Author Topic: BULLIES!  (Read 4517 times)


  • Enlightened One (+200)
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« on: June 21, 2009, 05:08:15 am »
...ever had one?...

I remember from kinder to second grade I'd used to have my gang who would beat

up other kids we saw we're being bad... But I guess that also made me a bully in a sense.

Then 3rd grade came games happened...I dunno why but they turned me into a

pacific nerd... I didn't exactly had a bully, but I did had many encounters with dumbasses that wanted

to kick my ass for no reason whatsoever from 3rd grade to 10th grade @_@....


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« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2009, 06:54:07 am »
I was never bullied, but my older brother, who was always shorter and smaller then I, was and I usually had to look out for him. Bullies have one of two uses, and its for guys who have a low self-esteem to either be crushed more, or finally stand up for themselves. As much as I hate bullies they are almost necessary to remind people that this world still works on The Strong prevail and the weak perish. Although this has nothing to do with physical strength but more with straight out balls and determination to get over an obstacle in life. Bullies is just another one throw out at us. It would be ideal for this stuff to never happen to anyone but unfortunately with how humans can be.. I doubt things will change without some sort of extreme crisis.


  • Enlightened One (+200)
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« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2009, 10:08:29 am »
I managed to stay pretty neutral for most of the time. The worst was grades one and two, when I switched schools midway through. Both of them had their jerks, but the second was much worse. It was so weird and undisciplined. We had 10-year-olds in our grade one class, and disobedient kids that would eat glue and jump around on top of tables. There were separate doors for the teachers and students to go through. Teachers wouldn't even stop the fistfights that went on over recess and lunch. I remember being strangled at one point, while a friend lay on the ground being kicked. Not that I wouldn't fight back and hit people myself. I had a hot temper in those days. Jr high school was pretty lousy for awhile, as there was this one jerk who would tease me about my Epilepsy and seizures. Thankfully he dropped out after grade eight. He was also allergic to most things on the planet, so he might be dead by now.

All part of growing up I suppose.

What I really don't get is when the class jerks from your childhood - who you never liked, never hung out with, were even teased by - try to add you on facebook out of nostalgia. I just think, 'What? Why would I even want you on my list?' Doesn't exactly breed nostalgia.


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« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2009, 11:15:40 am »
ALWAYS. Massive bully target. But one day I grabbed a pipe, started calling threats, backed up a couple of my threats, and it all stopped. :x Really helped to build up my bravery. Not courage, bravery.

Katie Skyye

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« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2009, 03:37:39 pm »
All through grade school, I was universally hated. Changed schools Freshman year, started fresh...(no pun intended)

I don't have any bully problems now, I'm glad to say!


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« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2009, 05:01:46 pm »
I was never bullied, but my older brother, who was always shorter and smaller then I, was and I usually had to look out for him. Bullies have one of two uses, and its for guys who have a low self-esteem to either be crushed more, or finally stand up for themselves. As much as I hate bullies they are almost necessary to remind people that this world still works on The Strong prevail and the weak perish. Although this has nothing to do with physical strength but more with straight out balls and determination to get over an obstacle in life. Bullies is just another one throw out at us. It would be ideal for this stuff to never happen to anyone but unfortunately with how humans can be.. I doubt things will change without some sort of extreme crisis.

Damn though, every post I read of yours is punctuated with Guts, so I'm god, someone trying to bully Guts? He would end them. I really wish Berserk came out more often; I'm dying to see the story resolved.


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« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2009, 06:12:07 pm »
I had to deal with a couple of asshats in middle school. They would always give me shit during lunch. Thankfully when I reached high school, I was usually in the advanced classes so I never had to see them anymore and no one bothered to stick around for lunch in high school either.

Its funny though, before even graduating from high school, one of the asshats had already had a kid and was basically tied down to a whore. Pretty sure he had to drop out because of that too.  I'm still free to do w/e the hell I want with my life. So it seems things work out in the end. ;)


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« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2009, 09:37:28 am »
Bullies are what royally screwed up my life!

I was bullied for nearly eight years at school, I ended up leaving at the end of year ten and started a diploma course at college so that I didn't have to face another bullying prick ever again, and so far I think it's worked out for the best...

Mr Bekkler

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« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2009, 01:09:26 pm »
I've never been beaten up, but I definitely got made fun of in middle school and early high school. That was on the school bus and they were a bunch of rednecks I never saw as deserving my attention.

I started skateboarding and playing guitar between middle and high school, and people started knowing who I was, and I wouldn't say I was popular, but since high school, I keep seeing people in random places who know my name. It's awkward if not totally embarrassing, cause I don't remember like half of them. I was in a band for all four years of high school, and got into the paper and on local tv and stuff, so people think they know me a lot. Oh wellzies.

Advice for people who are getting bullied now: Hang in there. You have no idea how much easier life gets when you get out of high school and walk into real life. Primarily for one reason. You don't have to be anywhere you don't want to be, and neither do the people who would become bullies. In other words, being forced to be with people who clash in an extremely bad way is what makes this kind of thing happen. I guarantee those bullies think their reasoning is justified. They'll learn real quick how well that works in the real world. You get arrested, blacklisted, and/or banned from businesses for picking stupid fights.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 02:26:58 pm by Mr Bekkler »

Temporal Knight

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« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2009, 02:06:30 pm »
I used to get beat up all the time.

In fact, I used to be a very violent person because of my early schooling years and the anger inside of me from those times. However, most of the adversaries I made are now allies. I just wish I could go back in time and tell myself to wise up...but I wouldn't be who I am today...(or would I?)..if I changed history.

But I'd rather try to forget those times of my past.


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« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2009, 09:57:07 pm »
For starters, I have a vehement opposition to the phrase, "real life."  If your heart beats, your life is real.

Anyway, I was bullied in 6th and seventh grade.  Never in any fist fights, but I would deal with their shit and they would tease me, tackle me, and spit on me.  I'll never forget it.  One of them and I patched things up and became decent friends years later, though it wouldn't last, especially with my not living in that area anymore.  The rest I don't speak to still. 

Bullying sucks, but I realized that I allowed it to happen.


I gave them every reason in the world to bully me, and though I did not deserve it for a SECOND I did leave the door wide open.  My first 2 and a half years in high school I repayed the favor.  I never struck a soul, and I sure as shit didn't spit on anyone.
And I didn't think twice about what a HUGE asshole I was because I felt in the right.

For those of you being bullied right now, ask yourself why?  And don't for a second give yourself that high and mighty "they're jealous" crap.  True or not, that will make it worse, trust me.  Every single inch you give they will take a mile.  I know I did.  Find your spine and move others have said it will dissipate...but it will NEVER leave your life, in one way or another.


  • Enlightened One (+200)
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« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2009, 02:22:20 am »
Not really any PHYSICALL bully problems but I've had forum bullies where people use their rank and try to act superior over you making you look bad.

They use every excusse under the sun to make themselves look cool but in reality they make themeselve's look like jackasses and I am learning to just ignore them.        If you try to fight back these bullies have 'yes people' who will defend them and you (the forum poster) don't have the resources to fight back.

Mr Bekkler

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« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2009, 02:24:45 am »
Not really any PHYSICALL bully problems but I've had forum bullies where people use their rank and try to act superior over you making you look bad.

They use every excusse under the sun to make themselves look cool but in reality they make themeselve's look like jackasses and I am learning to just ignore them.        If you try to fight back these bullies have 'yes people' who will defend them and you (the forum poster) don't have the resources to fight back.

Sounds like Kagero studio forum


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« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2009, 02:47:26 am »
In the fourth grade, for about a month long period there was this weird, black-ginger kid who would give me wedgies on the bus, regardless of how cliche that sounds. Around the twentieth time it happened something snapped in me, but instead of wailing on him like a cagefighter, the next day I simply spread the peanut butter from my sandwich unto the inside of my underpants before getting on the bus.

Needless to say, when he went for the bait he was very surprised as he removed his hands along with a creamy teaspoon or two of "feces". He was utterly speechless until he could barely scream out "HE SHITS HIS PANTS"

I just smirked at him, took my finger, dipped into the peanut butter hive on my left cheek, put it in my mouth and whispered "Delicious"

Everybody laughed at me, but on his face was a look of pure terror. I exited thhe bus that day not a schoolboy, but a man. I have yet to see him since.


  • Porrean (+50)
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« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2009, 04:36:19 am »
I was bullied back in kindergarten; a rude boy would always hit me, tease me and make me cry. :P  I was very non-confrontational, even as a child, so I never spoke up or said anything about it. One day, nearly 3/4 through the year, the boy teased me and I finally got sick of it; I took matters into my own hands. My kindergarten-self was somehow smart enough to concoct a plan to frame him. I had tripped and gotten a large scrape on my knee during recess, and I ran to my teacher and told her that the rude boy had pushed me. He didn't push me that day, but he had in the past, so I figured I was justified; my teacher forced him to make me an apology card and personally apologize to me on top of that. He never bothered me again! I realize now that it would have been better if I had approached the teacher from the start, but I cut myself a break, being as I was five and all. ;)

As for later in my life, I was mainly teased for being very pale, surprisingly, almost exclusively by guys. Girls would always compliment my skin, but guys would always make rude comments about me "needing a tan" and other garbage. I usually just ignored them or gave them a snooze-inducing lecture on the dangers of the sun. In the end, I'm going to look fantastic when I'm 30 because of my devoted use of sunscreen and proper sun-protection, as well as refusal to give into the harmful habit of tanning. They'll probably end up looking like a leather sack. That in itself was enough for me. :)