Thought! I'm ashamed at your thoughts of Harle! It makes me sad
Anyway here's my list.
Serge: Loads of potential, I prefer the RD one but this one was very cool in his own right and could be a lot more if it weren't for the fact all these extra guys make him seem whipped what with his sucking up and doing favors for everyone for the whole game. He doesn't get a chance to be himself in all his chores.
Kid: As everyone's said, gem. Amazing, duh. Why NOT include her?
Guile: I suppose with his magic guild he could have more to him. Plus the wondering of just whether or not he's freaking Magus, put an end to that bull and beating around the bush!
Lynx: I thought that twist on the story was an amazingly well done one. For some reason I think Breath Of Fire during the scene but, eh, it's still unforgettable. Plus it helps with the story itself. Kepp the Serge as Lynx thing I say.
Draggy: You deal with the dragon thing at the very begining. Variety, and I just like Draggy. Plus c'mon, who can say they hate playing as a dragon?
Glenn: This one should be self explanatory but just in case, TWO swords at once. Already a great character with an unbelievable amount of potential. Why not?
Grobyc: He's Robo, with improvements. And how awesome is laser hair of death? In a way I feel like he's Terminator for Chrono. And he kicks ass.
Harle: Of course this would be here. Harle deserves it as in my opinion the best part of the whole game. Beautiful, witty, and deadly. Harlequins just get me after Harle.
Karsh: He had a lot of potential that just remained untapped. Also he helps the Dario story. Although honestly I never got into Karsh as much. It was either him, or naked, veiny, disgustingly ripped man Zoah.
Leena: She starts off as your girlfriend. Sure, bitchy as she is in your homeworld, she's supposed to be one of the bigger characters. With all the extras she doesn't get that chance and if she was just an NPC, imagine how much time she'd actually get in. Begining of the game. Nothing else.
Mojo: I found him funny. Also a little variety. Plus a little more original. I'll admit, he barely made it. Last one picked and I had to flip a coin on yes or no.
Razzly: Razzly's a great character for her character. Reason I say yes to being on the team is honestly, everyone she knows is dead in her world. I don't think Serge and friends woud be exactly the proper heroes if they saved her miserable life just to leave her to rot and probably die. Only option left is to take her in!
Sprigg: Doppleganger. Not entirely necessary since it's Harle that gets you out the the trippy dimension. But I suppose Sprigg still offers up some orginality. Plus it's fun when you can be a really old person fighting. And not like how Lost Oddysey did it either, your age actually shows.
Starky: Starky allows your ship to fly! Plus, cute little alien, some variety for elemnt wise,Plus the possibilities of Chrono In Space!!!!!!!!!!
Turnip: First off, how many games have important characters that are vegetables? Exactly. Chrono hit a new level of original with Turnip. He behaves exactly like Frog in Trigger. Plus in a technical way, Lucca's freeze gun, putting that to use Turnip is almost like Lucca's last Hurrah! Plus if he were just an NPC, what point would there be to him?
And that's my pick.