Whoo, boy. This was one of the longest chapters yet, and the fact that the
first five dragons can be visited in any order just adds to the complexity.
The other thing that took forever was due to having nearly maxed out the
number of recruits present: for every "Member" line I came across, I had
to either provide a dozen alternatives or substitute/backstop with Serge.
23. To the Sea of Eden - Through the hidden holes in time... Part I Max recruits: Lynx-Serge, Magus, Sprigg, Radius, Norris, Skelly,
Guile OR (Glenn and Nikki), Karsh, ZOAH, Marcy, Fargo, Starky, Grobyc,
Luccia, Dario.
Recruitable: Leena will become available again at the
end of the chapter, when Serge returns to his proper form.
I've decided that Orlha will not be recruitable; however, I
am going to treat her like Razzly and tell her story without
making her a PC, rather than writing her out completely.
[Note: This chapter could be said to come in seven parallel
chunks. I've ordered it as blue-yellow-red-green-black-white-other,
and only included the version of the Black Relic's retrieval which
occurs if the player chooses NOT to complete the Save Marbule quest.
The sidequest itself will be posted separately, 'cause it's quite long.
Also, I've made corrections to the dragons' pseudo-Elizabeathan
grammar without marking them again.]
Water Dragon Isle, Cave (Home)
[After defeating the Sidesteppa just outside the Water Dragon's
Guile: | Marcy: | Zoah:
What is it, | You got, like, | WHY ARE WE
Serge? | some kind of | STOPPING
| problem? | HERE?
Norris: | Starky: | Glenn:
Is something | Serge stopped. | Serge, are
wrong, sir? | What is insiide? | you well?
| Staarky wants to | Are we in
| knooow. | danger?
Karsh: | Luccia: | Skelly:
What're we | Dis opening is | Chin up, Serge!
standin' here | unnatural. Is | That dragon can't
for?! Get on | de dragon beyond? | be hungry enough
with it! | | to eat us!
Nikki: | Sprigg: | Magus:
The music | You gettin' | The pressure of magic from
coming from | cold feet all of | the other side of that
that room's | a sudden? That'z | doorway is immense. Is this
kinda funky. | not like you. | the Water Dragon?
What's up? | |
Just pulling myself together.
The dragon should be on the
other side of that door, and
I want to make sure I'm ready.
(Except that I don't see how I
can be! But I guess I've got
to go forward anyway.)
Water Dragon Isle, Shrine (Home)
[When Serge reaches the end of the raised platform, the
dragon is already there]
Water Dragon:
The time has come...
My powers I shall grant
to the ones who seek to break
the eternal chains of fate.
(I don't quite know how to tell
it that the "chains of fate"
have nothing to do with this!
I just want my body back, Kid
safe, and Lynx not able to do
...whatever it is he's trying
to do!)
Water Dragon:
What is it thou seekest?
~~~The Dragon God's blessing | ~~~I seek nothing
Water Dragon: | [Scene ends]
Dost thou need the powers of
the Sleeping Dragons to cross
the Dead Sea?
Dost thou seek to break the
chains of fate?
A son of man to challenge
the Goddess of Fate?
Then confront my trials.
(Sigh. I don't suppose screaming
would be very useful, but it
might make me feel better.)
[Combat. When the party wins...]
Water Dragon:
...Well done, son of man.
Thy strength is worthy of
my powers.
Take with thee my prayers...
[A blue glow appears and drifts into Serge's hands.]
[Member] has been bestowed the
(So this is what we came here
for? Doesn't look like much.)
Water Dragon:
I too shall watch over thy Fate,
how thou dost struggle to live,
and how thou facest death...
(Why are these dragons all so
interested in how I go about
facing death? Do they just not
understand death, because
they're immortal? I'd ask, but
I don't want to have to fight
it again...)
Earth Dragon Isle (Home)
[Upon first arriving at the island and speaking to the guy
standing up on the ledge/hill/bluff thing with the best
view of the sandpit/entrance.]
We've searched every square inch
of this surface but found nothing...
There has to be something...!
The only possible entrance I can
think of is this sand boil hole,
but once you go in, you get shot
right back out.
The only place left is the quicksand...
Okay, I know that quicksand is
dangerous, but should that
really stop you from doing
what you came here for?
I've lost quite a number of
men to quicksand in my past
I still can't get over the fear...
You're pretty much a goner
once you set foot in that stuff...
(Ulp! I'm sorry I
said anything!)
[As they approach the quicksand]
Hey, guys!
That's quicksand over there!
Step in there and you'll never
see the light of day again!
(I wish we didn't have to, but
the dragon has to be around here
somewhere, and, well, there's
nowhere else to look!)
[after they're sucked in]
What are they, crazy!?
I warned them, too!
Dammit... Damn amateurs...!
[Upon landing inside the cave]
(So the dragon's got to be
around here somewhere, but
it looks like the way forward
is blocked by that boulder
over by the far wall...)
[When they emerge via the sand boil, the captain
walks over to them and addresses them]
Are you guys alright!?
I thought you were
goners for sure!
(I don't want to embarass him
by telling him that the worst
that happened was me getting
sand down the back of my
shirt...) There's a cave complex
down there. I don't know just
how big it is, because the
exit from the first room was
blocked off.
So the quicksand is the entrance,
and the sand boil is the exit...
Now why couldn't I figure that out?
So there was something blocking
a pathway, you say?
OK, let us take care of it.
It may take some time, though.
Let's see, now... I need to
assign some men to investigate and
prepare explosives to move that rock...
Would you mind coming back in
a little while? We have some
preparations to do.
But thanks a lot for your help.
And thank you for yours. (I hope
he hurries up. I want to get at
that dragon and get this over
[At this point, the party must leave the area, then
return, in order for the Explosive to be ready. If they
speak to the captain when they return, we get...]
Our investigation is
finally under way.
Thanks to you, of course.
You're welcome.
And we were also able to move
that thing you were worried about.
All it took was some explosives
to clear the path.
Oh, good. (One less thing
between us and the dragon.)
...This is totally off the subject,
but have you heard of a raw
material called '"rainbow?"'
It's a fossil of a rainbow shell,
which used to exist long, long ago.
It's a very rare item these days.
I can't thank you enough for getting
our investigation started.
Here, take this rainbow as a
token of my appreciation.
(Hmmm... It doesn't look like a
shell at all--more like metal.
And it's heavy. Weird.)
I've heard that by combining rainbows
with certain materials, you can forge
high quality weapons and armor...
But it takes a skilled hand and
special tools to accomplish.
That just goes to show how difficult
it is to handle rainbows.
[Member] received
(A really good smith who has
special tools... Maybe I should
try talking to Zappa--he's
probably the best smith in
El Nido.)
Earth Dragon Isle, Cavern (Home)
[If they try to move the rock without the explosive]
It won't budge...
No use staying here.
Karsh: | Zoah: | Luccia: | Serge:
WHAAAT?! It | A ROCK AS LARGE | Ve vill need | It's big...
can't be | AS LYNX'S EGO. | explosives or | I don't think
THAT heavy! | WE CAN'T MOVE THIS. | equipment to | we can move it.
| | move dis. |
We need help. Maybe we should
go back up and talk to those
guys who were poking around
looking for the way in...?
[If they speak to the guy who appears in front of the
entrance to the second cavern area after they alert
the captain to the existence of the cavern...]
You see that monster over there,
sitting as still as a rock?
It's called a '"Rockroach."'
It won't attack you as long
as you don't approach it.
It's pretty much harmless.
(Okay, it does look like a
rock...and I guess I get the
"roach" part too, although I
think I'd be happier if I
didn't. But I've never seen one
anywhere else, so how does he
know what it's called?)
But I tell ya, that thing
must weigh a ton.
Our explosives have just barely
enough power to blow it away.
By the way, I was the one who
blasted that one, and it was
actually my special explosives
that did the trick!
(I guess he really
enjoys his work.)
Hey, why don't I give you
some of my explosives?
They really pack a punch!
I'm sure they'll come in handy.
~~~Sure, I'll take some | ~~~No, too dangerous to handle
Oh, there's one thing | Serge:
I have to warn you about. | (I mean, I'm a fisherman--what
You can only blast the ones | do I know about explosives?!)
that are just sitting there. |
Not any that are moving about or | [Explorer]
coming towards you to attack. | Oh... Oh well...
| But come back anytime if
Serge: | you really need them.
I guess that makes sense. (I | I have plenty, you know!
mean, I'd feel kind of silly |
going, "Here, roachie, roachie, | [scene ends]
roachie! Now stand still for a |
moment so that I can tie this
to your leg..." Not even a
roach could possibly be that
But hey, I guarantee you'll
have a blast with these, heh heh!
Oh, and stay clear of the
shockwaves from the blast.
Here you go.
Put them to good use.
Member received
Shockwaves. Right. (Ulp!)
Earth Dragon Isle, Earth Shrine (Home)
[The characters approach the little balcony-thing above the
dragon's sandpit.]
Magus: | Marcy: | Glenn:
A dead end...? Hmph. | So, like, where's | I see no dragon here...
There's magic here, | the dragon? This | and no exit, unless we
but the traces, though | just looks like | are to attempt to climb
strong, are not at all | a dead end. | the far wall.
recent. | |
Luccia: | Radius: | Norris:
Dis chamber is a | A dead end...? | A dead end? That feels...
geological oddity, but | And yet, all the | rather anticlimactic.
I see no reason to | stories I have | Where could this dragon
t'ink it is a dragon's | heard suggest the | be hiding, if not in
nest, and not a simple | Earth Dragon | these caves?
dead end. | lives here... |
Fargo: | Grobyc: | Starky:
Arr... 'Tis a dead | Grobyc-does-not- | Staarky seeees only a
end, maties! But why? | see-a-dragon... | dead end.
| or-an-exit. |
Karsh: | Zoah: | Skelly:
Just a dead end?! | THIS SEEMS TO BE | This is just a dead
Where's that damned | A SIMPLE DEAD | end...and no bones
dragon hiding?! | END. | about it!
[Member2 moves forward, kneels to look into the sandpit, then
stands up and surveys the room.]
Sprigg: | Guile: | Nikki:
Despite all the magic | I see no evidence | Looks like just another
rezidue that's cloggin' | of dragonian ruins | cave to me... You'd think
this place, it lookz | here... Is this | that if the dragon had
like it'z just a | merely a cave? | been here, there would
natural cave. | | be some neat vibes!
Dario: | Skelly: | Zoah:
If the dragon was ever | I've nevah seen a | THERE ARE NO SIGNS THAT
here, it has left no | dragon, but I bet | THE DRAGON WAS EVER HERE,
sign. | it doesn't look | NOR ANY DRAGONIAN RUINS.
| like a sandpile! |
Starky: | Grobyc: | Fargo:
Staarky doesn't think | Grobyc-thinks-this- | Well, mateys, I see no
the dragon was ever | is-just-a-cave. | sign that anyone's ever
heeere. | | been here before us!
Norris: | Radius: | Luccia:
If either the dragon or | Legends say the | Dis cave is in no vay
the dragonians were | dragons occupy | different from de odders
ever here, they left no | dragonian ruins... | ve have passed t'rough.
indication of their | I see none of those | I t'ink dere is no dragon.
presence. | here. |
(Sigh) I guess that means we're
just wasting time. Let's go look
somewhere else.
[Suddenly, the screen darkens and the dragon speaks]
[Earth Dragon]
Thou who art bound by fate.
What powers dost thou seek?
(Whoa... What the...?!)
[The party looks around, searching for the source of the voice.]
(At least I'm not hearing voices
again--it's pretty obvious that
this time, everyone else heard
it too!)
[When they finally look up, the dragon does a belly-flop into
the sand. They must speak to it to continue the scene.]
Earth Dragon:
The time hath come.
My powers I shall grant
to the ones who seek to break
the eternal chains of fate.
[Incidentally, if it looks like the Earth Dragon's lines are an awful
lot like the Water Dragon's...that's 'cause they're word-for-word
identical. Apparently someone ran out of ideas.]
Earth Dragon:
What is it thou seekest?
~~~The Dragon God's blessing | ~~~I seek nothing
Earth Dragon: | [scene ends]
Dost thou need the powers of
the sleeping dragons to cross
the Dead Sea?
Dost thou seek to break the
chains of fate?
A son of man to challenge
the Goddess of Fate?
Then confront my trials.
Trials? Wha--?
[The Earth Dragon throws back its head and roars. Combat.
When the party wins...]
(Why does it seem like everytime
I turn around these days, I have
to fight something the size of
my house?! I mean, just for
once, can't something challenge
me to a game of checkers
Earth Dragon:
Well done, son of man.
Thy strength is worthy of my
Take with thee my prayers.
[A ball of yellow light forms in midair and drifts slowly
down toward Serge.]
[Member] has been bestowed
the Yellow Relic.
Earth Dragon:
I too shall watch over thy fate,
how thou dost struggle to live
and how thou facest death...
(There it is again--that thing
about how I'm going to die...)
Let's get out of here.
Mount Pyre (Another)
[As the party nears the place where Salamander is stuck in
the ground, the chibi version of the Fire Dragon approaches
them from the right.]
Fire Dragon:
Hey, hey, lad!
So we meet again!
You look a bit different,
but I know it's you!
C'mon, challenge me again!
Whaddaya say!?
If you beat me, I'll give
you the Dragon Relic and
my pet Salamander.
Um... Wait a second, here. Are
you saying that you're the Fire
Fire Dragon:
That's right, lad--don't I
look the part?
I was kind of expecting
[Serge looks at where Salamander's head is sticking
out of the ground.]
Fire Dragon:
Were you, now?
Well, I CAN do bigger.
Here, let me show you.
[Combat. When the party wins...]
Fire Dragon:
We'll meet again.
Or to put it another way,
I hope you return for a
rematch before-- No, I
shouldn't really talk
about that.
[Member] received the
Red Relic.
(Huh? Shouldn't really
talk about what?)
Hydra Marshes, Western Ledge (Home)
[The Beeba is sitting out in the open, waiting. The conversation
begins automatically as the party approaches.]
BubbaBeeba: [if they got the flute in Another]
How did you get that flute...?
It beeba handed down in Beeba family...
That beeba mine, too.........!!!
BubbaBeeba: [If they got it during the Rescue Kid sequence]
Why you beeba-live?
What happened to Wingapede!?
What's your problem?
It brings shame to Beeba family
if we always beeba defeated.
Time for bee-venge!
(I had to ask...)
[Combat. When the party wins, the beeba collapses into a
sitting position.]
I beeba-ry sorry!
Here! I give you this!
Please forgive beeba!
This beeba Ancient Fruit
found in Ancient Ground.
You will beeba-ble to tame
Wingapede with this.
Ancient Ground?
The legendary '"Ancient Ground"'
of us Beebas. You know it as
'"Gaea's Navel."'
It beeba a remote island surrounded
by cliffs, in the sea of El Nido.
It beeba a mystical place where
a '"Primeval Forest"' may still exist.
(Gaea's Navel... The one place
in El Nido where no human has
ever been. Could there be a
dragon there...?)
Thanks. So how do we use this
"Ancient Fruit"?
All you have to do now is
blow the Beeba Flute.
That beeba the truth.
If you blow the flute further
down the branch where my friend
beeba standing, you will beeba-ble
to ride Wingapede to Ancient Ground.
(I just hope we can trust him.)
[The beeba approaches Serge and hands over an
Ancient Fruit.]
I wish you the beebesta luck.
Uh, right. You...beeba well,
okay? (I can't believe I
just said that.)
[If they speak to it again...]
You and me beeba comrades.
If there's anything you want to
know, don't beeba-fraid to ask.
~~~What's Ancient Ground? | ~~~What's the Ancient Fruit?
BubbaBeeba: | BubbaBeeba:
The legendary '"Ancient Ground"' | With the flute alone, even
of us Beebas. You know it as | we Beebas will get attacked.
'"Gaea's Navel."' | You need '"Ancient Fruit."'
It beeba a remote island surrounded | We Beebas grow this fruit.
by cliffs, in the sea of El Nido. | It beeba big, but so is Wingapede.
It beeba a mystical place where |
a '"Primeval Forest"' may still exist. | Serge:
| (So giving us the flute without
BubbaBeeba: | the fruit was...some kind of
That beeba what elder said long ago. | Beeba prank? Urgh...)
I've never beenba to Ancient Ground. |
I like it here. | BubbaBeeba:
| You can tame Wingapede with
Serge: | just one bite of the fruit.
(He likes living in the middle of a | So you just need 1 for round trip.
toxic swamp? Well, I guess there's |
no accounting for taste!) | Serge:
| (Wait a sec... If the Wingapede
| eats one of those in two bites...
| that's a pretty big bite!)
~~~What's a Wingapede? | ~~~No, that's OK
BubbaBeeba: | [conversation ends]
It beeba a big bug. |
I think you fought it before. |
It likes to fly in this forest. |
Wingapede fly from Ancient |
Ground to this forest. |
Ride Wingapede and you will beeba |
able to go to Ancient Ground. |
(Flying around on a giant bug...
Whatever. If I have to do it,
then I'll do it.)
You need both Beeba Flute
and Ancient Fruit to call
Wingapede safely.
My friend beeba on branch
further down. Blow flute there
and Wingapede will come flying.
Then, you can ride Wingapede.
Let me know when you run out.
I have lots of fruit.
Don't beeba-fraid to ask.
Tomorrow, we'll finish up the Green Dragon, visit the Black and
White ones, and then drop in on Guldove...