It's true you guys, this is a huge organization we're talking about. Not some kid on the street you can pester and bully until they give you want you want. Something bigger and more rational must be done. Enclosed is two ways for us to get back at Square in such a manner:
1. Someone from compendium must get super rich and famous and convince the world that a new sequel or CE must be made! Sure, they wont little to us common folk even as a community, but if that community is fronted by someone that is making more money and scoring more chicks/dudes than their CEOs, then they might just listen to us (plus said famous person may endorse SE in exchange for revival of chrono series maybe?)
2. Someone (or a group) from compendium must build their own gaming company from the ground up, in which their target genre is RPGs, to which they become more popular and more successful then their rivals; SE! Then an exchange can take place where the new company will give power to SE in exchange for revival of chrono series (OR perhaps trade certain assets in exchange for OWNERSHIP of the chrono franchise. Then, with the combination of a large gaming company we have created and the Chrono series we can do whatever we want!)
Keep in mind these ideas are completely fictitious, however, if someone here would like to fulfill one (or both) of these ideas than i wish you the best of luck!