Author Topic: Remember the rumored Chrono Break? And if Square hates Chrono  (Read 2383 times)


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Whatever the hell happened to that game? Let me guess, scrapped like most of the other abandoned series like Saga Frontier? Hmmm? Oh, let us take a look at the Seiken Densetsu series. It's almost an opposite of Final Fantasy, only with Zelda  and CT elements right? Another factor is, why SE doesn't care about their fans who are loyal to the Chrono series. Just what.......of the years we've waited, this is what you give us, nothing? Screw sales, give us a damn sequel! Like Break. I pity the fool who would give us a Nu Chrono game. Maybe...if we could get a talk with the developers....somehow....If they can sell the rights to a good company who would actually listen to their fans.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 11:43:19 pm by Dialga_Palkia »


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Re: Remember the rumored Chrono Break? And if Square hates Chrono
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2009, 11:49:50 pm »
You can please some of the people some of the time and the rest seem to make whiny posts like this. :P But, seriously, as a fellow Chrono fan, the frustration is somewhat understandable...

Chrono Break wasn't scrapped because it was never in production. Who cares about SaGa Frontier? Not anyone I've ever talked to (and certainly not me), but they're remaking SaGa 2 apparently for its anniversary because the series is apparently pretty popular in Japan (or at least moreso than NA). Seiken Densetsu is a lot like FF (in fact it started out named as a gaiden to the series)...SD3 even went so far as to have a big 'save the crystals' quest in it...
« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 11:51:28 pm by V_Translanka »


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Re: Remember the rumored Chrono Break? And if Square hates Chrono
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2009, 12:07:30 am »
What I wouldn't give for a copy of whatever handwritten/word processor notes Kato made while Chrono Break/Brake was still a possibility!

Did the trademark ever expire in Japan though?


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Re: Remember the rumored Chrono Break? And if Square hates Chrono
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2009, 01:17:42 am »
You can please some of the people some of the time and the rest seem to make whiny posts like this. :P But, seriously, as a fellow Chrono fan, the frustration is somewhat understandable...

Chrono Break wasn't scrapped because it was never in production. Who cares about SaGa Frontier? Not anyone I've ever talked to (and certainly not me), but they're remaking SaGa 2 apparently for its anniversary because the series is apparently pretty popular in Japan (or at least moreso than NA). Seiken Densetsu is a lot like FF (in fact it started out named as a gaiden to the series)...SD3 even went so far as to have a big 'save the crystals' quest in it...

I personally LOVED SaGa Frontier! I can't believe they are remaking the 2nd and not the first! I mean this was their chance to impliment the 8th character (Fuse) storyline. The 2nd game was only ok (decent storyline) the first game (I mean Saga Frontier there where SaGa games before that) was freakin' awesome. It's like they kick and spit at everything I love!

Next up SquareEnix buy ATLUS and says "no more Shin Megami Tensei games" or worst "turn Shin Megami Tensei  into generic FF rip off with Shiva* as a frozen ice women, Jack Forst Replaced with a Chocobo or Moogle**, and no Satan and Lucifer as seprate entities!***"
That would be the only thing that could break my cheerful spirit (or insanity) and drain me of my spirit. I could never recover from that. Good thing such a travisty shall never happen!
*I forgive this one for Final Fantasy as it's actully a joke on shiver.
**I would lose the will to live from that alone
***It makes sense, trust me. In Shin Megami Tensei Satan is totally Old school (Hahahaha...I wonder if anyone gets that joke.)

On a side note I am very easy going so I wish no ill will apon SE.....yet.... :D (I have a VERY high tolerence level)

Chrono we hardly you.  :(

It seems like SE is droppign all of it's more unique titles and they barely advertise any unique titles they may be making cause they spend all their time advertising freakin' Final Fantasy. Now I like some FF games (VI- One of the Best games every, Final Fantasy Tactics- Better on the PSP and made me glad I got a PSP), I feel some where under appreciated for reasons (VIII- Alot of information things where subtext that was easy to miss and sidequests a case of SE actully being to deep for their own good and expecting all their fans who had played their previous games to go out of their way to even remotely understand what's going on), and some alittle overhyped to the point that they overdid it (VII-Good game that went on to long.), some underrated (FFX-2 was not that bad, even if it wasn't that great either) and some games desrve to burn (FFTactics Advanced- You can't enjoy a story when the story and the game mechanics all make no sense. I soon got sick of it and got the normal ending then quit. Worst Tactics game ever, it's like the anti-Disgeae or somethin')
But in the long run most FF games are just well FF. They arn't bad they arn't good. Final Fantasy is the series that can be described as Final Fantasy. I dislike people who go on about how the games suck because they are mad at SE. the Fact remain that it's greatest strength and weakness is that it is a game series that is you like RPGs then you will like at least a few Final Fantasys.
Still with all the FF games they ignore the fact that other games exist (I mean even Dragon Quest seems to be ignored as time goes on, I'm not even a fan of Dragon Quest!) SE is loseing itself and if it doesn't turn soon it will be a one game company that will bleed itself dry. You can only make so many FFs untill you run out of ideas and the fan betray you as you betrayed them.


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Re: Remember the rumored Chrono Break? And if Square hates Chrono
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2009, 04:23:08 am »
No, I meant they're remaking the 2nd SaGa game, the one that was originally for Gameboy (came to NA as FFLegend 2), not Frontier 2...I didn't like SaGa Frontier because there wasn't enough differences between playing all of the characters and the development of them was kind of sparse. They could have learned something from Live-a-Live. Frontier 2 I thought did a tiny bit better, but not much. They were the first games of Square's that I was ever really disappointed with.

Dragon Quest ignored? How so? Every one of their games with DQ in the title sells through the roof...DQIX will do the same and they've already announced DQX for Wii. That series will never die, no matter how hard NA may ignore it (but I think it's been gaining popularity, myself since VIII and now the DS remakes of IV~VI)....But that's the Enix-side anyways...


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Re: Remember the rumored Chrono Break? And if Square hates Chrono
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2009, 07:57:23 am »
Whatever the hell happened to that game? Let me guess, scrapped like most of the other abandoned series like Saga Frontier?

The SaGa series is getting its own "20th Anniversary" celebration in Japan with a 3D remake of SaGa 2 and a mobile phone version of Romancing SaGa. It's nothing abandoned.

Did the trademark ever expire in Japan though?

It expires on July 26, 2012.


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Re: Remember the rumored Chrono Break? And if Square hates Chrono
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2009, 12:14:13 pm »
No, I meant they're remaking the 2nd SaGa game, the one that was originally for Gameboy (came to NA as FFLegend 2), not Frontier 2...I didn't like SaGa Frontier because there wasn't enough differences between playing all of the characters and the development of them was kind of sparse. They could have learned something from Live-a-Live. Frontier 2 I thought did a tiny bit better, but not much. They were the first games of Square's that I was ever really disappointed with.

Dragon Quest ignored? How so? Every one of their games with DQ in the title sells through the roof...DQIX will do the same and they've already announced DQX for Wii. That series will never die, no matter how hard NA may ignore it (but I think it's been gaining popularity, myself since VIII and now the DS remakes of IV~VI)....But that's the Enix-side anyways...

I met by comparrasion to FF, which you can't turn a corner without hearing about, it still gets more attention then the rest of the games they could be making (Most likley it gets more attention in Japan). Eitherway they are going to bleed both of those series dry before long. they have to remain fresh and frankly the title alone is going to drive people away soon enough (in otherwords it will have the inverse effect of what they want, games to sell based on title alone. Really FF is just a bunch of diffrent games with the same title. I give DQ some credit for at least having a real timeline.) I don't hear as much about DQ anymore, maybe I'm looking in the wrong place? Eh I'm not that interested in either series anyway.

And oh...I wish the would re-make Sage Frontier (and you did say Frontier). Really I'm just letting you know that you know me (sorta) and that I like Saga Frontier which you claimed no one you have ever spoke to did.


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Re: Remember the rumored Chrono Break? And if Square hates Chrono
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2009, 04:35:42 pm »
Of course you like at least one FF. The reason it's their most successful series? it's the same damn controls and gameplay everytime with the one difference being that they change up the story and the world it takes place in. It may appear they have differences, but honestly I've found none of them are that different.

DQ? It's success hits so high since it's one of the few things they make commercials for and then it's also got a different story every time. FF and DQ are pretty much the same, biggest difference, target audience.

Are we aiming at older audiences or the kids?
One reason I prefer Chrono right there, a balance of both.
FF is more "mature" and DQ is "kiddie".

Generally though they are ignoring plenty of great series and statistics.


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Re: Remember the rumored Chrono Break? And if Square hates Chrono
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2009, 06:00:19 pm »
I wish the would re-make Sage Frontier (and you did say Frontier).

I didn't say they were remaking any Frontier. It may have been confusing because I referenced Frontier and in the same sentence said they were remaking SaGa 2 though.

The reason the FF series will never be 'bled dry' is because it's barely a series and probably because of that, the production teams are up to change. If they think the series is getting stale or they want to change things up, they can just switch teams around and we'll get a new vision of FF.

DQ won't because everyone in Japan loves it and each game in the series is like that system's highest selling game (DQVII was a VERY LATE PSX game and IT was the highest selling game for the system, for example)...I expect DQIX will blow DS sales through the roof and DQX will do the same for the Wii (though both systems are already high up there)...I don't see how DQ is "kiddie", ONSLAUGHT...Because they have humor? Because slimes are cute? Because gameplay usually requires massive dedication to leveling (probably the main reason it never caught on in NA)?


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Re: Remember the rumored Chrono Break? And if Square hates Chrono
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2009, 06:12:22 pm »
Hey, If chrono Break expires in 2012, couldn't you just rename Crimson Echoes Chrono Break? xD.  Sure you'd still be using sprites and stuff.  But it wouldnt be CT:CE, it would be the untrademarked CB.  stupid idea is stupid, but I felt like throwing in a wild and wacky idea to get CE out to the public >_>...  I would say so sue me, but that might not be the best choice of words...


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Re: Remember the rumored Chrono Break? And if Square hates Chrono
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2009, 07:54:57 pm »
Hey, If chrono Break expires in 2012, couldn't you just rename Crimson Echoes Chrono Break? xD.  Sure you'd still be using sprites and stuff.  But it wouldnt be CT:CE, it would be the untrademarked CB.  stupid idea is stupid, but I felt like throwing in a wild and wacky idea to get CE out to the public >_>...  I would say so sue me, but that might not be the best choice of words...

No because one of the things they are against it people using there sprites, storys, worlds, ect. They actully are just hell bent against anyone using anything that is licenced to them. The won't even let me make a freakin' Final Fanasty Mystic Quest fansequel! MYSTIC QUEST! An I wanted to make new sprites and everything. I mean it's not that big a deal, I can just use the story concept i had for a new original game. Who wants to help never mind that's to off topic.


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Re: Remember the rumored Chrono Break? And if Square hates Chrono
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2009, 04:45:12 pm »
I don't see how DQ is "kiddie", ONSLAUGHT...Because they have humor? Because slimes are cute? Because gameplay usually requires massive dedication to leveling (probably the main reason it never caught on in NA)?

No, I'm talking when people look at the boxes and take into consideration what type of game it may be, as stupid as it sounds, the artwork is what's considered. FF is going for realistic(doesn't that go against everything fantasy is?)looks, and DQ has always been cartoony(not to mention some of the getups and enemies are a little off).

Humor? Yes. We NEED more humor in RPGs considering how everyone is always the dark, emo badass character. But people seem to see mor humorous RPGs as kiddie. I myself don't get the logic but that's why I'm raving here bout Chrono instead of on another site, say FF7.

Cute slimes? Yeah, they are definetly more kid friendly than your average kid friendly character. Specially a monster. Look at the monsters in general. How many of them actually look ferocious? Scary? None. The majority of the series' monsters are always these either quirky or smiling characters. As with the humor, I don't mind this one bit! But apparantly most of NA does.

I'm not saying it's bad! But you do have to admit, when looking through the aisles, wouldn't you look at a cover of a DQ game and assume compared to all the others on the shelf that's it's the most kiddie one there is? Well, second most. Pokemon beats it for the category.


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Re: Remember the rumored Chrono Break? And if Square hates Chrono
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2009, 05:35:43 pm »
I think most of the early monsters are cutesy, but as you go along the non-slime monsters become more ferocious looking...*shrugs*


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Re: Remember the rumored Chrono Break? And if Square hates Chrono
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2009, 09:41:13 pm »
You know I found something, hmm... mildly interesting today. Wada thinks that Eidos could make SE games if they desire.

Why not a Chrono Game? Of course it would probably be an Action RPG.


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Re: Remember the rumored Chrono Break? And if Square hates Chrono
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2009, 10:56:46 pm »
Action RPG chrono?  Sounds like a better change from the CT battle system that Chrono Cross. ;)