing the right thing by outting them and posting that info in the news, cause if SE does have people that still check this site or the forums, they probably know about the leak and needed to know who it was that did this.

But man, none of this would have happened if one or two things went differently. Alas, it didn't and will not be different. People have compared CnD day to Day of Lavos. I disagree. I'd say this feels more like an alternate dimension, and the CnD day was more comparable to the day Serge got killed and the timeline split. We're in Another World. We'd better get used to all that entails.

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Re: Alpha Leakers Banned
« Reply #52 on: June 06, 2009, 12:58:32 pm »
Wow. 5 people down now?  Dark Serge, Teaflower, and Justin?  I didn't know the other two people, so eff them... This situation just gets crazier.  I'm sorry this had to happen to you guys, ZeaLity, Agent12.  Just know that we've got your back.  Justin is really the only one I'm sad to see go after that fiasco, and that's simply because he was an integral member of the modding community.

So to all those who were involved in selfish activity, putting CE, the creator's of CE, and the Compendium itself at risk: eff you.  You deserve to be banned.  I hope you guys watch the Compendium as Guests and see this thread.


If that includes me, you just be glad I don't know you in real life...

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Re: Alpha Leakers Banned
« Reply #53 on: June 06, 2009, 01:01:08 pm »
If that includes me, you just be glad I don't know you in real life...

So to all those who were involved in selfish activity, putting CE, the creator's of CE, and the Compendium itself at risk: eff you.  You deserve to be banned.

Why would that include you? He's being very specific. If you were not involved, obviously that doesn't include you.


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Re: Alpha Leakers Banned
« Reply #54 on: June 06, 2009, 01:08:54 pm »
I just want to say anyone who believed my guilt based on a simple rumor is FUCKING RETARDED.\

I'm anticipating an apology from Zeality soon.

Look, when theres any sort of evidence supporting the possibility that someone is related to a crime, they are a suspect.

The fact you're getting pissy about this and then blaming tea (over irc) for it is also quite foolish, from my perspective, considering it was Justin who turned in the chat logs to Zeality.

For all we know, Justin could have merely conspired with Shinrin and created a fake chat log "proving" that tea and you were related to the incident.

Edit: well, it wasn't fake... but that still doesn't out anyone.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2009, 01:15:54 pm by IAmSerge »


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Re: Alpha Leakers Banned
« Reply #55 on: June 06, 2009, 01:15:52 pm »
tea.... justin.... but :( ... justin3009 was my spriting idol and teaflower was gonna make a song with me.
Your spriting idols should be Darkken and Alcyone. I've yet to see a better spriter than they on this site.

I think I'll miss Tea the most. She's young and impressionable. I have no idea why the hell she was taking advice from those other two people. When it comes to matters like this, it's best to speak with only those you utterly trust.
Thus, I don't know what evidence there is to ban Justin out of all people, unless you can open my eyes a bit.
Justin is the one who gave Teaflower a patched alpha ROM.

Also, I like the (begin Agent12)(end Agent12) bit. What are you, a spy or some supercomputer? :lol:

I feel the same as Zephira , I'll miss Tea she was a very imaginative girl who I loved Rping with .

On a side Note ~ Alcyone Sprites are Delicious.


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Re: Alpha Leakers Banned
« Reply #56 on: June 06, 2009, 01:24:49 pm »
The fact that your on PSZ, does that mean you were able to meet with ZeaLitY? or are you still in question right now?

As for you Maggiekarp, I don't think the staff ever legitimately suspected you. But I did suggest you as a possible suspect.  Based sole on the fact that They trusted you enough to be on the Beta team(reasonable that you may have had access to other copies), as well as your suspicious behavior and quick reply on the 4chan thread when to was leaked. I felt bad about naming you, cause your so awesome and all, but I felt that no rock should be left unturned.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2009, 01:30:42 pm by KebreI »


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Re: Alpha Leakers Banned
« Reply #57 on: June 06, 2009, 01:26:10 pm »
The fact that your on PSZ, does that mean you were able to meet with ZeaLitY? or are you still in question right now?

PSZ requested temporary access until the matter was settled (I think) and Its possible it was granted.


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Re: Alpha Leakers Banned
« Reply #58 on: June 06, 2009, 01:28:36 pm »
And even now there are plenty of people out there who'd like to either finish Crimson Echoes in their own way or keep the distribution going, a storm of distribution indeed, and I take it that would anger you the most. But like I said, it's out of your control, mate (and I'm sorry if I've gotten to your nerves, but it's the truth).
There were some interesting conversations on the IRC last night. Someone was trying to finish it.

[6/5/2009 9:08 PM] <Dark3mx> V, whats being done right now is CE is being rebuilt from the Alpha by JoE and a few other peeps by using the info collected from the CEMemorial vids
[6/5/2009 9:08 PM] <Justin> er
[6/5/2009 9:08 PM] <Serge> less of pissed and more of an "ugh whats going on" kind of upset
[6/5/2009 9:08 PM] <Shinrin> yeah
[6/5/2009 9:08 PM] <Shinrin> this is the version that she sent me
[6/5/2009 9:08 PM] <Vehek> Who's JoE?
[6/5/2009 9:08 PM] <V> i hope they call it something different
[6/5/2009 9:09 PM] <Serge> JoEmAmMa?
[6/5/2009 9:09 PM] <Dark3mx> JoEmOmMa
[6/5/2009 9:09 PM] <Dark3mx> yup
[6/5/2009 9:09 PM] <FaFniR> yeah
[6/5/2009 9:09 PM] <Serge> *sigh*
[6/5/2009 9:09 PM] <Justin> that soudned like a bad joke
[6/5/2009 9:09 PM] <Dark3mx> it's not
[6/5/2009 9:09 PM] <Zephira> It is, and it's his name
[6/5/2009 9:09 PM] <V> Chunko Tigger: Crumson Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under C&D
[6/5/2009 9:09 PM] <FaFniR> also they're going to fail miserably when they see all the bugs they'll have to correct
[6/5/2009 9:09 PM] <FaFniR> hahahaha
[6/5/2009 9:09 PM] <Justin> I don't think they have any idea what they're getting into
[6/5/2009 9:09 PM] <ZeaLitY> haha god why would they waste their time
[6/5/2009 9:10 PM] <Serge> hahaha =D
[6/5/2009 9:10 PM] <ZeaLitY> I alone submitted over 1,500 bugs
(Should I have removed some of the names?)

(On Schala) At a different point:
[6/5/2009 9:36 PM] <ZeaLitY> By the way justin was that PrincessSchalaZeal
[6/5/2009 9:36 PM] <Serge> lol
[6/5/2009 9:36 PM] <ZeaLitY> The "Schala" who approved of the plan
But later Zeality was talking about how PSZ was going to be banned. Confusing.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2009, 01:35:16 pm by Vehek »


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Re: Alpha Leakers Banned
« Reply #59 on: June 06, 2009, 01:32:59 pm »
Oh man, I'm sorry to see all this stuff happen. ;__;

Um.. I have one question though. I mean, the copies of the alpha say "Courtesy of Dark Serge." Was that just put there to make it seem like he was the one who did it, or did he actually leak it as well? o_O