This happens way too often, and is the primary reason a lot of my friends never gave CT a chance in the first place. I've said over and over again I'm not into anime at all. Well, neither are said friends. But we all grew up with DBZ on Cartoon Network and the weird grunting constipation sounds that turned their hair blonde and that's all they can think when I try to show or explain anything from the game to them.
Kinda sucks.

Sad, but most likely true.
I led a sheltered existence growing up, as we only had 4 TV channels - one of them in French - so I never saw the show as a kid. Wasn't even aware of it til years after I'd gotten hooked on CT. I was lucky in that sense, I suppose! I'll be showing my age here, but the only one of those series I can recall being into as a kid was Samurai Pizza Cats. I always found the DBZ series / characters irritating, right alongside Sailor Moon and Pokemon. Toriyma is sort of a one-hit wonder for me. I played the original Dragon Warrior game extensively - my first RPG! - but I was what, 7 or 8 years old at the time? Staff credits weren't on my mind at the time, LoL. I tried tuning in to that series again with Dragon Warrior VII, but the translation, the dialogue was just horrific! Couldn't play it.