Author Topic: Crimson Echoes on tvtropes  (Read 2260 times)


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Crimson Echoes on tvtropes
« on: June 25, 2009, 01:04:12 am »

Tropers needed.  I can only think of so many tropes at once.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 07:04:18 am by Dermot »


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Re: Crimson Echoes on tvtropes
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2009, 01:06:46 am »
I'm not sure how well "Unstuck in time" applies, though I don't really understand what that trope is at the moment.

Still, interesting idea (tropes page).

While they probably go elsewhere, there must be a few Crowning Moments of Awesome in Crimson Echoes.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 01:19:02 am by Vehek »


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Re: Crimson Echoes on tvtropes
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2009, 04:50:49 pm »
I'm not sure how well "Unstuck in time" applies, though I don't really understand what that trope is at the moment.

Still, interesting idea (tropes page).

While they probably go elsewhere, there must be a few Crowning Moments of Awesome in Crimson Echoes.

Crowning Moment of Awesome: King Zeal determined to burn Lavos to death.

Tear Jerker: The Fall of Guardia

Ojou: Marle

Bokkuko: Again, Marle.

Genki Girl: Marle, AGAIN. She's a very tropalicious lady, I suppose. I cannot believe those words just came out of my own mind.

Growing the Beard: Reptite Timeline.

Parental Abandonment: Crono's dad, Marle's mom. Magus and Schala with King and Queen Zeal, definitely.

People Jars: Magus when captured by Dalton.

Butt Monkey: Dalton.

Unlucky Childhood Friend: Lucca, showed during her Flame Trial.

Wham Episode/Chapter: The Fall of Guardia.

You Gotta Have _____ Hair: Lucca's is purple, Schala's is blue, Glenn's is green. Need I say more?

Big Fancy House: Guardia Castle, although it(for me) was somewhat implied that Marle moves in with Crono.

Good Morning, Crono: Duh.

Downer Ending: Porre taking complete control of Guardia, Schala being trapped in the DBT.

Flanderization: Subverted with Ayla, as they actually gave her a personality.

Luke, I am your Father: Magus and Zeal, perhaps?

Memetic Mutation: If I have anything to say about it there will be.(But seriously, you probably shouldn't include this one.

Mood Whiplash: Fall of Guardia.

Rescued From the Scrappy Heap: Dalton, Zeal.

Woobie: A lot of the fans consider Zeal to be this, although I figure Marle for more of one.

I personally don't have a TvTropes account and don't really care to get one. But I'll contribute with my knowledge all the same.

I'm sure I can think of more as time goes by.


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Re: Crimson Echoes on tvtropes
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2009, 06:56:40 pm »
You don't need to have an "account" to edit TVtropes.

Some of the character tropes you listed probably don't have to be listed, since they were already established in Chrono Trigger, even if some of them aren't actually listed there.


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Re: Crimson Echoes on tvtropes
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2009, 07:53:03 am »
I'm not sure I really agree with "Downer Ending" -- It's more of a Bittersweet Ending, in my opinion. It's not like Porre is totally evil or anything, and Marle even says herself that she wouldn't have made a good ruler, so it isn't like a "OMG MY LIFE IZ RUINEDZ!!!1!!!1!" moment for her. Plus, if you didn't use the Time Egg, I'd consider Crono and Marle going on adventures in the Dreamtime to be a bit of a "Happy Ending" for them.

Also, we see at the end Janus being taught how to make a Gate, so we know he hasn't given up yet and will probably find a way into the DBT again to rescue Schala.

I agree that overall, CE was a lot darker than CT, but I wouldn't say the ending is a "Downer" one -- the other characters have very happy endings, I thought...

But I'm not an expert troper. I just read, I don't edit, so what would I know. :/


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Re: Crimson Echoes on tvtropes
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2009, 09:40:15 am »
I'm not sure I really agree with "Downer Ending" -- It's more of a Bittersweet Ending, in my opinion. It's not like Porre is totally evil or anything, and Marle even says herself that she wouldn't have made a good ruler, so it isn't like a "OMG MY LIFE IZ RUINEDZ!!!1!!!1!" moment for her. Plus, if you didn't use the Time Egg, I'd consider Crono and Marle going on adventures in the Dreamtime to be a bit of a "Happy Ending" for them.

Also, we see at the end Janus being taught how to make a Gate, so we know he hasn't given up yet and will probably find a way into the DBT again to rescue Schala.

I agree that overall, CE was a lot darker than CT, but I wouldn't say the ending is a "Downer" one -- the other characters have very happy endings, I thought...

But I'm not an expert troper. I just read, I don't edit, so what would I know. :/

Nah, you're probably right, although, I'd probably have to say that it'd be a downer ending for anyone that hasn't played Cross yet, i.e., doesn't know the inevitable outcome.


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Re: Crimson Echoes on tvtropes
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2009, 03:11:43 pm »
Oh, I think a "Nice Job Breaking It Hero" could work, what with Zeal's quote near the end...

Quote from: Zeal
Ah. So it's okay to kill one if I save two? Splendid! <b>You've just bestowed on me a blank check to carry out my dreams.</b>

I dunno though... Like I said, I'm not a troper... o_O