And here is most of Chapter 11. I'm not entirely pleased with how I ended up
ending Nikki's sub-scene, but oh, well. Complex structure ahoy. Why was this
the only chapter they tried to do right...?
From Pirate Ship to Ghost Ship - A mariner's worst nightmare...Recruits: At this point, the player will have one of three core groups of
PCs, depending on the path that was taken through chapter 9--
- Serge, Kid, Guile, and Magus
- Serge, Kid, and Nikki
- or Serge, Nikki, and Glenn
plus any or all of the three available optional characters (Leena,
Luccia, Skelly).
SS Invincible (Another)
[While sailing through the fog around Mount Pyre, the party
encounters a large and seemingly deserted ship.]
Guile: | Nikki: | Glenn: | Kid:
Is this...? | Think this is the | Could this be...? | Guess this is
| ghost ship? | | the "ghost ship".
Magus: | | Nikki: | Heh. What a
The "ghost ship", | Kid: | I guess it's that ghost | joke.
apparently, although | Maybe. What would | ship, although I thought |
it seems rather solid. | anyone else be doing | it would...feel weirder. |
| out here in this fog? | |
[The first person who spoke vaults out of Korcha's boat
and onto the ship.]
Guile: | Kid: | Glenn: | Kid:
Aren't you coming? | Gonna go lookin' fer | We must investigate | Hey, Serge,
| ghosts, are ya, mate? | this. If it truly is | are ya just
Magus: | | a ghost ship, then | gonna sit
Hmph. I suppose there's | Nikki: | it is my duty to the | there until
no point in sailing | It's safer than sailing | people of El Nido to | the fog lifts?
around blindly in the | blindly into those rocks. | see it dealt with. |
fog. We're probably | | | Serge:
lucky we haven't taken | Kid: | Nikki: | Okay, okay, I'm
the bottom out of the | Rocks? | Well, it's probably | coming. (But
boat already. | | safer than sailing | I'm getting
| Nikki: | around in this fog | kind of tired
Guile: | Can't you hear them? | any longer. But if we | of these side
You always were... | There's something more | run into any ghosts, | trips... Why
pragmatic. | than this ship sticking | you can go first. | can't we just
| out of the water, not | | leave this
Magus: | too far from here. | | thing alone?)
Only in contrast to a | | |
certain mystery-loving | | |
madman. | | |
[They climb up on deck]
This...doesn't look very
ghostly somehow. (Why would a
ghost ship bother with furling
the sails, or running out the
anchor? No, this is a real
ship whose crew are worried
about running aground in the
fog. The question is, who
does it belong to?)
[I think it's whoever is in second position in the party that speaks the next line.]
Kid: | Leena: | Skelly: | Nikki:
Oi! Is this thing | Doesn't seem like a | I've never met | Could this really be
really a ghost ship...!? | ghost ship to me... | a ghost before... | a ghost ship...?
Guile: | Glenn: | Luccia: | Magus:
What is this...? | So this is | Is dis a ghost ship? | A true ghost ship would not
| the infamous | ...Highly illogical. | be nearly so well-maintained.
| ghost ship...? | |
[The pirates appear, surrounding them]
(Oh, man, I don't think I'm
going to like this... I wish
we'd just stayed with our
boat instead of trying to
Make way for Cap'n Fargo...!
[Fargo arrives]
Arg! Ya seem ta be a bit young
for one of Lynx's subordinates.
Well, who cares!?
Leena: | Kid: | Glenn:
I don't understand. | So what're ya | I think you may have
What do you want? | gonna do? | made a mistake...but
| | first, please explain
| | your intentions toward
| | us.
That's up ta you...
Up to us? (Damn, I feel
like a parrot.)
But first thing's first...
What is yer intention?
OUR intention? What do
you mean? (Oh, great,
ANOTHER nutbar.)
Don't play stupid!
We know you're tryin' ta
get ta Mount Pyre!
We saw General Viper's and
Lynx's ships anchored nearby.
Are ya tryin' ta deliver them
a message? Is that it!?
[Again, I assume that this next line is spoken by the second party member.]
Kid: | Leena: | Skelly:
That's a load of bull! | No, no, no, you're mistaken. | Whaddaya sayin', man!?
We don't work for them! | We're actually after them. | Don't associate us with Lynx!
We're out to get 'em! | They're our enemy! | He's our enemy and we need
Get in our way and I'll | E-N-E-M-Y! | to find 'em!
kick yer arse so hard, | |
you'll kiss the moons!!! | |
Nikki: | Guile: | Luccia:
You surely don't believe | Sigh... | Sigh...
that we are their allies? | That is untrue... | Dis is vhy it is so difficult
| | dealing vith imbeciles like you.
Glenn: | Magus:
You do not have | After we kill Lynx,
the facts straight. | I may just come back
We, too, are in hot pursuit | and do the same to
of Lynx. Do not hinder our | you fools.
mission to Fort Dragonia. |
Huh? Are ya serious?
Explain yerselves.
That...may take a while. (How
many times have I told this
story so far? Must be at least
half a dozen. Feels more like
a hundred, though.)
[Fadeout for explanation, then back in.]
I see...
So that explains why
you're after Lynx.
Don't ya know you're
riskin' yer lives?
Don't ya recognize
the danger associated
with Lynx?
He's a monster...
A cold-blooded monster...
An incarnation of death...
Um, I think that's a BIT
of an exaggeration--
To be frank with ya,
we've had our share of
encounters with Lynx, too.
But that was a long time ago...
Ever since then, we've
had ta disguise ourselves
as this ghost ship.
(Is this guy even listening
to us?)
So you're gonna face Lynx, eh...?
That's easy to say, but...
Kid: | Leena: | Luccia: | Skelly:
Cut the crap and get | But what...!? | Speak your mind. | I'm not scared of looking
to the point!!! | Huh!? | | death in the face. Been
| | | there, done that, got the
| | | T-shirt, you know?
Nikki: | Glenn: | Guile: | Magus:
What are you | Who are you to | Why the potential | If you have a point,
doing? | question our | death of a few total | make it before I sink
| resolve? | strangers bothers | this miserable tub.
| | you so is as mysterious |
| | as how you came to |
| | tangle with Lynx. |
Bring out our
Aye-aye, Cap'n Fargo!
(Why do I have the feeling
I'm not going to like this,
[One pirate descends the stairs in the foreground]
I just wanna see if you
youngsters can match up
to the likes of Lynx.
Just makin' sure
you're not all talk.
In other words, you're going
to test us. (Probably with
something sharp. Ugh. Here we
go again.)
Looks like they're ready.
Let's see what you can do!
[The pirate who went below returns, bringing a few monsters,
which the party fight and defeat]
Kid: | Glenn:
That was a test? Heh. A | It may be rude of me to
baby could've handled that. | say so, but that was a
| waste of our time.
(I guess I must be getting
stronger--before this all
started, I would have had
serious problems handling
those critters, but that
was a breeze.)
Just loosenin' ya up!
Time ta get serious!!!
[Serge shakes his head]
(I should have known.)
[A giant parrot-creature appears, and they engage it in combat as
well. Once it is defeated...]
'"Not bad, mateys...
We'll meet again."'
...Is what he said.
Luccia: | Nikki: | Guile: | Kid:
Interesting... Dere vas no | You speak Parrot? | What an intriguingly | Guess this
variation dat I could detect | You know, I think | bizarre conversation... | ship really
in de bird's cries, so how | you've been out | How can you tell what | IS crewed
did dat man turn dem into | here too long. | the bird is saying? | by birdbrains.
language? | | |
(Somehow, I don't think I
WANT to know how or why
that guy talks to that
Stronger than I expected.
You got me blood boilin'.
I'm next!!!
So the truth is that all
that stuff about Lynx was
just an excuse--you wanted
to fight us yourself all
along, and the tests were
just to see if we were good
[They fight Fargo. As the combat begins...]
Jolly ho!
Up and at 'em!
[Later, when they've whittled him down to critical status...]
Now that smarts...!
[When the party wins]
Not bad...
But keep in mind,
we be pirates!
(What the--? I feel faint.
What's going on?
[Serge collapses]
Leena: | Kid: | Glenn:
Serge, what's wrong? | Serge! You okay, mate? | What is going on?!
It's a tranquilizer made
from jellyfish stingers.
You lubbers will sleep
for a while.
Magus: [if present]
I'll...kill you...
for this...
[The rest of the party collapses as well, and the screen
fades out. Against the black screen...]
Well, that's that!
Arg! Stick these land-
lubbers in the hold!
Hold, SS Invincible (Another)
[FMV: Serge dreams of the panther attack that almost killed
him when he was a boy.]
[They wake up in the hold]
Leena: | Kid: | Nikki:
Are you okay, Serge? | Bloody double-crossin' | Oh, man... I've written
You look kind of sick. | pirates... I guess this | songs about being in
| is the brig. | prison, but I never wanted
| | first-hand experience!
Ugh, my head feels like it's
going to explode. That
jellyfish stuff is vicious.
(I hope everyone gives me a
few minutes before asking me
what comes next, 'cause it's
difficult to think when I
hurt this much.)
Skelly: | Kid: | Glenn:
Hey, I think there's | You hear anything | There are some odd
something going on | funny, mates? | sounds coming from
outside. | | the hallway...
SS Invincible (Another)
[Meanwhile, on the deck...]
[Pirate] [walking aimlessly around the deck as he speaks]
Standing watch ain't easy...
What's up with
the fog today...?
You can't even see
the water out there...
I-I-I ain't scared...
[The ghost ship appears out of the fog behind him, and ghosts
begin to materialize above the Invincible's rail. The unfortunate
pirate turns. As the screen fades out--]
Hold, SS Invincible (Another)
[Back in the hold]
Magus: | Kid: | Nikki:
Odd. This entire area now | I tell ya, something's | Guys, I think we're
smells of...necromancy? | goin' on! | about to have visitors!
Why do I...? | |
[A skeleton enters, conveniently leaving the door open behind
it. After the party fights and defeats it--]
I guess that proves that
there's something really
wrong here. (Like that
isn't obvious.)
Leena: | Kid: | Glenn:
No kidding! | You can say that again, | I agree.
| mate! |
We should probably have a
look at what's going on
SS Invincible--Lower Level Hallway
[Pirate (the one just outside the closet they were
being held in)]
Looks like you're alright.
I thought you were goners
when that monster went in.
[Again, this is a second-person-in-the-party line.]
Kid: | Leena: | Skelly:
Ya think the almighty | Oh, they were nothing | Nyak-nyak-nyak...!
Kid would go down | against the likes of us! | I'm the bone!
that easy!? | |
| Leena: | Skelly:
Kid: | So, what was that thing? | Anyway, tell us
Anyways, what the bloody | What's going on? | what's goin' on here!
hell is goin' on here!? | |
Nikki: | Guile: | Glenn:
Heh... | ...Did not even | My dragoon training is
Easier than playing | break a sweat. | a lot harder than that.
the bass. | |
| Guile: | Glenn:
Nikki: | Tell me... | Do tell me...
By the way, what's | What is going on | What is happening
going on? | here? | here?
Luccia: | Magus:
My being here vill | Hmph. We're not as weak
be pointless if | as your pathetic confederates.
ve are defeated. |
| Magus:
Luccia: | Now, explain what's going on.
By the vay... |
Vot is going on here? |
Arg... Sorry, but
I don't know, either.
Before I knew what was
goin' on, I was attacked...
Go ahead...
I won't stop ya...
SS Invincible--Lower Level Hallway
There's a note...
'"Key duty is a
big responsibility!"'
(Let me get this straight--
they lock each other out of
parts of their own ship?
These guys are crazy! I just
hope that one of them knows
where this key is...)
[If Kid is present]
(Or maybe...)
Kid, do you think you can
pick this?
[Kid looks down and shuffles her feet]
I doubt it. I, um,
Sorry, I couldn't hear you--
what was that?
I SAID, I've never been any
good at that lock-pickin'
stuff. It's always been
easier to steal a key, or
climb up to a window. Sorry,
(Now she tells me.)
You wanna know who's
in charge of the key?
I dunno.
[Not sure which pirate this is--presumably the one at the far
end of the lower floor hallway. After the party deals with whatever
ghost or skeleton is bothering him...]
Phew... Thanks for the help.
Huh? Who are you?
Um... (Oh, boy, gotta think of
something fa--)
Oh yeah... You're the land-lubbers
we threw in the hold, but how did...
I guess it doesn't matter now.
So, where do ya plan to go?
(Oof. Maybe they're really not
such bad guys... What am I
We're trying to get up on deck,
but there's a locked door in
the way. Do you know who has
the key?
A key?
I have no idea
who has it...
Thanks anyway. (Oh, great.
guess we're gonna have to
keep on looking.)
Crew Quarters[?], SS Invincible
H-How'd you guys get out!?
Get back in the hold!
This sucker's mine!
(I don't mind letting him
fight it himself if he wants
to so badly, but I can't ask
him about the key like this...)
[The skeleton that was sort of hovering near the far end of
the room attacks the pirate, who fences with it. If/when
Serge et al. defeat it--]
Tch...I could've taken
that thing myself, you know...
Kid: | Nikki:
Yeah, sure you could. | Well, bursting your bubble
| isn't my job.
Do you know where the key is?
Huh? A key?
Sorry...I don't have it.
(Oh, hell, how many more
people are we going to
have to ask?)
Galley and Saloon, SS Invincible
[The party enters and sees a pirate sprawled on the floor]
Leena: [if present, otherwise Serge says the line]
Hey, are you okay?
It got me!!!
It's right there, waiting!!!
Dammit all!
Huh? Over where?
[if they approach the stove, we have 'nother boring undead battle.
Then, if they speak to the pirate again afterwards--]
Do you know who has the key?
A key?
Sorry, I'm not in charge.
Dammit all!
Then can you at least tell
us how to get around the
mess in the hallway? (I'd
like to get off this tub
before it burns to the
waterline, but we're not
exactly making great
progress...and it would mean
leaving these guys for the
ghosts. Damn it to hell!)
Go through that
vent, dammit all!
[Bizarrely, there is text here in the CC script that
suggests that the galley pirate (or the fat guy in the
saloon) could have the key. I'll believe it when I see
(at the very least) recorded video showing it.]
[Upon trying to exit the saloon after crawling through
the vent from the galley--]
Arg! Don't just stand
around, ya land-lubbers!
Help out!!!
(These guys aren't very good
fighters... Funny, I would have
thought pirates HAD to be able
to fight.)
[After Yet ANOTHER boring undead fight--]
It's probably too much to ask
for, but do YOU know where the
key is?
I'm sorry, but I don't
have it, and I don't know
who does.
SS Invincible--Upper Level Hallway
By the powers...!?
How did you guys get out!?
Ah...forget it, we have more
serious matters to worry about...
(This is really starting to
get repetitious.) We're trying
to get up on deck. There's a
locked door in the way down
below. Can we get through here,
or do you know where the key
to the other door is?
You can't get through here--
the skeletons stuffed one of
the ship's boats into the
entryway, and we're having a
devil of a time getting it
out. The key, though--
Aye, mateys!
Who's on key duty?
Oh, I am.
Finally. (I could kiss this
guy, but he'd probably take
it the wrong way.)
[Serge goes over and takes the key from the pirate.]
There you go. With that, you
should be able to get up on
deck by going through the
arsenal downstairs and making
yer way up from the outside.
Please, go help the captain.
(I doubt that Fargo guy needs
our help that much, but we'll
go have a look, I guess.)
[Serge returns downstairs, uses the key, etc.]
[Skipping the bit with the "vitamin drink"]
Deck, SS Invincible (Another)
[They reach the deck]
Just in time, mateys!
Look out!!!
[Another battle with ghosts ensues]
Magus: | Nikki:
We need to find the source of | Man, it doesn't seem like
the necromantic magic and | killing these little guys
attack it, or it will just | is helping us much. We
continue to spawn additional | should try to find the
ghosts. | leader.
You're probably right, but
where do we look?
There're too many of 'em!
Arg! You call
yerselves sea-dogs!?
Show some spirit!!!
Cap'n, look out!!!
[More ghosts appear. Two of them engage Fargo.]
Mateys, go help the cap'n!
Get yer...
ghostly hands...
OFF ME...!!!
[He finishes those ghosts off]
(I had a feeling he could
take care of himself.)
Looks like we got
a big one comin'!
A big one? You mean...!
(I guess the boss monster
is coming to us!)
[Fargo heads for the wheel, but collapses before
reaching it.]
(Damn, me arm...)
Are you okay? (Funny, I
thought this guy was
Yer name's Serge, eh!?
Go take the wheel!
~~~Aye-aye, Cap'n! | ~~~But I've never done it before
Serge: | Serge:
You're the boss. (I just hope | (I don't like to argue with a
I don't screw up--I've never | captain on his own ship, but
tried to handle a boat of | I've never handled anything big
this size before, especially | enougn to have an actual wheel
in unfamiliar waters!) | before, I've never seen a chart
| of this area, and there's the
Fargo: | fog--)
I'm countin' on ya! |
| Fargo:
| No time ta fuss!
| When I tell ya to do it,
| YOU DO IT!!!
| Serge:
| (Ulp!) Aye-aye, sir!
Keep yer heads high, mateys!
Don't forget we be pirates
aboard the S.S. Invincible!!!
(Except that I'm not a
pirate! Hell, I think I'd
rather be a ghost--at least
then I wouldn't have to
worry about getting hanged!
Of course, if we get killed
here, I won't have to worry
about anything ever again...)
[Serge goes to the wheel]
Man yer stations!
It's time ta show these
monsters what we're made of!!!
Aye-aye, Cap'n!!!
Magus: [if present]
Nikki: [if present]
The name of this ship is
the S.S. Invincible...!?
That means...!
Keep yer head high!
They're comin'!!!
[Attack of the Discount Dead Head: five for the price
of one! Once the party defeats it--]
Looks like the sea's
back to normal...
You said you were headin'
to Fort Dragonia to go after
Viper and his men.
That's right.
[Note: Fargo moves and gestures a lot while he gives this
speech, but it's difficult to make out some of what he's
doing from the videos available, so I've decided not to
mark his actions.]
Let me give ya
some advice.
We're listening.
Mount Pyre is a fiery hell.
Without any protection against
fire, you'll lose strength fast.
I suggest ya go see the
Water Dragon for his
divine protection.
Although I haven't heard
much about him recently.
I wonder if that dragon's
still alive...
I haven't heard much about
the other dragons, either.
Um... (Okay, so you don't know
where this dragon is or even
if it's still alive, and you
expect US to find it? We might
be better off seeing if we can
get some asbestos underwear...)
And those monsters
we just beat...
What's goin' on nowadays...?
I tell ya, even the sea seems
ta have changed its nature...
It's probably because
we human folks have
come around...
[Another second-group-member line, I think...]
Kid: | Leena: | Skelly:
Yeah...yeah... | Hee... Didn't think pirates | Why do I have ta hear
I don't need this mushy | had a sentimental side. | this from a pirate...?
talk from a pirate. | |
Nikki: | Guile: | Luccia:
...... | You are a pirate, | Vhy must I hear dis
Please...not from a pirate. | are you not? | from a pirate?
Glenn: | Magus:
I never thought I | I'm surprised that someone
would hear something | so foolishly sentimental
like this from a pirate. | would become a pirate.
In the name of Davy Jones...
What have we done...?
[If Magus is present in the party--meaning that the player
took the Guile/Magus route through Viper Manor and Guldove,
and also that Kid is likewise in the party, and Glenn
and Nikki are not...]
Y'know, if the Water Dragon
no longer exists in this
Guile: | Serge:
You are thinking that it might | Do you think that in my
be in the other one. | world...?
Exactly. You're pretty sharp,
But when I woke up at Opassa...
there didn't seem to be any way
back. Well, okay, I wasn't
looking for one, but still...
[If Leena is present...]
Serge, I wonder about
you sometimes.
It wasn't exactly obvious what
was going on, you know. Give me
a break. (Ugh, for a moment
there, I had a flashback to
when we were four, and--no, I'm
not even going to think about
Guile: | Luccia:
That suggests there may be | Perhaps dere is something
another piece to the puzzle. | else ve need to have.
Well, I was thinkin'...
[She pulls out the Astral Amulet. Magus instantly
seizes her wrist.]
This was created in Zeal! Where
did you get it?!
[If Guile is present]
Guile: mean the magical
kingdom that vanished more than
ten thousand years ago? How can
you tell?
This's the royal
arms of Zeal. I... I was...
Damn. DAMN. For a moment, I
could almost remember, but now
it's gone again.
[He shakes his head in frustration.]
(I'd almost feel sorry for
the guy, if he were a little
less of a vicious bastard.)
I don't know about any place
called Zeal. Sis--the woman who
looked after me when I was
small--gave me this. And the
Shaman in Guldove said that it's
got part of what we need to
cross the dimensions.
It has a power, certainly,
although it isn't of a type
that I recognize.
[He lets go of her wrist. Kid rubs her maligned appendage.]
You could at least say you're
sorry for givin' me these
red marks, ya know.
(That guy? Not a chance.
Apologizing would mean
admitting he did something
wrong. Huh? Did she say...?)
Hey, wait a minute--when did
you have a chance to talk to
the Shaman in Guldove?
When we first got there and you
were snorin' yer head off, ya
bloody fool!
Okay, okay. (Man, between her
and Leena...)
Anyway, take it.
[Serge receives the Astral Amulet.]
Guile: | Luccia:
But if this Amulet has only | If dis Amulet has PART of vhat
PART of what we need... | we need, vhere is de odder part?
That would be...Serge.
[Everyone turns to look at poor Serge.]
Well, he's FROM the other world,
ain't he? That makes him a link
between here and there, and
that's what she said we need.
[If the player took any other route through Viper Manor and
Guldove, this happens instead.]
Do you...
have any children?
What kind of question
is that...?
(That's what I'd like to
Children, eh...?
Yeah, I do.
But it may be
more appropriate
to say I did...
I had two children,
but they both died...
That was long, long ago...
If my son were still
alive today...
why, he'd be 'bout
yer age...
I'm sorry...
Don't worry 'bout it, matey.
That was a long time ago.
But...why do ya ask?
I-It's nothing...
I just felt like
asking, that's all...
[If Luccia is in the party]
Your children vere Nikki and
Marcy, vere they not?
How did ya know those names?
Who are you?
My name is Luccia.
Then yer the one who--
[Luccia bows her head]
Yes, I am the vone that
failed to save Zelbess.
(Wait a minute, is she
saying that...!)
And dis young man is--
I don't want ta hear it!
Viper told me you vere a
stubborn fool--
Please, stop it, both of you!
[Fargo and Luccia both turn to look at him.]
It's okay, honestly. It doesn't
matter. I've done without a
father all these years, so why
should I need one now? I just...
wanted to know, and now I do.
I am beginning to vonder if
dere is some scope for a genetic
study here... Very vell, I vill
say nothing further.
[If Luccia is not in the party]
(Huh? I just realized--the
two of them don't really look
alike, but they both have
those really, really blue
eyes... It's kind of weird.)
Well, alright.
Take care of yerself.
And that's all for this time, folks. The remaining part of this chapter
is mostly stuff taking place in Guldove if the player chose not to save
Kid and then went back later. Fortunately, while I've got a batch of
"Member" lines to deal with, it's a lot shorter than this was.