Geh. I think this is the longest single section that I've posted so far, but it would have
been a real mess to break this in the middle. Keeping Razzly's story more-or-less intact
without allowing her to be recruited was surprisingly hard, and I'm really not
sure that I pulled it off successfully (doubly so since I don't think I've ever even
recruited her, making my grasp of her character kind of limited).
Oh, and did I mention that there appear to be
no YouTube videos that cover Water
Dragon Isle
without Razzly in the party? (The campfire scene is there, but that's
it.) So take the stage directions in those bits with a little salt.
There are a lot of double-optional sections here. And I don't think the optional characters
got nearly enough lines. Grrr. On the bright side, Magus only got one line and so wasn't
able to steal the show the way he usually does.
On to Water Dragon Isle - In search of the dragon blue...Recruits: The same as the last couple of chapters, except that players
following the don't-save-Kid path may now have her back--and if they
haven't, I don't think they can get to Home World anyway.
Water Dragon Isle (Home)
Leena: [if present]
This is completely different
from what I remember this
island being like! I guess
this really is another world.
The water is so clear...
[Old Man]
Hoho, it's been a while since I
visited this isle, but its beauty
never fades.
But there's something strange...
I don't see any of the fairies that
usually dance around the pond.
[Old Man]
Oh, pardon me.
There's a small village of
fairies on this isle.
It should be just beyond this pond.
I don't know what brings you to
this isle, but it's best to ask the
fairies to learn about the place.
Leena: | Kid:
I always thought the fairies | D'ya think they'll tell
were just a legend... I | us where we can find the
wonder if they can tell us | dragon?
about the dragon. |
Well, they didn't mention it
the one time I talked to them,
but I didn't ask, either.
[Old Man]
In the meantime, I'll be 'round
here fishing.
This pond is great for fishing.
Water Dragon Isle, Fairy Village (Home)
[If the party rescued Razzly from the Pentapus, she enters the
screen a bit behind everyone else.]
The village...
Fairy-ville is...
W-Why did this...
everyone... No.
No, it can't, it can't be...
Are you okay? Um, sorry--I
guess that's a stupid
question... (I mean, if I
went back to Arni and found
it like this, I'd be freaking
out too...)
You are...the humans I met
in the Hydra Marshes... Did
you do this?!
We only just got here ourselves.
Kid: | Glenn:
Say, those guys with the | Those creatures in the helmets
thimbles on their heads... | don't appear to be fairies.
they aren't fairies, are they? | What are they?
I think they're dwarves from
the Hydra Marshes, but I don't
understand what they're doing
here. I've never heard of anyone
except the fairies living on
this island.
Dwarf Chieftain:
Hmph, just when I thought it was
a rarity to see humans on this
remote isle, you all hi-ho along.
Look at this isle...
It's beautiful, a perfect
fit for our new home!
Too good for these damn fairies.
You humans taught us that the
world is built on the dead bodies
of other species...
Now, hi-ho away with you...
along with the fairies...
to the deeps of the sea!
[The dwarf chieftain walks away into the caves]
(So they're trying to steal
this island from the fairies,
because they can't live in the
marshes anymore.)
Serge: [only if he killed the Hydra]
(Is this...
my fault?)
[If they speak to the blue fairy near the center]
[Blue Fairy]
They killed everyone...
(Damn it, I don't know what
to say! It's... I can't bring
the dead back to life!)
[If Razzly is present, she flutters over]
[Blue Fairy]
It's Razzly...!
You are alright?
Uh-huh, I'm alright.
These humans save me.
...Where is Rosetta?
[Blue Fairy]
The dwarves took her
into the cavern...
Quick, Razzly...
Rosetta needs your help!
My older sister. She told
me not to leave the island,
and I'm fairy sorry now
that I did.
[Kid looks away]
(What's Kid thinking about?)
[Gold Fairy]
Hey, wake up...
Please...answer me.
Why...? Why, oh, why...?
[if Razzly]
You are alive. But, but,
everyone...everyone else is...
Why did everything have to
turn out this way?
(I wish I knew. I thought I
was doing the right thing,
with the Hydra, but now...
I saved Kid, but so many of
the fairies have died...)
Water Dragon Isle Sanctum, Upper (Home)
[This first bit takes place when they first confront the
dwarf chieftain after entering the caves. If Razzly was
saved from the Pentapus, she always enters the screen
from behind, as though she's following the party, just as
each story-conversation begins.]
[if they didn't save Kid, making this the first time
they've met the dwarves]
Dwarf Chieftain:
I will not tolerate any humans
trespassing beyond this point!
Defy me and you will face the
This is the fairies' land,
not yours!
[if they did save Kid and kill the Hydra]
Dwarf Chieftain:
Hmph, I knew you'd come.
Now we must confront you fools
once again...
I suppose this is fate...
This ends now...
With your death!
Die, human scum!!!
(What does he think killing
us is going to solve? It
won't bring the hydra back
to life...
[either way, combat. afterwards...]
[If they didn't kill the Hydra]
Dwarf Chieftain:
Grr... Such strength.
It seems I've underestimated
you humans...
This will not happen a
second time!
[If they did...]
Dwarf Chieftain:
Krr... What strength.
I can not allow our clan
to be defeated here...
Next, the next will be your last!
Come after us, humans.
If you want to save the fairies!
Dwarf Chieftain:
Retreat! Tallruf, Bearduf!
[The dwarves jump off the ledge and into the pool
at the base of the waterfall]
(I'm surprised they're tall
enough not to drown...)
Water Dragon Isle Sanctum, Lower (Home)
[upon reaching the bottom and speaking to the dwarf chieftain]
[If they didn't save Razzly]
Dwarf Chieftain:
Humans helping fairies?
You surprise me!
However, there is no way I can
allow you to leave here alive.
You will pay for not heeding our
warnings...with your death!
(Somehow, after Lynx and the
dragoons and the ghost ship and
all the other ridiculous stuff
that's been going on, this guy
doesn't frighten me very much.)
[I'm skipping the attempt-to-escape lines]
[Combat. When the party wins...]
Dwarf Chieftain:
Grrh, such strength...
Are we to be driven off
our land once again?
Is there no land on this planet
where we can live in peace?
Oh, Goddess of Fate, why are we
dealt such a hand...
Are humans really the greatest
species on this planet?
These heretics of evolution,
these destroyers of
the planet...? Ugh...
Magus: [if present]
"Greatest species on the
planet?" Heh. We're more like
the planet's bastard step-
Guile: [if present]
Being able to destroy a forest
does not make a fire greater
than a tree.
Nikki: [if present]
Not all humans are alike,
you know.
Luccia: | Kid: | Glenn:
Ve should go and speak to | Hey, mate, we've got a | Perhaps we should
de dragon--I cannot vait | dragon to talk to. Let's | find the dragon...
to examine it. | get on with it. |
Leena: | Nikki:
Hey, wait a minute, isn't | I think that's a fairy,
that a fairy over there? | over in the corner. Before
Is she...okay? | we go, we should see if
| she's all right.
I will be fine. The other
fairies, are they alright?
Well, the dwarves do seem
to be gone. I think they've
done as much damage here as
they're going to. (I can't
bring myself to tell her
that most of the other
fairies are dead...)
Kid: | Nikki:
We'll be back to help ya | We came here to talk to
after we've talked to the | the dragon, but we'll be
dragon, okay? Won't be a | back for you when we're
minute. | done. Just try to hold
| yourself together until
| then, okay?
What is happening...
to this island?
[If they did save Razzly]
Dwarf Chieftain:
So, you've made it this far,
but you will not find us so easy
to defeat!
We will settle our scores here
by avenging the extinct Hydra
and our dying homeland
with your death!
(I don't see why he thinks he's
going to do any better this time
than he did the last one, but...
I hate that this really is all
our fault...)
[Combat. When the party wins...]
Dwarf Chieftain:
Grrh, such strength...
Are we to be driven off
our land once again?
Is there no land on this planet
where we can live in peace?
Oh, Goddess of Fate, why are we
dealt such a hand...
You're being fairy silly. Why
don't you go home? The baby
hydra in the marshes needs
someone to look after it.
Um, wait a minute. Baby
hydra? There was a little
one there too?
You left too soon, but I saw
it: the baby hydra crawling out
of its mother's body. It was
alive then, but I don't know
how long it will last--it's
fairy young and fairy alone.
Dwarf Chieftain:
A Hydra whelp!?
There is still hope
left in that forest...
Dwarf Chieftain:
Still, you killed the Hydra.
Nothing you do can change that.
But passed time will not return.
We, too, cannot advance
forward, trapped by our past.
(No, we can't undo the killing.
I thought I was doing it for the
right reasons...)
[Serge turns his head and looks at Kid]
(I guess I still do. I don't
want to lose her. Not for
anything. We've been through
so much together...)
Dwarf Chieftain:
We will return to the
forest once again.
Farewell, humans.
We, too, have sinned.
For this sin, we must make
ammends for the rest of our
Dwarf Chieftain:
Some day...let us hope that we
children of the planet can live
together in peace...
(Right now, the idea of things
going back to being peaceful
again seems like such a far-off
[In the meanwhile, Razzly has fluttered over to where Rosetta
is lying on the floor...]
[If they got here quickly enough]
That's her sister?
Poor thing...
...Ooo, is that you,
You were alright...
Yes, yes...
It's me, sis.
...It's Razzly.
I've finally made it home.
the village, everyone's...
Why are there...humans
on this island?
Razzly, did these people
bring you back here?
Yes, they found me
in the forest. If it wasn't
for them, I would've been...
So, these people saved you...
Ow, agh...
!? Sis, it's alright!
Please, hold on to yourself.
I'll be here with you...
Do you...need any help?
That's fairy nice of you,
but I think we'll be all
right. Go talk to the
dragon--that's what you
came here for, isn't it?
And thank you. I couldn't
have fought the dwarves by
myself, so if it wasn't for
you, I wouldn't have made
it down here.
[If they were too slow and Rosetta is dead]
No, no...
This can't be! Rosetta!
Answer me, please!!!
Damn, if only we'd gotten
here a little bit quicker!
Water Dragon Isle Sanctum, Dragon's Room (Home)
[I've made minor corrections here and there to the Water Dragon's
speech without marking them. Isn't there a single game translator
who understands how to use the second person singular?]
[As the party moves a few steps forward into the room--]
[Water Dragon]
Welcome, son of man
Now, come to me
(Oh, great, now I'm hearing
voices... I hope there really
is a dragon here somewhere, or
I'm going to have to go back
to Guldove and have Doc examine
my head...)
[when they reach the water's edge]
Water Dragon:
...Thou need'st not explain.
I know already what thou
seekest here.
(It reads minds?!)
Water Dragon:
There is naught to be
surprised about.
Water Dragon:
It is but a trifle for we
'"Sleeping Dragons,"' who have
dwelt upon this land for ages...
(I don't think I like this.
I hope we won't need to be
here long.)
Water Dragon:
Mount Pyre, the land thou
seekest, is home to the
'"Fire Dragon."'
Unless thou dost quench his red
blazes, it will prove a
difficult journey.
Water Dragon:
Take this, son of man.
My breath can freeze even
boiling lava...
Member has been bestowed the
Ice Breath.
Thank you.
Water Dragon:
Take my subordinate as well...
It shall be useful in holding back
the Fire Dragon of Mount Pyre...
Member has been bestowed the
(An element? Well, whatever.
It looks a bit odd, though.
Do we even have anyone who
can use it?)
[As the party turns to leave, the screen fades to
black, and on it, the following text appears]
Wilt thou change this world...
Or wilt thou change thyself?
Wilt thou live on with
thy mother planet...
Or wilt thou turn thy back on the
planet and tread another path?
Water Dragon Isle, Fairy Village (Home)
[When the picture fades back in, we are outside again]
They said that they
'"were chased out of the
forest by the humans."'
And they drifted
down to our island...
so the humans are to blame!!!
I'm sorry that all this
happened, but--
Because of you humans, our village,
our friends have been made victims!!!
Why can't humans live in harmony
with nature? Why do you continue
to act the way you do?
Don't you see what the outcome of
your choices will be in the future!?
(Sigh. I could talk myself
hoarse, but I don't think they
would listen--they can't hear
anything except their own
feelings right now. I remember
being kind of the same way
after Dad disappeared.)
[If Razzly is present, she's hovering near Serge and co.]
Razzly, you're a fairy--
what are you doing with
those humans?
These humans helped me.
They saved my life! Not
all humans are bad.
They're murderers! If it
weren't for the humans,
everyone would still be
That's silly! The humans
didn't tell the dwarves to
come here, and the dwarves
didn't have to kill anyone!
There's a lot of space here
on this island--they could
have just asked for some of
How can you side with THEM?!
(This is getting ugly... We
should get out of here before
we stir things up any more...
but would looking like we're
running away make things
worse? Argh!)
[A mob of fairies is forming on the crescent island.]
We need to get rid of them
before they do any more damage!
(If they actually did try
to fight us, it would be
a joke--they're not strong
enough to beat up a five-
year-old...but I don't want
to hurt them!)
[Razzly positions herself between the other fairies and the humans,
with her arms spread.]
Don't do this!
Move, Razzly!
I won't!
Then we'll go through you!
C'mon, mates! We have to
do somethin'!
[The party pulls out their weapons.]
[If Rosetta is still alive--]
Stop, all of you, please!
You, too Rosetta?
The humans did drive the dwarves
away. The least we can do is let
them leave here in peace.
[Razzly lowers her arms.]
Them...and me.
All the time I was trapped in
that swamp, I wanted so badly
to see all of you, but I can't
stay here with things the way
they are now. It would just
mean more fighting.
You're crazy! After what
happened to you, you're going
to leave again?!
I'll be sad to see you leave
again, but I understand why
you feel you can't stay. Still,
remember that this is your
home. If you come back, I'll
welcome you even if no one
else does.
Sis... (Sniff)
But everyone still has to
agree to let Serge and the
others go.
Oh, fairy well, we'll let
your precious humans leave,
but they'd better never come
back. We never want to see
any of them again, or the
dwarves either! If more of
us die, then... Then...
Kid, are you okay?
[Kid staggers and faints. The screen fades out as the rest of the party
converges on her.]
[If Rosetta didn't make it--]
Please, no!
[The fairy mob charges forward, and it looks for a moment like something
nasty is going to happen, but Serge drops his swallow, grabs Razzly,
and pulls her out of the way.]
Get off our island!
And take that traitor
with you!
Let's go. There's nothing
we can do here except
make things worse.
I'm not saying you need to
come with us! (This is her
home, after all.)
No, I think I should leave.
Things are fairy bad here
already, and I don't want
to make them worse. So many
hurt... So many dead...
[Kid collapses]
[The screen fades out as he moves toward her.]
[If Razzly is not present]
Rosetta: [if present]
A very sad tragedy, triggered
by the acts of humans.
We have lost so many of our
people and loved ones.
Although our village has been
saved, no one here thinks
kindly of man...
I am extremely sorry,
but please leave the island
as soon as you can...
Yes, get out of here before
we have to make you!
[At this point, Kid faints]
Campfire, unspecified location
[This scene takes place if Kid is in the group, and regardless
of whether or not Razzly is alive (unlike in CC, where this
scene didn't trigger if Razzly had been rescued)]
[FMV: the burning of the orphanage]
[Kid wakes up and looks around]
...Where am I?
I fainted, eh?
[She pulls out the Astral Amulet and looks at it. On the
other side of the fire, Serge stirs.]
Oh, good--you're okay. I was
kind of worried. Fainting just
isn't like you. I didn't expect
you to snap out of it in the
middle of the night, though.
Did I wake you up?
I had a bad dream.
It happens to everyone. (I've
been having a few of my own
since this mess started.)
Seein' that fairy's eyes
filled with tears over
losin' her friends...
That must've triggered
memories of me own past.
[Serge walks over to sit with her by the fire]
Was it...that bad? (Argh, that
sounds stupid, but I don't want
her to clam up! This is the
first time she's offered to talk
about her past.)
I was an orphan...
I was abandoned
when I was a baby...
There was someone who took
me in and raised me as if I
were her own little sister...
I'm alive here today
thanks to her.
There were a lot of others
like me at Sis's place,
she was always makin'
strange stuff...
We didn't have money,
but we were all happy.
Up until that Lynx bastard...
came and shattered our
happiness to pieces!
Lynx raided our house,
burned it down, and
kidnapped Sis!
never came back...
Since then, I've wandered
the world and experienced so
much pain, just to get by...
No one was there to help me.
I was always alone.
If you ask me, the idea of
guardian angels watchin'
over us all the time...
that's a load of rubbish.
(So THAT'S why Kid's hunting
Lynx. That part makes sense
now...but it gives me more
questions, too. Why did Lynx
attack an orphanage? Was Kid's
"Sis" important to him somehow?
It can't have been just because
she was looking after a bunch
of random kids...
Hmm... "Always makin' strange
stuff"... Could "Sis" have been
a researcher or something? But
that almost makes it more
mysterious... What did she
create that Lynx wanted?)
[Kid stands up]
In this world, the underhanded
always gets the last laugh.
Only the ones who don't think
anything of hurtin' others
are the ones who get blood-
stained fortunes.
The ones who kill,
the ones who devour,
they're the ones who survive.
That's the only rule
of this world.
The great species of mankind...
our wonderful world,
filled with love and happiness...
Don't make me laugh!
(Well, people are people...
Some are good and some are
bad... but I don't think she
wants to hear that right now.
Just like the fairies COULDN'T
listen to us, because they
were hurting too much.
...I don't think I should try
to hug her, either, even if I
kind of want to.)
But if that's how it is,
that's fine with me.
As long as I'm alive,
there ain't no goin' back.
I'll abide by this world's
rules, and do what I gotta
do, despite the rotten hand
of cards I've been dealt!
(Yeah, that's more like the
Kid I thought I knew.)
I'll make sure that bloody
bastard pays for what he's
I will get even...!
No matter what it takes!!!
And we'll help. (Even if I
didn't want to strangle some
answers out of the bastard,
seeing her in that kind of
pain... It hurts me, too.)
[Pan up and away from the campfire to the moons, then the
screen fades out.]
Water Dragon Isle (Home)
[If Razzly is still alive, she's waiting for them near
where the boatman should be.]
Razzly, right? Figured you'd
be gone already.
I didn't want to leave without
saying good-bye to all of you--
that would have been fairy rude!
So, um, where are you going to
I think...back to the Hydra
(I can't come right out and ask
her if she's crazy--that WOULD
be "fairy rude"--but I want to.)
I want to help look after the
baby hydra. And the dwarves...
maybe I can make things a little
better between us and them. I
think it's worth a try, anyway.
Heh. Guess you've got more
patience than me. If I were
you, those guys would be on
their way to the moons already.
Anyway, good-bye and good luck.
Thank you, and if any of you
are ever near there again, it
would be fairy nice if you
said hello!
[Razzly flies away, and the party looks around.]
Guile: | Nikki: | Kid:
It appears that our | Isn't the boatman | Where's the old guy
transportation has | supposed to be | got to? Does he expect
vanished. | waiting for us here? | us to swim back?
Leena: | Serge:
We are kind of late... | He may have given up on us
Maybe he went back to | because we're so late. (If I
Arni. | really have to, I guess I can
| swim as far as Opassa--I've
| heard of people doing it before,
| on dares.)
[Old Man]
I figured you'd be coming
back, so I set the boat out.
Are you all safe?
We're fine--we were just a
little surprised that you
weren't here when we arrived.
[Old Man]
Oh, many pardons.
It didn't look like you'd be coming
back before sunset, and I had to
return before it got dark.
Well, since you made it back here,
I guess you did what you needed to do?
...But you guys look a little gloomy
for it to have gone well...
Maybe someday I'll tell you
the story. Right now I've...
got stuff to think about.
(And it'll be easier to
explain all this when it's
over with and there aren't
any more surprises left.)
[Old Man]
No second thoughts?
Then let's head back to the village.
The remainder of this chapter is about half as long as this and mostly involves confronting the
Dragoons on Mount Pyre. Then we get to the really interesting bit: re-writing the body-switch
scene, which is going to differ quite a bit if Magus is present. No, I still haven't gotten
around to that diagram. (Sigh)