I just have a few things to say:
Yes. Tea helped/took part in the leak. Yes, she tried to return to the site under aliases. Yes, its understandable that you banned her both ways.
However, I have to contest you when you start to describe her like a whiny bitch, or anything about her being annoying. Any time I've been on irc she has been just like any other person on the irc. Please, if you would, post a chat log or something showing this, and I will believe and resepct it.
However, if we wish to talk about annoying... Laith was annoying. yes indeed. But rethinking Shadow D Darkman's irc ban? Umm, he was just as bad as Laith, in my opinion.
Shall I go even further? Yes, I shall.
You, yourself, ZeaLitY, have been quite an annoying at times as well (albeit not as often), like when you post your "FUCK BALLS FISHSHIT DICKSTICKS SHIT ASSCOCK FUCK" rants on irc, and all the supposed "surreal" humor.
Yes, I went there. I know that some people have said that sometimes its just you and your rage and anger being let out, but that still doesn't make it not annoying.
Yeah, go ahead, turn this on me if you wish. My forum posts may be short, and you may think they're annoying, but usually I try to refrain from posting something unless its for a legit reason, like to say I liked something someone said, or maybe to post my short 2 cents into a conversation, or to go along with a joke. However if you still wish to say that my posts are annoying, I will respect that as long as you don't start saying other things that have no basis, or a legitimate basis, from my point of view.
Also, the reason so many people on irc were disappointed in tea leaving, and cared nothing much about the other people, is because tea was really the only one of those people that were ever constantly on irc, she made herself known on irc.
If I knew Arutoa or whoever or anyone else that was related to the incident (that I had any care for) then sure, I would be disappointed in their banning/leaving as well. Thing is, more people knew her than the others. Nothing to do with her girlyness (directly, that is. Her girlyness might have affected/caused some of her irc and forum popularity).
I'm not saying this all out of "I have something against you!!!!". I'm stating this as a "Lets just get down to it."
EDIT: also, it might be constructive to help stop this dispute if someone was to compile a list of arguments, counter arguments, and counter counters to all the reasons why/why not the banning should take place. I personally have no care either way, but some people do. I would make this list myself, however I dont know, and never knew, many of the arguments and counters argued in this situation... so...