Very interesting question, indeed.
Making games in RPG Maker is, or should be legal if you possess the licence of its programs (paying for them), so that if you possess RPG Maker XP or VX in English with its licence you shouldn't have any problem (at least for making your own game, not for making a game which already has IP). Several years ago Enterbrain published a
"sad fact" for those RPG Maker 2000 and 2003 versions which have been ilegally translated in other languages. Even in Spain a website was forcibly shut down by means of Enterbrain made contact with its host provider.
This is part one. Now comes part two... xD
Taking into account that CT is property of Square Enix, any derivative work without their consent is illegal, at least that seem to be their public posture about this matter.
I was wondering about the possibility of make contact directly with members of the Chrono Trigger staff (Toriyama, Kato...) showing them fan-work related with CT. Perhaps it would be inspiring enough for them to think about a new Chrono game... Well, that was my dream in the Dreamer's Wing of Enhasa while i saw that CE part