Author Topic: Chrono Trigger: Frog's Destiny (Rated M)  (Read 4306 times)


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Chrono Trigger: Frog's Destiny (Rated M)
« on: June 12, 2009, 09:09:12 am »

Prologue - DONE
Chapter 1: Frog's Troubles - DONE
Chapter 2: The Thief, Eryn - DONE (M)
Chapter 3: Remembering Himself - IN-PROGRESS
Chapter 4: What to do with You...? - HAVEN'T STARTED (M)
Chapter 5: An Ominous Mission - HAVEN'T STARTED
Chapter 6: ???? - HAVEN'T STARTED
Chapter 7: ???? - HAVEN'T STARTED

(Titles w/ ???? are secret.)


The time is 602 AD. and Frog grows rather lonesome over the time he has not seen his friends. When he meets a peculiar thief named Eryn though things begin to change from there, and Frog has to stand up and fight alone... or does he?

Rating: M

Mainly for Violence, Language, and in some chapters, suggestive content to various degrees. I'll put a (M) for chapters where you should watch out for that and skip if you want. :)

Old Characters:
-King Guardia XXI (Alden)
-Queen Leene

New Characters:
« Last Edit: June 17, 2009, 06:38:04 am by Ryouseiken »


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Re: Chrono Trigger: Frog's Destiny (WIP)
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2009, 10:12:13 pm »
This is my first attempt at a Chrono Trigger fic and I am worried that I may have strayed from how things went in the game. Also I admit I found the chapter a bit sloppy though hoping I can find what to improve on and stuff... this is totally going to reflect on what happens to Frog after Chrono Trigger, and the adventures he faces since. la media res is awesome... haha, enjoy the prologue! This is still a huge Work In Progress!

Also as a Disclaimer ~ I do not own the game or its characters, just maybe the cloaked person as well as Eryn who didn't appear in the chapter, but was mentioned!



   It was a dark, dark day in 602 AD. The sky was filled with ominous dark clouds, lightning striking down upon the fragile earth. Indeed this was the medieval era where two short years ago, chaos had reigned. War had raged between Guardia and the army of a mysterious man known as Magus, whose intentions at the time were unknown to pretty much everyone. But ever since Crono and his friends had taken the liberty of saving the world and traveling through time to do so, Magus included in their adventures, that dark time was pretty much ancient history and long forgotten.

   However a new threat had arisen and the time traveling heroes were nowhere to be seen. Whoever this enemy was he was very powerful, decimating royal soldiers and civilians alike. God only knows how his appearance in this realm would affect the timeline, but it seemed obvious that he had to be stopped. Already he has laid to flames the cities of Porre and Dorino, Guardia being just one more area to conquer before he and his evil minions take over the continent which once these kingdoms laid proudly on.

   This extraordinarily dangerous person who seemed to wield both weapon and magic in unison stood fiercely in the royal chamber of Guardia Castle, dozens of soldiers dead all around him. Blood stained the castle walls, and anyone left alive in the room were subject to fear by the intimidating presence alone. At least... this stood true to all but one person, the only one brave enough to really try and put up a fight against this being.

   This person was not a man but a frog, a strong one at that whose willpower and bravery was as durable as the toughest steel ever to be forged. He was best known, at least to a particular few; as one of Crono's friends in saving the world from destruction, from the dreaded Lavos. This frog's real name was Glenn, but changed it simply to Frog due to his inability to change back to being human. He was the one who could wield the legendary Masamune with ease, the one who held tight to his body the Hero's Metal, the one who swore his life to both his kingdom and its queen. He was really a true hero.

   However even heroes were not invincible as Frog was in a critical condition. He was the only one standing between this intruder's way to Queen Leene who frighteningly hid behind her husband, and he wasn't even standing for that matter!

   His gloves were torn to pieces and bloody cuts ran up his arms and legs. The once shimmering chest plate he wore for protection had been shattered into nothing right in front of him, and it seemed from the way he supported himself on one leg that he possibly broke something down there. He could not even lift the Masamune properly; it felt like the very muscles he used to make his arms function were torn to shreds!

   "U... Uhn..."

   Frog finally lost the ability to keep on even one leg, dropping to his knees right before the cloaked enemy. Queen Leene screamed for him to get up, struggling to make her way over but being restrained by both her husband and one of her few living bodyguards. Tears dropped from her face as she saw the once proud knight of Guardia being on the verge of death, the frog painfully coughing up a bit of blood onto the ground.

   'This cannot be happening...' He thought bleakly, vision wavering as the sound of footsteps approaching him echoed in his head. Weakly he would lift his head only to have a foot connect with it, letting out a pained croak as he went tumbling back ten or so feet. He refused to let go of his beloved weapon though, holding onto it even as he skidded along the cold floor. His life literally flashed before his eyes as he came to a stop, staring up at the ceiling and shocked to find his vision darkening. 'I am... dying...?'

   His bloodied hand clenched into a fist, the other tightening around the hilt of the Masamune as if imagining he could still fight with it. Frog was desperately struggling... struggling to live, finding himself unable to get up as his opponent cruelly laughed.

   "This is all that Guardia has to offer? A pathetic army and a butt-ugly frog? Don't make me laugh!" Came the mocking voice. From what the downed knight could tell this mysterious man had to be in his 20s or at least 30s, sounding very young and cocky... a weak, inaudible chuckle escaped Frog's lips. He could not believe he was losing to such a person. "But I suppose it makes things easy for me... now... come over here and meet your fate, my queen." He continued, twirling what looked to be a simple short sword in his hand. Oh but there was a lot of key differences between what he was using and a regular blade... the main one being the fact the blade was jagged to inflict more painful blows.

   Queen Leene looked down at Frog with pain in her eyes, feeling guilt as if this was her fault. All the pain, the suffering... it must be her fault. "I... I'm sorry Sir Glenn...” She whispered under her breath, weakly pushing her husband and bodyguard away. "I have to stop this bloodshed... and if you are all spared by my sacrifice, then I will---"

   "N... No!"

   She had begun to walk a few steps down from the throne before stopping her tracks, eyes widening a bit as she saw Frog coughing and weakly moving his arms. It was impossible... a minute ago he was laying there and finding everything to grow dark, seemingly having been ready to accept his death. But now there he was fighting to live, trying desperately to sit up. These desperate actions only made the cloaked intruder to laugh even more, holding his head as if ready to fall over from amusement.

   "You must be kidding! You wish to fight me still, even though it is impossible for you to win?!" His laughter grew harder, a smirk creeping up on his face from behind his hood. "You aren't even worthy enough to be my pet, let alone my opponent! Just lay back down and die like the filthy monster you are!"

   "... Heh... heheh..."

   The man's laughter ceased, startled a bit to hear the knight's snickering. "W... What?! What's so funny?"

   Frog did not answer but instead continued to chuckle weakly, staring up at the castle ceiling with a seemingly renewed reason to live. Memories flashed in his mind, people he has met seemed to call out to him even though they were miles apart. But this was not the only reason that seemed to fuel him with unknown strength. No... Something else, something else was driving him to keep on fighting.

   "I... made a promise..." He grunted, wincing as he forced himself into a sitting position. Pain shot up through his arms but he did not seem to care, instead focusing on the man ahead of him with a strong look in his eyes. "She gave me another reason to live... another reason to cling to my life even though things seem bleak...”

   Reaching into his pants pocket he would pull something out and thrust it in front of him, showing it to his opponent who seemed a bit baffled on what he was saying. What Frog held in his stained hand was a locket... a golden locket whereas value probably could not be estimated. Everyone including Queen Leene was surprised to see such a thing in his possessions, the woman tilting her head in curiosity.

   "What... what is that...?"

   "Bah! Useless trinkets are of no concern to me!" The cloaked man would yell at the top of his lungs, suddenly charging forward with the obvious intent to kill. His jagged blade exploded with magic, fire creeping up all around the metal. His hand would extend back just as he came in striking distance of the still injured Frog, whose sword arm quickly tried to move to block. But the knight underestimated his opponent yet again as instead of clashing blades he would throw out a kick, knocking the pendant Frog had held out into the air. "Now DIE!"

   Frog was distracted by the sight of one of his most treasured memento being kicked from his grasp, too distracted in fact to the point he was unable to block the man's next move in time. Suddenly he would feel a fiery blade slam right through his chest, his body and sight suddenly giving like that... the horrid strike was too much for Queen Leene to bear, screaming loudly as her last real protector was at the verge of death once more.


   The locket which was stained with Frog's blood would open as it sailed through the air; a gentle, almost lullaby tune coming from it. Inside was a picture of Frog and someone else, a black-haired girl with beautiful green eyes. She seemed to be in her 20s or so as well, and the most shocking thing was that she was human... even more so was that in the picture she was kissing a rather surprised Frog on the cheek.

   With his stabbing the locket would hit the ground and shatter, picture now lying bleakly on the floor as Frog would think his possibly last thought. Only one name surged through his mind, just before everything went dark...



« Last Edit: June 15, 2009, 02:49:16 am by Ryouseiken »


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Re: Chrono Trigger: Frog's Destiny
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2009, 02:49:28 am »
Chapter 1: Frog's Troubles

   Frog's eyes suddenly opened from the little daydream he was in, startled a bit as he shifted and looked around at his surroundings. He found himself to be in his 'house'... hole... whatever you wished to call it again. A bead of sweat dripped down the side of face as he recalled the nightmare he was having, hand quivering bit just at recalling it. He had found himself fighting Lavos with his friends again but this time they being defeated, the last thing he was able to see before dying being the world collapsing into ruin.

   "... Just a dream..." He tried to tell himself, sighing and slowly hopping out of bed. He's been having a lot of nightmares lately, to the point that at some nights he decided to skip past sleeping altogether. Whether these troublesome dreams were caused or triggered by something he did not know, but the poor frog tried his very best not to let them get the better of him.

   Actually the dream DID help Frog in remembering what today was, him thinking a bit before letting out a surprised croak. "Oh that's right; it is Queen Leene's birthday today!" He exclaimed, quickly running over and grabbing his bronze chest plate. He was only dressed up in his casual garb, go figure, and had his equipment set up nearby his bed just in case he needed it in a jiffy.

   Swiftly the frog would put on the armor and then the sheath with his legendary sword, the Masamune. Although initially having been ready to return the blade to whereas it came, both Masa and Mune wished to 'ride the wind' longer and follow under Frog's command, whether there is a deeper reason to this is unknown. Either way the sword was in his possession still and it easily made him one of the strongest swordsmen in the land!

   A sigh would escape Frog's lips as he approached the ladder used to get outside, glancing around at his room as if he wouldn't be back for a while. Thoughts crept through his mind before lips would part, a solemn look overtaking him. "It has been two years since I've seen them..." He mumbled, closing his eyes for a moment as he could just recall all the adventures he and his friends were a part of, the things they have done to help the world and their future. "..."

   The knight quickly came back to reality, shaking off these feelings of loneliness that filled him. He did not want to linger about feeling sorry for himself; he had a certain castle to make his way to. So with that Frog would head up and leave the Cursed Woods, making his trek to Guardia Castle. Of course no long journey like this would be without fighting... but it’s obvious who the victor would be in all THOSE fights, now wouldn't it?


   "Oh dear. I wonder where Sir Glenn is..." Murmured a worried Queen Leene, the woman pacing slowly back and forth as she watched the food being set out for the royal buffet, the main hall and throne room having been temporarily transformed into where the celebration would be going on. Many invited guests were already mingling amongst themselves, one key figure being the Mayor of Porre who was speaking with her husband. She did not really pay attention to all of that though. Instead she was just waiting anxiously for that one person to arrive, one she did not want to celebrate her 30th Birthday (approximately?) without.

   She thankfully wouldn't have to; her most special knight and bodyguard had left from his home early to make sure he would arrive on time, and as if on cue the large double-doors would swing open and make a slight creaking sound. Just about everyone would turn their heads to see who it was, and with a croak the figure would bow and look towards the throne room.

   "I apologize for being late Queen Leene. The trip from the forests was longer than I had expected," Frog apologized, smiling a bit as he saw the biggest smile on her face and then nodding to the two guards who were -with disappointment- guarding the front door. "I suppose since I am here now, we may begin the activities of the evening?"

   "Conceded much?" Snickered one of the guards who was standing watch, his lips curling up into a grin. "Haha... that's quite unlike you Froggy."

   Frog chuckled softly as he turned to face him, the guard taking off the helmet concealing most of his face. He was surprisingly young of age just like himself, probably in his mid 20s at the very least. He had short, purple hair, all ruffled and what not... helmet hair! Several strands extended down enough where it concealed one of his eyes, the one that did show was a striking blue. And lastly, clutched tightly in his hands was a long sword, blade shining and showing the frog this guy really did take care of his weapons.

   "It’s probably because I'm exposed to being around you so much Denas." He teased in return, the two exchanging smiles and a brief bit of laughter before the purple-haired knight turned back to his post.


   Frog would simply shake his head with a smile and make his way into the throne room, feeling several pairs of eyes on him but not minding one bit. His appearance, even after all the years of these people knowing him well, was still sort of eye-widening. His focus though was more on his Queen who happily ran down the steps, holding up her flowing dress so she wouldn't trip over the fabric as she made her way over.

   Watching every movement she made... it not only reminded him of his duties here, but also reminding him of a certain someone he used to travel with in his past adventures. A certain someone who he wasn't sure he would see again. Nostalgia started to creep through his veins again, and he quickly shook it off as Queen Leene would come up to him with the happiest smile on her face.

   "Sir Glenn, I'm so glad to see you made it." She would say, looking down at Frog with relief. "It just wouldn't be a celebration to me without you here."

   "Ah... no need for formalities my Queen..." He would answer, looking up at the radiant beauty with a soft smile. "We are also friends, after-all."

   She nodded, smiling and leading him on through the room. As he walked along he would see a number of key figures in this timeline, such as the mayor of Porre as well as representatives from Dorino. Sure it seemed more like some continental meeting than a birthday celebration, but hey when it’s an event as special as this, what better way to undergo politics...?

   Frog would be led up to King Guardia himself, who was sitting back comfortably in his throne and seeming very content with how things were going. The moment he saw Frog approaching his lips curled into a smile, also glad to see him and sitting up straight. "Ah, it’s good to see you again Glenn."

   "Likewise my King, it’s good to see you are well." He answered in return, glancing back at all the people mingling and then looking back at him with curiosity. "Heh, this is quite the crowd...”

   "Mm... it is, isn't it?" King Guardia stood up, walking past Frog and giving his wife a gentle kiss. Once more a feeling of loneliness would shoot through the frog though he brushed it aside once more, looking up at the man as he turned slightly. "Now, let us rejoice! It's the birthday of my beautiful wife, and now that she is at ease I can be as well!" He exclaimed.

   The party really would begin then, an organ playing music in the background and some of the guests even beginning to dance. That also would include the King and Queen as they happily waltzed and danced with grace in the room, many eyes upon them and the person playing the piano having the warmest expression you could imagine. Others, including a few kids that tagged along with their parents to celebrate Queen Leene's birthday were more occupied just mingling and playing around, not to mention stuffing their faces with the gourmet food that was created just for this occasion!

   Of course you couldn't have kids there without one or two being vastly interested in Frog. A boy and girl, probably siblings had run up to the knight and began looking him over in awe, wondering if he was the real deal or just some creature you would find in a swamp. This kind of attention Frog was not 'quite' used to, sweat-dropping and looking at them nervously. "Uh... hello?"

   "It talked!" The girl squeaked, scrambling behind her brother. He on the other hand had the biggest grin on his face, having only one word to say.


   Queen Leene was enjoying herself very much, looking over her husband's shoulder and giggling lightly at the sight of Frog and the kids. She leaned against her beloved as he led her along the makeshift dance area, sighing gently with the utmost comfort. "This is so nice... I love you..."

   "And I love you." He would say in a soft, delicate tone, leaning his head down and kissing her on the forehead. "It is so nice to see that people from all around came to celebrate your 30th birthday, although I guess I am not that surprised. It must have been your magnificent beauty that allured them here."

   "Hehe, oh Alden..."

   Everyone was definitely having a good time. Smiles were on everyone's faces and there wasn't a quarrel or depressive discussion in sight. Of course none of them were at the front door where the newest addition to Guardia's Knights, Denas, remained. He seemed very solemn and uptight, especially since he and his friend who was also guarding the front gate could not participate in the activities, at least not until their break shift.

   A sigh escaped the knight's lips, head arching back slightly as he stared up at the sky. It was as blue as could be, the sun beginning its descent down and reaching to disappear behind the mountains to the south. 'Ugh, this is so frustrating...' He thought, a frown on his face. 'I want to be in there enjoying myself like everyone else! But I still got like half an hour before my shift is over... man this job is completely...'

   "Hello again Denas."

   "AWESOME!" Denas cried, initially panicked but then turning to see that it was none other than Frog who had greeted him. Both his friend and the other guard standing watch looked at him strangely, wondering where that outburst came from. "S-Sorry, was thinking about other things. Hey Fro--- uh... Gle- wait..." He grew even more nervous and confused, mind totally blanking. All he could think was, 'Crap.'

   Frog had to admit, this was pretty amusing. He walked up to his friend's side, shaking his head and staring out towards the horizon while answering. "Call me what you wish friend, I go by both names..." He sighed, mulling over certain thoughts in his head. "... Glenn, call me Glenn."

   A bit of silence there, his friend could sense the discomfort in his voice. Seems he didn't quite want to lose himself yet just because he was in a frog body, although at this rate he may have to get used to it. After-all since Magus had cast the spell and he was still alive, as well as the fact that the only known way to reverse the spell was to kill the user of it, he would probably be this way for a long, long time.


   "... So uh... Glenn... how have you been?"

   Frog glanced up at his friend then shifted around a bit at the question. Honestly he could have been better; today of all days he has been spacing out and being reminded of his friends and loneliness everywhere he went, and everything he saw. He just wasn't doing so well. "G... Great! Just great."

   "That's good... me? I am bored as HELL." He whined, arms and head drooping slightly. "All I've been doing the past month is guarding the front gate, and nothing interesting has happened at all! How am I supposed to show off my swordsmanship if I don't get to fight anything??"

   A chuckle would escape the frog's lips. It was kind of typical and expectant for a young lad like Denas to be so charged up and raring to fight. Kind of amusing... but also pretty dangerous too. "Be patient Denas, rushing into battle won't solve anything. I learned that the hard way once or twice..." He paused, and then laughed a bit more. "... Maybe three times."

   "I know but come on..." Denas would sigh, patting the sheath for his weapon. "I've been working really hard to grow strong, and I'd like to show it off at least ONCE!"

   "Understandable... tell you what, once this celebration is over we can spar. Would that satisfy your desire for battle?"

   The knight thought about it a bit, tapping his chin as if not sure. He would then give a cheery grin; something Frog saw him do more than anything. "Sure! Don't get mad though if I kick your ass, buddy." He teased.

   Frog laughed a bit at his friend's enthusiasm and cockiness. Once more a common yet reckless trait in youth, but this time he wasn't going to chide him for it. Instead he planned to physically show why he should be more focused and less arrogant about his abilities. "We'll see about that... anyways I should head back inside before our Majesty worries again. I was surprised she was so uneasy with me not around."

   Denas grinned, looking at Frog and gently prodding him with the front of his foot, making him croak slightly. "Maybe she likes ya. Your chivalrous, strong... and a suck-up," He flashed a playful look just to show he was kidding on the last one, noticing a slight twitch from his friend's eye. "All the traits women usually look for in heroes these days."

   "Bah... for one thing she is MARRIED. And second, no one would find something like me attractive." He countered with a slightly annoyed tone, turning and starting to head back inside; though Denas knew that he wasn't really annoyed. "Maybe if I was human but even then it would it would be improper for a Queen or even a Princess to involve herself with one of her servants."

   "Yeah, yeah, I know. Geez sometimes you take things WAY too seriously..." He mumbled, turning back and focusing on his post again.

   That last topic really started to make Frog well... miss being a human, something he hasn't really thought of for a while until now. He knew that his form appalled some, and made others uneasy. The odds of him meeting someone else like him or meeting someone who would accept him for who he was, was probably like... a billion to one in his mind.

   A sigh escaped his lips. Now HE was a bit depressed, and a minute ago he was just a little cheery while talking with his friend! As he walked back into the main hall where everything was going on, almost every detail and thing around him was like blank in his mind. He didn't even notice what was going on or what was being said...

   ... Or someone reaching for something from his side before he could even react!

   "?!" Quickly Frog would snap back into reality, sharply turning his head and finding whoever had been leaning down next to him having ripped the Masamune and holster right from his belt! Whoever this person was he could not tell, he or she already starting to sprint for the front gates. The only details Frog could really tell was that this person had long, flowing black hair. "Hey!! Thief!!"

   Many of the guests as well as the King and Queen who were standing nearby the buffet table turned to see Frog making a mad dash for the gate, the person passing through and knocking an unsuspecting Denas over in the process!

   "Ack!" The knight literally fell on his ass, blinking in shock as he saw whoever this was running off at an amazing speed, even more so as his friend passed by in hot pursuit. Confused by the situation he yelled the only thing he could, despite being a bit disoriented. "RUN LIKE THE WIND BUDDY!"

   Frog would definitely need to run as fast as he can, always keeping his eyes on the person running who held the Masamune tightly to his or her chest. 'How could this happen?! I didn't even see whoever this is in the room until it was too late!' The frog thought sourly, though finding his determination building as the chase continued into the woods. His hands clenched into fists, and with raging confidence he yelled.

   "You are not escaping from me!"



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Re: Chrono Trigger: Frog's Destiny (Rated M)
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2009, 07:04:52 am »
Author's Note: I did not realize that in the Japanese translation that Frog was more rough around the edges and blunt, if I had known that I would have changed my viewpoint of him in this story! However never fear... I am planning on switching him to his 'true self', but will be gradual as to not compromise the fic. Thanks readers! Also note that this chapter IS rated M for Suggestive Themes and Violence!


Chapter 2: The Thief, Eryn

   The chase had ensued all the way to Zenan Bridge, and both were THAT persistent to keep it up for so long. It was no surprise though that fatigue began to affect both of them, their stamina giving away slowly but surely. The thief's seemed to be a bit better though as whomever it was kept a good distance away of his or her chaser. Frog was just getting ticked off at this point, panting heavily and barely being able to keep up to the point of seeing who he was chasing.

   "D... Dammit just stop already...!" He wheezed, stopping at the start of the bridge. He eyed the two... rather confused and oblivious guards having been keeping watch right where he was, this adding to his frustration as he pointed towards her. "Aren't you paying attention?? A thief with a very important treasure is trying to escape!" He exclaimed though only getting one, uneasy response from them.


   Frog shook his head, realizing quickly that he didn't have time to be chatting. Instead he would reach over and yank out one of the guards' swords from their sheaths, resting the blunt end on his shoulder while making a mad rush down the bridge. "I'll give this back once I catch the thief!" He didn't even bother to hear what they had to say, no time.

   This was just growing ridiculous. The thief had taken a quick break midway across the bridge and took a quick glance over his or her shoulder. Sure enough they saw the strange creature pursing them once more. "Ugh, seriously??" Whoever this person was, they were getting tired of this as well. So with that they would reach into the side compartment of their belt, pulling out what looked to be small blades... kunai to be more exact. With a grunt they would extend their hand back and just as quickly release them right towards their pursuer, the blades whistling through the air and heading his way.

   Now an attack was the last thing Frog had expected this thief to do, skidding to a stop and quickly rolling to the side. He dodged the long-range strike successfully. "So whoever this guy is, he came prepared...” The knight would mumble under his breath, a smile creeping up on his lips. "At least I have a feel of what he'll try to do from now on."

   That was true to an extent; the thief used kunai, which could be used as either close or long-range weapons. If this was all the thief had to offer then he could easily deflect them with his Masamune until closing the distance, and then strike when the time was right. Frog felt very confident as he sprinted -and occasionally changed to hopping- across the bridge, certain he would take this person down in no time.

   Frog didn't quite expect more company though, especially of the... unusual, freaky kind. He had become nervous when he saw whoever this black-haired thief was nearing the end of the bridge. He loosened up when he saw the guards at THAT end having decided to block her way in an attempt to do something, but would tense up once more as he saw reptile-like creatures suddenly appearing from the sides of the bridges and using what was probably very sharp claws to kill them outright!

   "...?!" The thief stopped in his or her tracks, quickly reaching into that very same pocket and throwing more kunai at the two creatures in question. One would anticipate the strike and swipe his hand to knock the puny weapons to the side. The other though... not so lucky; it got a kunai straight through the side of its head and a few more into its torso area, obviously killing it as it slumped to the ground.

   They weren't the only ones occupying the bridge though it seems, as suddenly two more would take the fallen one's place, flipping onto the bridge from its sides and looking at her fiercely with those fierce yellow and black eyes. The nerve-wracking thing though was that they were also humanoid, considering the fact they could stand and move on two legs which could also prove to be a challenge for the thief.

   "Dammit..." He or she mumbled, backing up a little bit and pulling out all the kunai they could. They were definitely going to be occupied as they continued to back up, the three scary-looking reptiles advancing at the same time. The thief did not even bother to look over his or her shoulder as reptiles began climbing and crawling onto the bridge from BEHIND!

   Frog immediately took notice of this, shaking his head and frowning while lifting his open hand up. "Hopefully saving your life will be a good trade for my weapon back... Water 2!" He exclaimed, a blast of water coming from his hand and expanding into a torrent, being wide enough to extend from one side of the bridge to the other. The reptilians and thief alike all looked over their shoulders when hearing the sound of rushing water getting closer and closer, almost as if it was going to right on top of them. Well it wasn't like a gigantic wave... but anyone who was caught in the large amount of water would probably be swept straight off Zenan Bridge.

   "GOOD TIME TO JUMP!" He yelled, the thief quickly taking these words to heart and swiftly leaping over onto one of the sideposts of the bridge!

   It was just in time too, just a second or two later the water that Frog unleashed would strike the reptile creatures with such a ferocity, them screeching with pain as they would quickly be washed right off the bridge along with the ones the thief were about to take on!

   A sigh escaped his or her lips as they watched the creatures either being swept off the bridge or having bones crushed by the impact of the magic, feeling pretty safe now as they prepared to hop off the sidepost they were on, still clutching the Masamune tightly with their hands. Unfortunately they did not keep in mind the idea that there could be more of those creatures in wait... and as he or she went to hop back to safety, their leg would suddenly be grappled by something or someone.

   "?! AH!!"

   Frog saw the thief suddenly being dragged off from where they were, them wrapping an arm around the sidepost for dear life while the other hand held on tight to the hilt of the treasured Masamune. The sheath slid off the blade and fell down towards the raging waters below, never to be seen again... and sure as hell Frog was worried that the same would happen to one of his most treasured possessions. "Shit!!" He swore, madly dashing to try and get to the thief in time. Unfortunately he found two more reptilians suddenly flipping onto the bridge in front of him, the sound of two more landing behind him as well.

   All of a sudden he found himself surrounded, a frown on his face as he tightly gripped his long sword. "Tch, no time for this..." He mumbled, quickly lunging forward and slashing a reptile deep across the chest. Blood oozed from the wound and the creature let out a shrill cry before collapsing to the ground, completely lifeless without even having put up a fight. Then with unsurprising dexterity he would rotate and come at the next closest one. This one actually tried to attack, extending back its arm in readiness to strike. Frog was way quicker though and was able to jab his blade through the monster's gut, right before he would have been hit. Just like the last one, it crumpled to his amazing sword arm.

   "I'm coming!" He yelled, beginning to run again with the two remaining reptiles’ right on his tail. The thief... was kind of pre-occupied at the moment though, busily trying to slam his or her foot down onto their reptile's face. They had to act fast or else they would lose their grip in no time, and fall to their death below!

   "Let... go of me...!" They gritted their teeth in frustration, lifting their foot up one more time. "Right... now...!”

   They slammed their foot into the reptile's face with all their fury, this finally doing the trick as it lost its grip on both the bridge and its prey, screeching and falling to the waters below. Finally the thief felt a bit more relieved, now trying to pull themselves back up to safety. Upraised they were able to see Frog making his way over to them along with well... a little company, and they gritted their teeth before suddenly throwing something up into the air... the Masamune!

   "Hey frog, your sword!!" The thief yelled, slipping slightly and becoming a bit more panicked. "Grab it!!"

   Frog was able to tell the voice was feminine, and that alone told him the gender of the thief. He paid no mind to it though but instead to his airborne weapon, a smirk crossing his lips for a second before he would suddenly leap into the air as well. Just when you thought he couldn't get any cooler or flashy there he was to flip and grab his weapon, easily landing back down onto his feet while wielding two swords at once!

   With a confident and almost cocky expression he would turn to see the two remaining reptiles coming at him, none of the three succumbing to the damp ground considering what they were. He raised one blade up in front of him, rotating the other so he held it in a reverse fashion. "Come... a new technique..." He muttered, now lowering and twirling his previously upraised blade so it was in a reversed hold too. He took a breath as if clearing all the surroundings from his mind, and just when the reptiles looked like they were going to close the gap for good...

   "Dual Nirvana Strike!!"

   Like lightning he shot forward and past the two reptilian monsters, hands and blades extended forward and eyes shut tightly as if having been concentrating the entire time. His two opponents were still... as if frozen in time itself and not a single part of its body seeming to move. However as Frog rotated his blades once more and stabbed them into the bridge, the damage that was done from the attack would be obvious. Suddenly their bodies split apart horizontally, right in the middle. They were literally sliced in two...

   Frog stood up and took a deep breath, smiling as he looked down at his open palms. "I did it Cyrus... not only could I master your impeccable Nirvana Strike technique, I could morph it into an even more powerful form... finally, I..."

   "Uhm... sorry to interrupt your train of thought or something, but... I'M STILL DANGLING FOR MY LIFE HERE!!!"

   He let out a startled croak, remembering what he came out here to do and quickly sprinting over to the thief. He grabbed her by the arms and pulled her back up onto the bridge, it being an easy task for his strength. To see that they were both okay and got through this ordeal... it made him even more thankful for his skills and past adventures today.

   "Whew... thanks..." She gasped, brushing a few strands of hair from her face. "I thought I was a goner there."

   "It’s not a..." Frog started as he took a glance at her... his eyes widened immensely. As the thief stood up he could see what her appearance was completely without stress or worry, and what a beauty she was. "p... problem..."

   She had the most silky, soft black hair he has ever seen, and green eyes that sparkled with cuteness. And what was even more sparkly was the golden, heart-shaped locket that she wore around her neck. It seemed very valuable, expensive even. She wore a black top with a few quick fixes to fit her right, like a couple of cuts around the neckline to allow easier movement and more air to flow through.  The added sexiness was just a bonus...

   It also did a good job of concealing her chest... Down at the bottom of her shirt, it touched a short black skirt along with a thin belt, her belly showing just a bit. The skirt went down to just above her knees. Even with that, though, Frog could have sworn that those legs of hers stretched on forever... lastly she wore a pair of wedge-heeled sandals along with fishnet stockings, a sheathed dagger strapped on the right leg down there as well. Overall she was drop-dead gorgeous; the belt didn't really match but she needed that for obvious reasons, ex: the freaking reptiles that would have killed the both of them if they were weaker, and the kunai that she had snugly situated in one of the pouches!

   Oh Frog definitely found an attraction, at least a physical one. So much in fact that he let out a long, startling croak that made her giggle and him turn red with blush!

   "Hehe... my name is Eryn, and who are you 'Mr. Frog'?" She asked, looking at him with curiosity. Funny how just a few minutes ago she had a completely different personality; from tough and devious to cute and seductive, though it probably wasn't THAT hard of a change. Frog's face shot even more blood red then it was a few seconds ago!

   "Err... either Frog or Glenn, it’s your call."

   Eryn nodded; a bit confused about the two different names thing but deciding that well... she could always inquire about it later. Right now though he seemed to be tensing up again, realizing why they were out here in the first place and the girl slowly moving back up onto her feet. "Okay Frog... I can explain why I tried to take your sword..." She started, smiling sheepishly though finding it hard to smile which such a serious gaze upon her. He sure changed gears fast, too!

   "I... It was a money issue. I figured if I auctioned it off, I would be in a better situation then right now back in my hometown."

   She was quick to admit the truth, Frog was mildly surprised! He was even more surprised to find her quickly dropping to her knees, leaning down as much as possible to come face-to-face with him. Of course considering she was still a bit taller than him; he was more staring her chest up close than her face, and that made him even more uneasy. He tried to keep his cool though.

   "I-I see... still; stealing something is an offense, and on Castle grounds..."

   "I promise I won't attempt something as foolhardy as that again. Please don't turn me in!" She begged, bowing her head down so her forehead would rest lightly against the bridge. From the position he was in Frog could see tears stream down her face, and suddenly he found himself feeling... sympathetic for her. He hadn't aimed to hurt her or anything but there she was, begging... he could kind of understand WHY she had attempted to steal his Masamune, but the question was if he should let her get away with it.

   Slowly Frog would walk to one side of the bridge, staring out at the sun which was slowly beginning to set behind the far off mountains. Eryn would look up as well after wiping her cheeks clean of tears, only one thing going through her mind. 'Come on guilt...' She thought, praying in her mind that she got away with this. Her and jail matched as well as fish and chocolate!

   He would soon turn slightly to look at Eryn, letting out a soft sigh before gesturing to the side. "Go."

   "H... Huh?" She blinked, looking at him with confusion and wondering if that was the answer she was hoping for.

   "I said you can go. I'll just say I took down the thief of my sword and call it a night... that's what you want, isn't it?" He asked, chuckling as he walked over to the two blades and yanking them from where they were stabbed. "Besides, you had a reason to do what you did, even though it was kind of... well I won't lie, it was kind of stupid. But what's done is done... now c'ya."

   Frog began to walk away, frowning to himself and wondering over certain things. He sure has changed the past two years... sort of. He used to be all direct and rough around the edges, now he was trying hard to hold his old persona in with a chivalrous shell. In other words, he was trying to act like something he wasn't thus if his friends were around; he'd probably look like an idiot.

   "Wait!" She quickly cried, making him stumble a bit and turning quick to face her. Eryn was back up on her feet but she seemed upset again. The frog just did not know what was up with her!

   "What now?" He asked, frowning still but now at her.

   Eryn made her way over to Frog, sighing and shifting a little bit as she pondered over what to say. She then did the most surprising thing... to him anyways. She took him by the hips and lifted him right up off his feet, and hugged him right up against her! Now who knows how you would react but Frog seemed absolutely astonished and more than a bit embarrassed!

   "I... I can't go back home!"

   What? Now she couldn't go home? This was beginning to grow confusing for him. "Why not? I know you’re not doing well but there's nothing I can do to help..." He tried to persist.

   She wouldn't have none of that though, shaking her head and looking down at his face with just the cutest eyes. So cute in fact that he quivered slightly. "Can't you think of something else...? Please...?" She seemed nervous as she asked this, and Frog definitely found it a bit suspicious. But the thing was he really could understand where Eryn was coming from. She is obviously going through some tough times and going back now would just be mean to the poor girl. It was growing near nighttime after all!

   Frog wasn't quite sure where she lived now or where she came from for that matter. But alas a solution did pop in his mind... one he was hesitant in sharing, but decided to none the less. He let out a heavy sigh and then met her gaze. "I suppose you can stay at my place for the night then. It’s in the Cursed Woods to the south..."

   All of a sudden he found himself being hugged even tighter than before! He gasped and struggled a bit as Eryn squeezed him to her body, the girl cooing happily before putting him back down on the ground. "Thanks Frog!" She exclaimed, gazing down at him and then to his surprise, giving him a wink. "I owe ya!"

   "R, Right. Anyways we should get going there now... I still have things that I need to do and all." Frog would say, Eryn nodding as they both were already prepared to leave. He was quick at remembering though that he still had that one guard's sword, chuckling a bit and running north down the bridge. "First things first though, better return the guard his weapon."


   After about an hour of traveling the sun was almost completely gone, the moon beginning to take over illuminating both the sky and the planet. There was surprisingly no conflict with monsters as Frog led his guest down into his well-hidden home, Eryn looking around in honest surprise. His home looked exactly the way it did two years ago, plus a few memorable and important additions.

   "Wow, not bad Frog..." She said, smiling as she looked at the two beds and then at Frog as he placed the Masamune on a nearby table. "You really live here alone...?"

   A quiet nod from him, and then another question. "Don't you get lonely?"


   He sighed, glancing over at a picture resting nearby his bed and then back at Eryn. "I think we should both just turn it for the night now." He suggested. Despite how fast it was to turn into night outside, the woman was surprised that he wanted to go to sleep so soon. But hey, it was his home and his rules. She would glance once over at the Masamune though before finally parting her lips to speak.

   "Yeah... good idea."

   And that is where fireworks began to go off in Frog's head. He turned away once more to remove his bronze chest plate as well as his cape. He wasn't all that ashamed of doing so in the presence of a girl. Once more it was his home and he liked to sleep without a hulking piece of armor attached to him! When he glanced over his shoulder to see if Eryn was resting in bed though he found she had removed most of her clothing! Her top, skirt, sandals... all that she was wearing was her undergarments!

   "! Uh..." He gulped, trying hard not to croak again while staring at her black lingerie. The sight was rather err... 'nice'. "Are you trying to ask something from me...?" He inquired, both his and Eryn's faces reddening before she shook her head.

   "No, I just like sleeping this way... what's your excuse Mr. Shirtless?"

   Eryn wasn't nearly as uncomfy as Frog as she stared at him. Frog on the other hand instinctively found himself grabbing at his cape, pulling it in front of his body as he struggled to find words to say. Oh she was good at tripping him up. "I-I... uh... well good point..." He put his cape back over the chair and then kicked off his boots, still finding it hard to keep his eyes on his guest's face and not well... elsewhere. "It’s okay with me then..."

   She nodded and smirked triumphantly as she went over to one of the beds and laid down on it, turning to face away from him after pulling the blanket up. "Great... good night Frog, sweet dreams..." She paused, and then added in. "You little pervert."

   Frog was still a bit dumbfounded at what just happened, standing there for a bit and just staring at the now sleeping thief. Sure he should have been thinking about things like the fact that in the morning he may find her and his weapon missing, or if she can be trusted. But instead the rawer, primal emotions began to show on his face, something that didn't happen to him often.

   "R, Right, night Eryn..."

   He decided to shrug off all thoughts and got comfy in the other bed, being quick to pull the blanket up and fall into slumber. Sure he was worried that she make sneak out with the Masamune and try to sell it for a good sum of cash or whatever...

   But his instincts told him Eryn would stay right in this very home, and would be in that very bed in the morning.


Mr Bekkler

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Re: Chrono Trigger: Frog's Destiny (Rated M)
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2009, 03:05:13 pm »
    "Let... go of me...!" They gritted their teeth in frustration, lifting their foot up one more time. "Right... now...!”

    He turned away once more to remove his bronze chest plate as well as his cape. He wasn't all that ashamed of doing so. When he glanced over his shoulder to see if Eryn was resting in bed though he found she had removed her clothing! Her top, skirt, sandals... all that she was wearing was her undergarments!

   "! Uh..." He gulped, trying hard not to croak again while staring at her black lingerie.  "Are you trying to ask something from me...?"    Eryn found herself instinctively grabbing at his body as he struggled to find words to say. Oh she was good. He put his cape back over the chair and then kicked off his boots, still finding it hard. "It’s okay with me then..."

   She nodded and smirked triumphantly as she went over to one of the beds and laid down on it, turning to face away from him after pulling the blanket up. "Great...  Frog, sweet little pervert."

   Frog was still a bit dumbfounded at what just happened, standing there for a bit and just staring at the now sleeping thief. Sure he should have been thinking about if she can be trusted. But instead the rawer, primal emotions began to show on his face, something that didn't happen to him often.

   But his instincts told him Eryn would stay right in this very home, and they had to act fast or else they would lose their grip in no time,  in that very bed.

   And that is where fireworks began to go off in Frog's head. "I'm coming!" He yelled, beginning to go again. The thief... was kind of pre-occupied at the moment though, busily trying to slam onto his face.

Yours wasn't very "M" so I cut out all the sugar-coated parts and found out it actually was very sexual! Man, your story is kinda porno-ey!


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Re: Chrono Trigger: Frog's Destiny (Rated M)
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2009, 03:10:23 pm »
Wait, did Frog just...?

If so, whoa. But it was minimalistic enough if Mr. Bekkler's excerpt caught the whole thing. Which is in good taste; reminded me of how George Orwell might have written such a scene. I couldn't see getting into all the details, especially since it's...Frog.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Chrono Trigger: Frog's Destiny (Rated M)
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2009, 03:15:42 pm »
Wait, did Frog just...?

If so, whoa. But it was minimalistic enough if Mr. Bekkler's excerpt caught the whole thing. Which is in good taste; reminded me of how George Orwell might have written such a scene. I couldn't see getting into all the details, especially since it's...Frog.

I didn't write any of that , but I did "cleverly rearrange" to get the intended M result.  :lol:

Edit: I really hope Ry thinks it's funny, cause I'm laughing my ass off.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 03:18:09 pm by Mr Bekkler »


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Re: Chrono Trigger: Frog's Destiny (Rated M)
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2009, 03:58:26 pm »
Mr. Bekller! XD! I so didn't write a portion of my story like that. Am I to assume that it was an okay fic to you guys? lmao


Holy crap now I'm laughing like a moron too after reading Bekkler's "revised version". LOL!!!

And just so you guys know, this fic is gonna be serious. :P Just some portions were rated for suggestiveness and violence just in case.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 04:30:11 pm by Ryouseiken »


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Re: Chrono Trigger: Frog's Destiny (Rated M)
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2009, 01:32:09 pm »

Unfortunately, your grammar and style kept throwing me out of the story to the point where I couldn't be bothered to continue reading. I'm going to dissect the first few paragraphs of your prologue to try to show you what I mean, but before I do, please keep in mind that it is your story that I'm critiquing, not you, and that I'm a curmudgeon who expects even fanfic writers to at least try to get their prose to professional quality. If that isn't your goal, please feel free to ignore me.

It was a dark, dark day in 602 AD. The sky was filled with ominous dark clouds, lightning striking down upon the fragile earth.

The first sentence is perhaps a little on the purple side, but otherwise unexceptionable. Unfortunately, the third "dark" (in the second sentence) is one repetition too many--either substitute something like "black" or cut it altogether. The two halves of the second sentence aren't very well joined--either "with lightning striking" or "and lightning struck down" would be better, or at least less jolting.

Indeed this was the medieval era where two short years ago, chaos had reigned.

You need commas after "Indeed" and "where".

War had raged between Guardia and the army of a mysterious man known as Magus, whose intentions at the time were unknown to pretty much everyone. But ever since Crono and his friends had taken the liberty of saving the world and traveling through time to do so, Magus included in their adventures, that dark time was pretty much ancient history and long forgotten.

I question the need for this passage--a Chrono fan will already know about the events of 600AD, and there isn't really enough informational content to help a non-fan figure out what happened. "Two years had passed since the end of the Mystic War" might be all you need.

That aside, the phrase "pretty much" stands out like a sore thumb to me as not fitting in with the style of the rest of the passage, and the phrasing around it seems...a bit scrambled. I'd probably ditch that entire chunk of wordage and re-write--"known as Magus, whose hidden goals had shocked everyone when they finally came to light." Or something like that. And "Magus included in their adventures" doesn't quite connect up somehow--you need, at minimum, a leading "with". And..."ancient history"? After only two years? I don't think so. The scars might have faded a bit, but the Mystic War would still be at least somewhat on people's minds.

However a new threat had arisen and the time traveling heroes were nowhere to be seen.

You need a comma after "However". (I'd put one after "arisen", too, but it isn't strictly necessary--I'm just an advocate of the serial comma.)

Whoever this enemy was he was very powerful, decimating royal soldiers and civilians alike.

The first part of the sentence is not technically incorrect, but it is grating. "Although the identity of this enemy was unknown, it was very powerful" ("it" because "he" implies that it's known that they're dealing with only one person, whereas "it" could be a group) would be better--or tear it apart and rephrase it yourself. And the second half of the sentence--decimating them with what? Attacks? Poisoned vegetables? Horrible flute-playing? Seductive clones of Ayla? C&D notices?

God only knows how his appearance in this realm would affect the timeline, but it seemed obvious that he had to be stopped.

"God only knew", not "knows". (Whether or not "God" is actually worshipped in the Chronoverse is a question outside the scope of this crit.)

Already he has laid to flames the cities of Porre and Dorino, Guardia being just one more area to conquer before he and his evil minions take over the continent which once these kingdoms laid proudly on.

Urgh. "Already he had"--you're telling this in the past tense, y'know. Likewise, "took over the continent". "Laid to flames"? That's...very odd phrasing. "put the cities of Porre and Dorino to the torch" would be more usual. Nor do kingdoms generally lay--they rule, ergo, "which once these kingdoms had proudly ruled."

I'm going to stop there. (I remember now why I quit critiquing stories written at this level--it's too much bloody work, and rarely appreciated by the author whose stuff I'm raking over.) Go back over what you've written, paying particular attention to your commas, your verb tenses, and how you're stringing your phrases together into sentences.

Good luck.


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Re: Chrono Trigger: Frog's Destiny (Rated M)
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2009, 06:15:40 pm »
::sigh:: Okay. Got it.. had something else in place of this post but edited, didn't read how you said you weren't criticizing me. x_x
« Last Edit: July 28, 2009, 12:14:25 am by Ryouseiken »