I checked the string table of CC demo version today (never took a look before although it has been there for months)
Element names are not complete, there are too many EL-number or charactername-number among them.
Techs have a "技" before them, which means tech/skill, instead of an icon, consumable elements have a "※" before them.
Something interesting:
0x33. 炎狼
This is fire wolf. Likely it is the original red wolf(Marid in JPN version).
0x36. 風神
This is Fuujin -- who played FF8 should know what that is, literally the wind god.
0x38. 雷神
This is Raijin, literally thunder god.
0x3B. UFO
Hmm, this must be the Mothership.
There are only 3 named keyitems, they are:
0x1. 大トカゲのウロコ -- Komodo Scale (Big Lizard Scale)
0x2. サメの歯のお守り -- Shark Tooth (Shark Tooth Amulet)
0x3. キッドのお守り -- Kid's Amulet (Maybe the Astral Amulet in final version)
Enemies - quite different from the final version. Some examples:
0x1C. アカシア竜兵 -- Acacia Dragon Soldier (Dragoon in US version)
0x1D. アカシア竜 -- Acacia Dragon (hmm, there's a stand alone dragon?)
0x28. 秘密兵器 -- Secret Weapon (hm, Grobyc or ..?)
0x38. 青竜さま -- Blue Dragon sama (other dragons are also in color-dragon-sama pattern)
0x58. 黄昏の紳士 -- Gentleman Twilight, this is right before Miguel
0x72. 機械兵器 -- Robotic weapon
0x81. 幽霊船 -- Ghost ship
Gotta sleep, posted the file as attachment, will check it later.