cutelucca, about 8 comics...just what the heck is that? Erotic porn Chrono Trigger? Oh god...I hope I didn't commit anything bad while reading it...though wouldn't that be cartoon porn or something? the heck, it is porn, but...why does Japan make these Hentai stuff?
Don't act like you don't like it.

But seriously, most countries are a bit more mature than the old U.S.A. when it comes to anatomy and the human figure. Also, in Japan, unlike America, there is a HUGE market for adult oriented animation. Here it's just a few shows (South Park, Simpsons, Family Guy, Adult Swim seems to enjoy the genre). There it's shows, movies, comics, advertisement, merchandise, clothing, etc. And there's bound to be some sexual stuff mixed in all that.
In other words, they make Hentai for the same reason porn directors make porn films. $$$$$.