Author Topic: How Do Capsules Affect Stats in the Long Run?  (Read 6370 times)


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How Do Capsules Affect Stats in the Long Run?
« on: June 24, 2009, 10:46:15 pm »
Hi, I'm new to the site, but certainly not to the game.  (Chrono Trigger being, of course, the greatest game of all-time.  I still have my SNES copy that I bought in '96.)

I'm just now starting a 100% go-through in CT DS.  Eventually, I want to level up all 7 characters to level 99 (**).  But I also want to max out my stats along the way.  So my question is, do the Strength and Magic Capsules ever affect anything other than the strength and magic stats themselves?  In other words, do strength capsules affect the attack stat at all?

Second, does it matter whether I use capsules as I get them, or level up to 99 and THEN use the capsules?  If the strength and magic stats are higher earlier on, will they increase by more when leveling up than they would have had I not used them?

And lastly, I've read that it's useless to use the Strength Capsules on Marle and Lucca, that their strength stat doesn't actually affect how much damage they do, but rather that the accuracy stat does for them.  That doesn't make much sense to me, so does anybody know if it's true?  I ask because all of the other 5 characters reach 99 in strength naturally, leaving Marle and Lucca way behind.  So it seems to me that it would make sense to use the Strength Capsules on the two of them.  (And again, my second question, would it help to use strength capsules on them earlier?  Would their strength end up and higher than normal?)  Any thoughts?

If anyone could help me with these 3 questions regarding capsules, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Acacia Sgt

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Re: How Do Capsules Affect Stats in the Long Run?
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2009, 11:01:54 pm »
Well, first of all, welcome. And, as for the questions...

The capsules does affect them. Increasing Strength also increases Attack, same with Magic with, well, Magic.

As for Marle and Lucca, it's true, their Attack is not determined by Strength, but rather Hit. It's useless to use Strength Capsules on them.

As for using them immediately or not, it depends. If your plan is on maxing their levels then you should wait to see what is capped and what not. If not, then go for what you think it's necessary.

Hope this helps.


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Re: How Do Capsules Affect Stats in the Long Run?
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2009, 01:23:19 am »
Going to help rephrase this to something more might understand:

If you use a capsule on a character after they have ** in it, does the stat increase any more?

My answer to this would be no.  Easy proof is the speed tabs, ** speed is never going to be any faster or slower then ** speed. 


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Re: How Do Capsules Affect Stats in the Long Run?
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2009, 01:43:31 am »
I apologize - I wasn't quite clear enough.  I didn't mean using a tab/capsule on a stat once the STAT was already at 99.  What I was asking was - here's an example:

Leveling Crono all the way up to level 99 without using any tabs will make him max out in the power, stamina, and magic defense stats.  But his other stats are not maxed out.  For instance (this comes from a GameFAQs Leveling Up walkthrough), Crono's "Magic" stat is apparently 46 once he reaches level 99.  So to max out his "Magic" stat, you'd need to use 53 Magic Tabs on him AFTER reaching level 99.  What I'm curious about is this:  If you use Magic Tabs on him earlier in the game, while he's leveling up, will you still end up needing 53 Magic Tabs to max out his "Magic" stat, or will the stat then increase faster so that you don't end up needing as many Magic Tabs?

Anyone understand that?   :?  I'm basically wondering whether it's more beneficial to use tabs up as I get them, or save them until after I've fully leveled everyone up, or does it not matter either way?  Again, I mean for the stats that would NOT normally ever max out, as is the case with Crono's "Magic" stat.  Any info would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: How Do Capsules Affect Stats in the Long Run?
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2009, 01:47:58 am »
I believe that you'll still need 53 Magic Tabs. From what I remember, stat growth (I mean, the amount each stat increases) is unaffected by tab usage.


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Re: How Do Capsules Affect Stats in the Long Run?
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2009, 02:02:12 am »
Okay, that's good to know.  Thanks.  That's what I've read elsewhere - I just wanted to make sure.  Unless anyone says otherwise, that's what I'll go with.


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Re: How Do Capsules Affect Stats in the Long Run?
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2009, 11:02:21 am »
** is the maximum -- you can't increase a stat above that. Once a stat reaches **, you can't increase it by use of capsules or anything else.

Also, Strength Capsules are much less valuable than Magic ones -- I'm pretty sure that every character other than Marle and Lucca either maxes out Strength or comes close to it by level **. Magic, on the other hand, I'm pretty sure never maxes out for any character. (Janus and Lucca probably come close, though)

Oh, and make use of Ayla's Charm spell in the final dungeon. There are enemies there that you can steal capsules from. You can also win capsules in the Arena.

Acacia Sgt

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Re: How Do Capsules Affect Stats in the Long Run?
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2009, 06:38:55 pm »
Magic, on the other hand, I'm pretty sure never maxes out for any character. (Janus and Lucca probably come close, though)

Actually, I'm sure some do manage to max their Magic stat. I know Magus does, since he gains +1 one level, then +2 the next, and repeats.


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Re: How Do Capsules Affect Stats in the Long Run?
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2009, 09:16:25 pm »
High Magic Crono + Luminaire = Invincible

But the enemies will be pretty weak by them....


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Re: How Do Capsules Affect Stats in the Long Run?
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2009, 01:11:09 pm »
Actually, I'm sure some do manage to max their Magic stat. I know Magus does, since he gains +1 one level, then +2 the next, and repeats.

If the stats are the same for all versions of the game, and this is accurate, Magus and Lucca both max out Magic before Level **, and Marle comes close to doing so as well.

(Yeah, back, after a period of medical Idon'twannatalkaboutit.)

Acacia Sgt

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Re: How Do Capsules Affect Stats in the Long Run?
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2009, 01:19:21 pm »
Then, according to the chart, the Strength Capsules are useless on the long run.

Well, then there is no harm in using them whenever you like, except if on Marle or Lucca of course.


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Re: How Do Capsules Affect Stats in the Long Run?
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2009, 07:16:25 pm »
Wouldn't Marle and Lucca's close attacks go up if you increase their strength? You know how if an enemy is right next to then, they beat the enemy over the head with the crossbow/gun? Does increasing their strength make that attack go up?

Acacia Sgt

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Re: How Do Capsules Affect Stats in the Long Run?
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2009, 07:50:15 pm »
I'm sure it is still determined by their Hit stat.


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Re: How Do Capsules Affect Stats in the Long Run?
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2009, 09:48:27 pm »
RedNeck - You're right.  The Strength stat really SHOULD affect Marle's and Lucca's close up attacks.  But I've noticed that no, for some reason, they don't.  So the Strength stat truly is meaningless for Marle and Lucca.  That being said, for foolish completionists like me  :D, I decided to max out their strength anyway, just for the heck of it.  Foolish?  Yes.  Idiotic? .......  Yes...


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Re: How Do Capsules Affect Stats in the Long Run?
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2009, 10:07:31 pm »
I was wondering if anybody'd ever tried to find out. Thanks, rocky.